• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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Sweetie Belle wishes to help Rarity with a dress order, but in doing so, she discovers a room in Carousel Boutique. A room which holds a secret that could shatter her view of her sister.

Made for /mlp/'s daily 30-min writing prompt, sadly it took over half an hour to make this.

Narration made by Visual Pony

Chapters (1)

Spike loves Rarity; everypony knows that. But why? Is it just because he finds her the most beautiful pony he's ever seen? Is it her mane? Or is it something deeper, beyond just her looks? This question haunts Rarity, and after a certain incident strikes she's determined to find out the answer.

Got the idea for this after watching the scene from The Cutie Pox where Twilight's mane turns to Rarity's. Cover art is The Kiss by Jack-a-Lynn. You should definitely check his other work out!

Chapters (1)

Dear Diary,
Looking back, a scientific, step-by-step plan is completely ineffective for social situations (Note to self: don't do them, ever). Inviting Princess Luna to a Pinkie Pie Hearth's Warming party, with a checklist of steps in your head, was an awful idea. There are too many variables that a checklist cannot prepare for, such as an entrancing outfit. The plan resulted in a spectacular failure of when awkward meets anxious.
For future use, a spreadsheet might be better.
- TS


A super-duper, awesomely-wonderful, amazing podcast review of this fic can be found here by Lapis Lazuli and Inky J! Seriously, they're great. <3
More Awesomeness! Doom Pie has done a super-duper reading for this fic! Thank you so much!

Cover art courtesy of the wonderful lovelyneckbeard, which can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Hello, Equestria. My name is Princess Luna, and my sister is an idiot. The object of her idiocy – her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle – appears to share her stupidity. Luckily, I am here to lend them a helping hoof.

I can't really blame them, though. They're just so adorable when they're completely clueless.


100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

Even when there's no light at the end of the tunnel, that doesn't mean you can't keep moving. Luna finds it within herself to put one hoof in front of the other, as her immortality melts away.


"Astoundingly, sex does /not/ ensue" - Pearple Prose

Chapters (1)

After arriving in Canterlot, Cadence joins her Aunt Celestia for some good 'ol fun pranking Luna and Twilight, Canterlot's newest love birds. However, in the midst of their good fun, it all goes bad. Cadence ends up getting more than she bargained for.

Chapters (1)

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often most meaningful. A life of standards and a sense of class has led her to assume that breaking these standards are wrong, and that reining in one's true emotions is a path to success.

However, something has been keeping her up at night and threatening to break the mold she has lived by throughout her life. Which will crack first, her presumed lifestyle or herself?

Chapters (13)

Twilight is angry. Normally, a more calm approach would be useful, but when a pony... When a pony commits that, well, the chips are off the table. Justice must be extracted.


Silly, soft shipping. Inspired partly by the Chilean god, Pablo Neruda.

Chapters (1)

Nearly a decade after their marriage, tensions fill the growing void between Applejack and Rarity. With Applebloom gone, and Big Mac crippled, it falls squarely on the Element of Honesty to run the farm, from planting to bucking to selling, she had become Sweet Apple Acres. But not even the magic and strength of the earth ponies can handle that much stress. And neither can a marriage.

Chapters (3)