• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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When you fear the cure worse than the affliction, how can you ever hope to recover? For Berry Punch, there's never been an easy answer.

And when she is forced to confront consequences worse than any she could have imagined, it's just going to get harder.

With only her newfound desperation to drive her forwards, Berry Punch throws herself into what might truly be her last living attempt at recovery.

My appreciation goes to Simon_oSullivan, Tired Old Man, and Burraku_Pansa for their contributions.

Featured on Equestria Daily 05/04/2014

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to hangout with Pinkie. Always-up-for-fun Pinkie Pie. Except just right now on this particular day she's not. She's lurking under her blankets and grumbling. Not just a day, but a grumpy day.


Rainbow Dash can't be having with this sort of thing. Time to give Pinkie Pie a piece of her mind.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Melt

This is a sequel to Melt, but can be read independently.

The common cold is, for Celestia, quite rare. Whenever she does catch one it's a time for privacy, reflection, and no shortage of small miseries.

That said, she's never had Twilight Sparkle on her side before. Maybe, just maybe, this cold won't know what hit it.

My thanks go to CosmicAfro for prereading

Now with even more perfect cover art!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has had a bit of a scare, and who better to turn to than her goooood frieeeend Twilight Sparkle? But why does Twilight seem rather enthused about the whole ordeal? What's really going on?

Chapters (1)

If all you've ever seen of me is what I was, then you don't know me. The mare I've become isn't the filly I was born as, and for all of it, I regret nothing of my new life. This is my story.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie had thought she'd known every pony, but there had been one to slip past. One who fell through the short ends, one she'd missed entirely. A pony she had met only just recently. Pinkie Pie was nervous, worried her special friend wouldn't come. Today was just for the two of them, after all.

As seen on EqD October 2011.

Chapters (1)

The challenge? Daunting. The reward? Worthy. Failure? Not an option. For Big Macintosh has accepted the bet, and thus begins A Ballad of Eeyup and Nope - in which he isn't allowed to say either.

Chapters (13)

Solace is a good pony: kind and caring, but now he must face his past or be consumed in the flames of it.

Written because sometimes the grit of something wrong and painful gets lodged in a writer's mind, and the only way to deal with it is to make it a pearl. There is nothing beautiful or poetic in tragedy, only pain and loss.
This story is that pearl: Inspired by a real event, and the scumbag newspaper who thought to portray it as something beautiful and tragic.

Chapters (2)

Alone and far from home, Luna has sought out the changelings. Completely in their power Luna is entirely at the whim and mercy of the Queen of changelings, but what has prompted this strange encounter?

Chapters (30)