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Twilight goes down with a sickness known as Hornflu a week before Winter Wrap Up, and is left in the care of Fluttershy. There, she is quarantined until the diesease dies off. However, both are harboring secret feelings towards the other that just refuse to be known. What will come of this and, worse, their unexpected fate?
Image is by KP-ShadowSquirrel from Da. Used with his permission.

Chapters (8)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash walk past Fluttershy one bright summer afternoon, and Fluttershy notices Twilight has her wing around Rainbow Dash. Why is she doing that? Is there something between the two mares that Fluttershy doesn't know about?

Edited By Quick Wit.

This is my first fic, and constructive criticism is appreciated.


Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash needs help with a problem. It's the day before Hearth's Warming Eve, and she still doesn't have a gift for one of her friends. But for this particular friend it can't be any old gift, no. This gift is for Twilight Sparkle; Student of Princess Celestia, Element of Magic, and Rainbow's crush.

Happy Hearths' Warming to everyone. I hope you enjoy this special I threw together for the festive season.

Chapters (1)

Applejack teaches her little sister an age-old family craft: how to knock an annoying and sleeping pegasus out of your apple tree.

This is a gift for a good friend of mine, Nobody47.

Chapters (1)

A lone vampire bat sneaks through the mirror portal and ends up in the human world. Instead of apples, it now craves something far richer. And unfortunately for Sunset Shimmer, she's its next snack.

Sunset can't remember any of her activities past sundown. The light hurts not just her eyes, but burns her skin. And she's thirsty.

So very thirsty.

It's up to the Rainbooms to save Sunset from herself before she drinks the whole city dry. Too bad Twilight Sparkle is her primary target.

Thanks to Saro0fd3monz for the inspiration!

Edited by DrakeyC and HenryAnthonyCourtler

Now with a TVTropes page!

Now with a French translation!

Chapters (10)

The stresses of being Equestria's newest Princess are starting to catch up with poor Twilight Sparkle. Recently she's barely even gotten to spend time with her friends! It's just meeting after meeting with snobby nobles and arrogant diplomats.

She needs a vacation. A place to get away where nopony can bug her for a few days. And she knows just where to go, to visit her friends in the mirror world!

But how will she react when she arrives to meet... Twilight Sparkle? And she's kissing Rainbow Dash?! WHAT IN THE HAY IS GOING ON?!

My entry for the Twidash Group's Third Twidash Contest.

Picture for coverart by The-Butch-X

Chapters (4)

It’s been two weeks since Princess Twilight Sparkle got her wings. She's already learned the basics of flying, so what more does she need to know? Her studies with the princess have to take priority over everything else, so why should she need to keep practicing flying? Rainbow Dash doesn’t seem to agree with that, and in order to prove to Twilight that flying is more than just ‘flapping your wings’, she’s going to show her just how important it really is.

Cowrote with Moonlit Sparkle. Edited by Deputy Duck and Lunatone. Loosely based on Disney's A Whole new World song from Aladdin. Idea for the story came from an old conversation with Krazy Stargazer a few months ago.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been sent to a dangerous world of Skyrim, in her human form. Together with her friend, the Dovahkiin, both will try and survive as they find more adventures while looking for a way to defeat Alduin. And return Twilight to her homeworld.:pinkiegasp:

Join them as they meet other people and companions, as they discover legends and stories. Visit wonderful places all over Skyrim.:trixieshiftright:

Follow them as they pick a side in Skyrim's civil war between the Empire and the rebel Stormcloaks.:pinkiecrazy:

Twilight art Disclaimer.:twilightblush:

I did some editing of some sort, but the Twilight pony is not my work.:twilightsmile:

Minor gore(no intestines are going to emerge.) and no actual sex scenes. No boom boom babies.

Apologies, this fic has not been edited. Please be nice.:pinkiesmile:

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle is lonely and is determined to change that.

She’s had her eyes on Rainbow Dash for a while, but she doesn’t know how to truly express her feelings. No books were able to properly explain how to cope with her feelings of love, leaving her frustrated and confused. She has tried dropping subtle hints here and there, but Rainbow is oblivious to her advances and Twilight is too nervous to spill her heart out to her.

So she waits, spending many months devising a way to get Rainbow to see her more than just a good friend. Given a set of perfect circumstances, Twilight is finally able to put her plan into action. Now, Twilight might finally be able to see if she can turn her friendship with Rainbow into something wonderful.

Edited by Rated Ponystar and Alcatraz

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash, on one of her usual visits to the library in pursuit of Daring Doo's adventures, is rather surprised by a series of sounds coming from Twilight's basement; finding one of her books to be quite disturbing, she decides to investigate. In doing so, she finds herself confronted by what appears to her to be a terrifying secret.

My first ponyfic. Please keep in mind that I don't speak English as my first language; neither do I have the slightest fluency in Latin. Feel free to correct my mistakes and help mend defects in my economy of style.

The second half of the story has been involuntarily rewritten, so I apologise if it seems rushed in places.

Chapters (2)