• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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The heart works in mysterious ways. Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps may seem like opposites in temperament, physique, ...everything.

But a single chance encounter can cause a pony's feelings to change and grow, and that may mark the start of something beautiful.

Edited by Exuno

(Because sometimes you just have to sit down and bang out a Shyceps fic. And because Bulk Biceps got a character tag!)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Stallion for the Time Being

Minuette likes strong drinks, good-looking stallions, and Twilight Sparkle (who upon occasion has been known to be a good-looking stallion). Oh, and she's the physical embodiment of the metaphysical concept of 'Time'.

Twilight Sparkle likes books, rationally-developed hypotheses, and Minuette (in any form). Plus, she happens to be the incredibly powerful alicorn Princess of Science (totally a real thing).

Together, they have a perfectly happy (if complicated) relationship. But Ponyville has more than its fair share of mysteries, and when trouble comes knocking... Minuette is there to pretend she's not home.


This story is a continuation of sorts to A Stallion for the Time Being, though reading it is not strictly necessary. These short standalone stories are a change of pace for me, focused on Twilight and Minuette dealing with a variety of supernatural shenanigans. More to come as ideas strike me!

Edited by: Exuno
Preread by: barbeque
Cover image by: Ghost

Chapters (6)

Out on the frontier, the only friend a pony can really trust is the gun in her hoof. Out where the land is wild and the buffalo roam, more than a few ponies have foregone scratching out a living on the farms or mines to seek riches and glory on the wrong side of the law. As a particularly mysterious and valuable cargo heads west on a long train journey, six mares follow with trouble in their wake, each intending to claim the prize for her own.

Also, a lot of ponies get shot.

Edited by: Exuno
Preread by: barbeque
Inspired by the art of: Coin-Trip39
(Make sure you take a look at the cover image full-size! It's fantastic!)

Chapters (3)

Minuette is determined to have a nice date with a nice stallion, no matter what that takes.

Twilight Sparkle just wants her to stop wreaking havoc on the time-space continuum.

Things get complicated.

Edited by Exuno
Preread by Barbeque

Chapters (3)

Applejack is Rarity's curse.

Inspired by the lyrical genius of Killswitch Engage, 'As Daylight Dies' Album: My Curse

Rated "Teen" for heavy suggestive themes, lime, and intense emotional situations. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Rarity has a secret. Well, two secrets. First, she has a crush on one particular pony. And second, she has been writing a story for the object of her affections, to reveal her love. But when word gets out about her literary abilities, suddenly all of her friends want her help on their own writing projects. And all of them need to be done by Hearts and Hooves Day! Could Rarity not be the only one with a hidden agenda here? And how exactly will she manage so many projects in such a short period of time?

(Updated with some editing help from the superb Exuno)

Chapters (1)

Anon's been in Equestria for a few months now, and while he's gotten himself settled, he still finds himself struggling with his feelings for a certain rainbow-maned pegasus. Now, journey with him as their relationship evolves into something so much more. Cover by varemiaart.

Based on those "Not Doing Harmful Things" memes all over Deviantart, written on a whim. Wasn't sure I was gonna post this, then I saw somebody else do something similar and figured, what the hell, why not? Also, no offense to Dan-The-Jerk, his story is cute and wonderfully written and all, but I'm fed-up with stories where Rainbow is this damaged mare who needs help healing her broken widdle heart. Are you kidding me!? She's freakin' Rainbow Dash!

Chapters (6)

...but some of you will say I am.

As I sit here with the dagger that will end my life, I find myself filled with a sense of urgency. I am sure you will all be shocked and confused by what is to come, and henceforth I have taken the liberty of writing down my final musings and reflections of the past decade and a half. For posterity's sake, you see.

I am not insane. I am not evil. I am just a lone, simple traveler, and this is how I wiped out the changelings.

Now with it's own reading! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcRjCV8hEO8

Chapters (1)

Every week around the same time, Skywrite the pegasus leaves his little cottage in the woods to “pick up groceries,” and every week around the same time, Petalgrown the pegasus welcomes him home with a few hours of cuddling and his favorite dinner on the table. Of course, not everything here is as it seems. For one thing, there’s the dinner. French fried potatoes? Who’s ever heard of such a thing!? For another thing, there’s the way Sky looks at his hooves sometimes, as if trying to will something else to be there. Also, as a footnote, Petalgrown is one of the hundreds of changelings thrown free of Canterlot during the failed invasion attempt, and has been living off Skywrite’s strange, fiery love ever since.

As time goes on and questions about the strange, loving pegasus start piling up, she grows determined to discover the truth behind the pony she finds herself growing more and more intrigued with. Of course, it could be something even crazier than “love-sucking, shape-changing bug-pony,” but that’s just speculation. After all, there’s no way a pony could ever hide such a strange secret from a creature born of secrets, right? Why, it would take something very unpony-like to pull that off, wouldn’t it?

Chapters (1)

Set right after the events of my other fic, The Chronicles of Swarm (specifically, this chapter ), but reading that isn't entirely necessary.

Cover courtesy of the wonderful nonn-xero-daemon Here.


So hey there. Name's Discord, but you already knew that, didntcha? OI! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOIN'? Didn't you want to hear a story? Yeah, that's right, park your rears right there.

Okay, so once upon a time there was an awesome draconequus who went around being blindingly awesome. One day, a pretty prissy pony princess showed up and was all "Ooh Discord, you're so manly and awesome and I'm so prissy and weak. Could you maybe save the world from an evil demigod bent on domination?" So I...I mean, he was all "whatever, babe" and he went off and beat down all the bad guys. And she was all "Ooh Discord, you're so awesome and manly and if you would just touch me I could die a happy mare." And I was all "Babe, I'll do more than that." And we...I mean, they started kissing, but the stupid lousy no-good evil demigod was all "Woah, Discord you're way too awesome for me man, I'm totally gonna kill your gf." And I was all "NNOOOOOOOO!" And she was all "NNNNOOOOOOOOO!" And he was all "DIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!" And then I threw myself in front of her...

To protect her...

The spirit of chaos protecting the goddess of harmony with his life...

Ugh, y'know what? Why don't I start from the beginning?

Chapters (1)