• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 5 1142 stories
  • Season 5 1142 stories - 4140 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 5 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - September, 2015
Found 1,042 stories in 79ms

Total Words: 10,971,926
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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How far will a disgraced unicorn go in order to get back at her enemies?

This was a question posed to Starlight immediately after being run out of the town she once called home. Now abandoned, she must lick her wounds, re-establish herself in a new city, and prepare a plan.

A plan that will put her in direct conflict with the Equestrian monarchy and six of the kingdom's greatest heroes.

Her goal is simple. She just wants to get revenge against Princess Twilight Sparkle.

This is my take on what happened to Starlight Glimmer over the course of season 5, between the premiere and finale.

It was inspired by the few cameos appearances she had over the course of the season.

Chapters (7)

Long ago, Duchess Starlight Glimmer used her magic to take away the cutiemarks of many ponies to make her own world of equality. Using the power of the cutiemarks, she fueled her own form of Lust.
In her world, lived a stallion named Sunburst. He was her childhood friend who had to leave her in order to pursue his magic studies cased by his cutiemark.
In a castle not far away, lived a mare named Twilight Sparkle. Due to the loss of her friend, Sunburst, she visited Starlight and ended her and her Lust.

Chapters (1)

It's the day! Finally she has her cutie mark! But then... Why is she so upset? When she looks out into the dark she realises something, something that will crush her. She screams her pain to the night and somepony finds her... Will she be enough to ease her worries? Why is Scootaloo so cut off? Why does she sit there for hours after the sun has set to just look into the dark? Why tell her secrets to a stranger instead of her 'sister'?

Because a stranger won't lie...

Chapters (3)

"They are NOT my friends! They are my classmates, my pupils, my peers. Better yet, my classhates! Nopony worthy of anything except education! Make the world a better place, will ya?!" These were the words spoken by a subconscious Moondancer.

Before she had a visit from the Princess of Friendship, another royal pony paid her a visit. Due to reoccurring nightmares and an inability to admit her fears and concerns, Moondancer has grown to be grumpy and introverted. Can Princess Luna point her in the direction she needs to be in?

Takes place before season 5.

Chapters (1)

Takes place during and directly after the wasteland scene in the season five finale. Rather than Starlight taking them to her past, the map instead takes the three to one final future. In this future, Starlight Glimmer has won. All of Equestria has succumbed to her vision of equality. So why does she hate it so much?

Twilight, Spike and Starlight need to get back to their Equestria. To do so they must join forces to battle a new Starlight Glimmer. Starlight begins to see things another way, and realises that she may have been wrong all along.

Chapters (1)

It's been a few weeks since Starlight Glimmer nearly destroyed all of time and space, and she hasn't gone outside since. At least, not until she receives an invitation from Princess Celestia to meet for tea. This can't be good.

Thanks to Haze and Monokeras for pre-reading.
Cover art by Amber Spark!

Chapters (1)

Griffonstone is in a bad way. After an attack by a horrifying beast reveals cracks in the city's facade, a darkly amusing series of events are put into motion that will lead to the city's inevitable ruination. When the beleaguered General Gruff is reassigned to stop the monster menace, he'll realize an incompetent king is the least of his problems. Join Grandpa Gruff as he recounts the tale of Griffonstone; a story with no protagonists, only varying-degrees of antagonists. Because misery always loves company.

Chapters (1)

Wastelands. Dystopias. Playgrounds for megalomaniacal villains. Each time Starlight forced her into a new world, it was just another variation of Tartarus that she was glad to leave behind and forget about. Unfortunately, thanks to over thirty timeline jumps, Starswirl's spell has gotten worn and frayed, forcing her to stop in this latest world to repair it. Fortunately, things seem relatively peaceful. Unfortunately, Twilight soon finds out the reason for that peace is...complicated.

Chapters (4)

Minuette has always had an acute sense for time. So when Starlight Glimmer's interference in the past starts rewriting history, Minuette is able to pull herself, along with Berry Punch, out of time for protection. Now stranded, sort of, Minuette offers her wife a rare chance to travel to any point in their pasts, saying they are free to go where they please as the timeline "works itself out", but they only have a few hours at best. Once time is fixed, Minuette's magic will fade and they'll need to get back to their own time.
But for Berry, that is more than enough time. There is one pony from her past that she would give almost anything to see again. She just isn't sure if that pony will want to see how Berry turned out, or if Berry can even face her.

(Teen because Berry and Minuette were kind of "busy" when it all started)

Chapters (4)

This story is about a Singer pony who finally found herself again after getting some help from an old friend and has received great applause from her new song as fans cheer her name and performance but, back at the dresser she starts wondering how will she handle everything in the future?

Chapters (1)