• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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Discord's just gotten back from hopping around reality in a bad state. Near death, he is wheeled into the Canterlot hospital, barely clinging to his last shreds of life. And his day has only started getting complicated.

Written for The Discord/Celestia Group's massive, group-wide writer's collab, which can be found here. So go there for more Sun Goddess/Chaos God action, or maybe even join up and contribute! The story has a link to the thread!

My prompt was "Children." I wanted to do something besides the usual "Slice of Life" images that prompt might summon, and this is what popped up.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been caught. Discovered as a spy for the Cloudsdale resistance, the true owner of the Rainbow Factory has taken it upon herself to personally ensure that every single scrap of information they can find is forced out of the Element of Loyalty. But as the interrogation drags on, it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems. Is this really the Factory's greatest victory, or the beginning of the end?

Chapters (2)

We all know how the Changelings are: They pose as other ponies, get close to their victims and feed off their emotions.
Well, long ago, they employed different methods, some that made them even more vile than we once thought. They were gruesome and merciless; the worst type of parasite you could imagine. But what caused them to change? What made them become the Changelings they are now? Something... something happened back in a place called Salem Valley that the Queen wishes she could forget.
She has abandoned her ancient methods, in fear she might invoke a similar event.

Artwork done by Sakura

Chapters (7)

Season 5 Finale Spoilers

A few nights after returning home from her ordeal with Starlight Glimmer, Twilight takes some time to consider events and gather her thoughts on things.

Chapters (1)

Gilda runs into an old friend at her coronation.
This is set in the same universe as "There is a Changeling in my Home."

Chapters (1)

Love changes relationships, though not to the point where they are no longer recognisable. Twilight loves to go flying with her marefriend, but sometimes... sometimes her marefriend can still be her teacher.

Chapters (1)

Not too far into the future, Twilight Sparkle visits Queen Chrysalis, in response to a letter stating her intention to ask forgiveness for her crimes against Equestria.

Inspired by this.
Cover Artwork by Art-Anon on DA.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been asking Chrysalis for her freedom, but tonight, she takes it. She will ignore the armies of changelings, and the fact that her magic is restrained, and the strange flashes of partial memory that keep popping up the closer to freedom she gets...

Written for the Twysalis prompt collab!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is trapped, and Chrysalis is to blame. But where, how, and most importantly... why? Twilight's not even sure she'll survive, and without her friends to help her, she has to face the Queen alone. What will she do? What can she do? Only time will tell.
(Made and uploaded cover art. It's hideous, but it'll do for now.)
(Leave a like, comment and let me know what you like and what you don't, be social and enjoy the story if it's your type of story)

Chapters (10)

What are the chances your favorite pony was secretly a changeling all along?

Yeah, probably about one in one.

Chapters (1)