• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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'Honesty is the best quality.' Somewhere between the thrill of competition, and the heat of forbidden desire, Applejack may have forgotten that.

Rated "Teen" for suggestive themes, and intense emotional situations. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Being reformed means that many habits gained from an eternal existence have been removed. Be it forceful, or willing. Discord may be 'good', but he isn't dead.

Rated "Teen" for crude humor, and suggestive themes. Enjoy with lots of laughs, my friends!

Chapters (1)

The indomitable will to pursue another. Many find it distasteful. Most find it annoying. Some find it down-right freaky. But to the vex of a very inexperienced Pegasus, certain ponies just don't give a damn.

Rated Teen for suggestive themes. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

The name's Slate. Straight Slate, detective by trade. It's no easy job, tracking down changelings on the cold city streets, but I'm good at what I do. I've been doing this a long time, ever since the attempted invasion at the royal wedding. But these days... These days, things are different. Something's rotten in the city of Canterlot, and one way or another I intend to get to the bottom of it. Even if it kills me.

Note: Comments are likely to contain spoilers as the story progresses. If you're starting from the beginning, I recommend avoiding them until you've caught up to the chapters in question.

Cover image by: Coin-Trip39

Thanks are due to many people for help and inspirations, both large and small.

Chapters (13)

Flim and Flam find themselves down and out in the Fire Swamp after another failed attempt at entrepreneurship. Turns out the inhabitants there aren't their typical kind of customers either...

A short, silly story written for the January Writeoff - The Best Medicine

Chapters (1)

Immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be. Just ask someone who would know. Like... Apple Bloom, for instance.

Written for the February Writeoff - Closing Time

Chapters (1)

Dear Assistant Vice-Principal Iron Will,

I accept that I have to spend my Saturday in detention for what I did wrong. And, you know, at first I thought it would be easy for each of us to write an essay about who we are. After all, the five of us are so very different. The jock and the princess. The farmer and the party girl and the wallflower. I saw it all so clear, the simplest possible terms, the most convenient definitions...

An Equestria Girls fanfiction. Cover art by Violet CLM, editing by Exuno.

Warning! Contents include: Teenagers, Angsty Drama, Dramatic Angst, Bad Words, Lesbians, and Mane-Six Shipping

Chapters (7)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash aren't exactly close. After all, they're very different ponies with very little in common. Or so Rainbow Dash thought.

A trip to Canterlot reveals that Rarity isn't exactly the pony that Dash thinks she is.

3rd place winner of The Writeoff Association's December competition, "Behind Closed Doors"

Art by Yoka-the-Changeling, Edited by Exuno

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rarity's relationship was never easy, even at the best of times. But their love for one another was constant, an irresistible force, up until one day when it was no longer enough.

Years have passed since then, and on one quiet night, their paths cross once again.

Cover image by White Diamonds via rarijack-daily
Edited by Exuno

Chapters (1)