• Member Since 29th Nov, 2015


My name is Dawnguard, General of the Royal Army and Harbinger of Celestia's Light.

Magus Invictus 388 stories
  • Magus Invictus 388 stories This study belongs to the faithful student who serve the Solar Goddess,
    Created by Dawnguard
    - December, 2015
Found 339 stories in 59ms

Total Words: 20,192,400
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks


  • Sol Invictus 516 stories Behind these shining doors are among the greatest works of our Solar Goddess.

  • Luna Invictus 416 stories This moonlit library is dedicated to the works of Luna.

  • Magus Invictus 388 stories This study belongs to the faithful student who serve the Solar Goddess,

  • Inane Invictus 327 stories The brighter of Celestia light, the larger her shadow grows. In her shadow lies mystery and untold horror.

  • Illustratio Invictus 223 stories From beyond the mirror Celestia learns of highly advance technology hundreds of years above normal understanding.


  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

This story is a sequel to Cutie Mark Catastrophes

Laughter, left without the will to force a smile... and Generosity, driven to complacency by the burden of holding out hope...

There are times when a pony is presented with a choice of great consequence, and not every pony has the strength to weather the storms of life standing tall. Rarity will be forced to come face to face with just how far she's fallen from who she once aspired to be, or lose the friendship of the only pony she's ever known to bring smiles in even the darkest of days.

Chapters (7)

Twilight reads about a way to view a pony's soul, to see everything about them laid bare. When she tries it on her friends, will she be able to look at them the same way again? Or will the secrets hidden in their hearts drive her away?

(Yes, I borrowed the idea of a "soulgaze" from The Dresden Files, because it's something that really fascinates me. It's not a crossover, just an idea.)

Now has a sequel!

Chapters (9)

Immortality. Being able to live forever. But, do people really think about what that might imply?

One day your friends will die.

One day your planet will die.

One day your star will follow.

One day the never-ending force of entropy will destroy the universe.

Twilight's lived to see this.

This is the last story.

But there might just be time for one last adventure.

Author Note. This story was started many years ago. A lot of the older chapters are pretty atrocious by my own admission. I considered going back and editing it to shit but in the end I decided to keep it as it was for archival and posterity.

Hope you enjoy, this fic has been a journey. And i wish you all many happy new beginnings in whatever you do.

Chapters (37)

Trixie Lulamoon is known for her shows in Ponyville, but she could always do with a little extra spending money. And so, she decided to take advantange of the upcoming summer by starting up a theatrical arts class for young foals.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Crystalline: Her Destiny

Ever scholarly Princess Twilight Sparkle can't wait to finally embark on her own arctic quest with her friends to find evidence of Starswirl the Bearded's life.

But what if things don't go as planned? When Princess Celestia orders a new companion who is a master magic user to accompany Twilight she's thrilled until she finds out on who it might be.

Her fears come to life when it turns out to be none other than Sombra. Will this ambitious Princess and the snarky loner be able to refrain from killing each other? Ancient magic awakens and history becomes vivider and its participants a little too alive as things play out.

Book Two of Sombra's Odyssey. Takes place in between MLP:FiM seasons 4 and 5. Proofread by: ElderXelpud and an anonymous user. There are many unmarked spoilers in the comments, and many more containing excerpts may not be relevant any longer because of the changes made in the updated version. Find the old version here! Cover art is by matrosha123 and has been edited by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to The Monster We Made

She betrayed us.
She mislead us.
She imposed her rule upon us.
We rose in defiance.

Chapters (20)

Twilight Sparkle just can't find enough time in the day. She has to study friendship for the Princess, hang out with her five friends, and juggle her own hobbies and interests besides. But when a novel solution presents itself in the form of an experimental new spell, will it solve her time crunch, or will she be distracted even further?

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up on the edge of the Everfree Forest, with no memory of how she got there, or why she is now several months pregnant. The last thing she remembers is getting home to Ponyville after attending her brother's wedding. What happened? Why is she with foal? And why has Fluttershy's cottage been abandoned for some time?
This is my first MLP fic, and the first story I have posted online in many years. Its been bouncing around my head for several months now, and I've been wanting to write for much longer. I would like some feedback on my writing style, and if you have any ideas for where to take this tale, please share them with me.

Sequal: The Rogue Stallion

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Nightmares Are Tragic

The Great and Powerful Trixie is unhappy when her Summer Sun Festival night gig in Manehattan turns out to be a show at an open-air neighborhood festival in a seedy Lower East Side park. When the Sun refuses to rise on schedule, Trixie finds herself giving the greatest performance of her life to an increasingly-terrified crowd. But darker forces are moving events to an inescapable confrontation.

A side-story to Nightmares Are Tragic, hence takes place at the same time as The Elements of Harmony (the Season 1 two-part opener). Now has its own side-story, about Piercing Gaze, A Long Night at the Hippodrome

There is one flashback in which it is mentioned that there has been sex between two characters. There is also some violence.

Now has its own TVTropes Page!

Chapters (8)

Twilight gets a feeder to study birds.

She also bought a ton of seeds for it.

While she's frustrated at the fact her supply seems to be disappearing into thin air, she's about to realize that she has a much bigger problem on hoof.

Chapters (5)