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"The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed." -Eminem

Aaron Walowick is a failed inventor until, you guest it, one works! Though this invention allows him to meet his favorite TV characters, his entrance into Equestria is a little overwhelming for the peaceful ponies of the land. And by a little overwhelming, I mean giant storm making, sky blotting, and wake everypony up type of little overwhelming.

As things carry on he finds out something bad has made it in to this land of friendship and has teamed up with Queen Chrysalis. Plus, it's probably Aaron's fault!

(This is my first fanfic ever! Constructive criticism is welcome, also if there are any grammar errors please let me know about them. Also the first chapter does not have ponies, but the rest do.)

Chapters (2)

Cover art by Bonaxor of deviantART.

What makes somepony evil? How bad can you be before you're too far gone? ... Then again, what makes a hero?

Follow the villains of Equestria in a story of light and darkness that spans a thousand years, in this seemingly unconnected series of events. Seemingly.

Flim and Flam: Past. Welcome, one and all! This, comrads, is an oppertunity! See the famed Flim Flam Brothers as lovable scamps selling their wares and learning the biz.

Trixie: Future. Given an invitation to the Golden Oaks Library, the Great and Powerful Trixie must once again face her biggest and most fearsome rival. Only this time, over tea.

The Shadowbolts: Present. After their celebratory flight show for the Summer Sun Celebration, the Wonderbolts were ready for a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, we know something they don't. This is the night Nightmare Moon was fated to return.

The Diamond Dogs: Past. These mines once contained a proud and fruitful society. Once, that is. These days, a few gems in the wall won't get you too far. The bold and noble leaders of this great mine, Fido, Rover, and Spot, have some explaining to do if they don't want a revolution on their paws.

Ahuitzotl: Past. Every nemesis is only as good as his hero. A.K. Yearling writes a prequel to the Quest for the Sapphire Stone about how she first met the dreaded Ahuitzotl and how they both became who they are today.

Iron Will: Past. Iron Will wasn't always the legendary self-help guru. Once, he was just a little minotaur lost in a maze, trying to find his little brother.

Diamond Tiara: Note: Written before Crusaders of the Lost Mark, it doesn't match up with canon. Past. Once upon a time there lived the King of low, low prices and his daughter, the princess. Also, Randolph, the butler.

Gilda: Present. Griffonstone needs a leader. That much is clear. When the leader of the griffons is called to an international war summit, Gilda, of all griffons finds herself getting invited.

Chapters (8)

Many Railways in Equestria have been losing bits and customers because of Equestria's Nationalization plan, which would bring all the companies under one roof. One such Railway is looking for ways to keep its identity. And salvation comes not in the form of one, but two humans that have suddenly arrived. And with them, ideas, and concepts for running a railway. But get this, neither of them have ever run a railway in their lives!!! So, a railway is left with two options, one is to just be nationalized, the second is to take these humans in. and see what happens. (Ponies will be Anthro.)

Chapters (9)

When Discord uncovers a plot against Equestria, the Spirit of Mischief must ask himself some important questions. What does he want in life? Can a being of destruction truly be reformed? And is someone like him capable of love?

Artist of Cover Photo

Chapters (3)

Princess Celestia is in love and about to marry her fiance: Discord. Hopefully things will turn out normally. Hopefully.

A collab with The Princess Rarity

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna has been through a tough life. A thousand years ago she could not control her jealousy, envy and rage and became the infamous Nightmare Moon. Then, she spent a thousand years on the moon, only to return, still as Nightmare Moon.

However, despite everything she has been through, her return to Equestria was warmly celebrated. Princess Luna is a pony that everypony loves, and she is completely forgiven for everything that's happened.

So, when Princess Luna is suddenly and unexpectedly killed, the entire nation of Equestria is thrown into grief and despair. Ponies everywhere find themselves unable to deal with the tragedy.

But the worst hit is Princess Celestia herself...

Chapters (14)

Willard Eperts had considered himself lucky: He'd attained his dream job of stoking Southern Pacific's Daylight Limited at the age of twenty, he'd made quick friends with the engineer, and when the United States dove into the Second World War in 1941, he'd managed to dodge recruiters and keep his dream job by the skin of his teeth.

I did say "had," right?

Now, he's debtor to a princess in a world of talking ponies, and the only way he can repay his debt is through running loads on the Equestrian Railways. It wasn't even his fault for parking the 400-ton machine on that marble floor.

*Disclaimer: The characters of Willard "Willy" Eperts and Murton "Morty" Turner are completely fictional. Any relation to persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. The records for the true engineers and firemen of the Daylight fleet of locomotives can probably be found within Union Pacific's historical archives. This was just an idea I had that I wanted to write.

Chapters (2)

Determined to try everything, the cutie Mark Crusaders hop aboard a rail car and set off down the rails for adventure.

Artist Credit for Picture: Supersheep64

Chapters (1)

“Do you remember the day we first met?”

Celestia has been having recurring dreams; dreams that she wishes would go away. But they won't, they only increase in their frequency. One night, she gives in and visits that statue in the royal garden. The statue that haunts her sleep. The statue of her one true love, the statue that she made. That night, under the statue, she remembers the day they first met.

Chapters (7)

Due to an freak electrical storm one video game character known as Wreck-It Ralph gets sent flying out of the Arcade power grid by way of a runaway game tram. Eventually ending up in a computer program area where all the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic shows are stored on the internet, the now lost and most defiantly out of place 'bad guy' is stuck in the land of Equestria since unlike the Arcade world. TV Characters don't leave their areas as copies are made of them and their world and sent off instead to users, and worse still none of them even known of this fact and think their worlds are real.

Now Ralph will have to find a way back home before Litwak's Arcade opens after repairs from the storm is over and Litwak finds out he is missing again and the game gets unplugged. At the same time he must prove himself to the ponies he is not a bad guy even though his job is to be a 'bad guy', and maybe along the way he will make new friends and the ponies will learn that sometimes 'bad guys' are not as two dimensional as they seem.

WARNING! WARNING! Wreck-It Ralph Movie spoilers are inside! WARNING! WARNING!

Chapters (4)