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After becoming mortal, the Dazzlings give up their evil ways and decide to lead normal lives. Which includes going to school like regular, normal girls. Sonata's first class on her first day is gym, and much to the humane five and Sunset's surprise, she's good at it. Too good at it.

Featured on 1/28/15!

Chapters (1)

After an afternoon at Zecora's, Twilight encounters a young filly wandering the Everfree Forest. A brief chase and a confusing discovery leads to a last-minute rescue mission. But, who actually needs rescue?

Submission for EQD's writing contest, The More Most Dangerous Game, based on the "Past Sins" prompt.

Chapters (1)

When Sonata Dusk walks into Sugarcube Corner during Pinkie Pie's shift on a Friday afternoon, it seems like a normal, routine event like with any other customer.

When Sonata comes back the next week - and the next - and Pinkie eventually asks her out - it's more fun than the colour pink or warm caramel-fudge swirl.

Neither has any idea what they've gotten themselves into.

This is a minorly-altered canon (but probably not entirely alternate universe) fic in which Pinkie and Sonata meet two weeks after the Fall Formal and five months before the Battle of the Bands. Some artistic liberties with the Rainbow Rocks movie have been taken, but with caution to keep close to the original plot, and so this story is rife with movie SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

A special shout out to my dear girlfriend Cynthia for not only providing some BEAUTIFUL cover art for this fic, but also for reading along and providing moral support as I wrote, and to Monochromatic for helping me through the process of publishing to FiMFic for the first time!

Chapters (13)

Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)

The plan, he thought, was perfect. Instead of returning to the mortal world as a shade of his former self, King Sombra would transmute his soul into the body of his greatest foe, using her influence and power to destroy Equestria from the inside and take vengeance on the Princesses that stole his beloved empire.

There's just one problem: after her fight with Tirek, Twilight Sparkle changed her address. This turns out to be a much bigger problem than Sombra thought. A Dinky-Doo-sized problem, to be precise.

5th-place finalist in the More Most Dangerous Game contest.

Cover art crudely Photoshopped by me from this and this. I am art and so can you.

Reading by Neighrator Pony

Chapters (5)

On a psychiatrist's couch, we can make a lot of development, and Beatrix Lulamoon is no exception to this. After talking with Doctor Dex about how she lives, she comes to the understanding that she actually just feels alone.

Chapters (2)

Luna and Twilight are sunk into a fractured, feudal world, where the knowledge of magic is lost. Penniless and depleted, they're forced into playing by other ponies' rules, all the while trying to discover even where home is.

Chapters (15)

Trixie, stranded from Equestria and in a mysterious land named Azeroth, tries her best to get by day by day...though it'd be easier if there weren't so many Crack Elves, zombies, and pesky gnomes getting in her way! Perhaps now though, with the aid of a few party members, she can get the glory and renown she has long sought out?

Comedy/satire crossover with World of Warcraft.

Other series referenced: Thor (Marvel), Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Legend of the Dragoon, Madoka, Die Hard, Gundam Zeta, Star Wars

Story Arcs:
1) Sunstrider Isles/Silvermoon City (1-9)
2) Westfall (10-18)
3) Stormwind/Scarlet Crusade (19-?)

Image by BruinesBrony216

Chapters (48)

AU: Trixie's life was simple. Study, study, and study some more. Until the time of the Summer Sun Celebration came along, and after much studying she uncovers the possibly of Nightmare Moon returning.

But stopping her is only the start of the new everyday life she will experience in the town of Ponyville. Spells gone wrong, Gala ticket troubles, Meeting a zebra, and much more await her.

[Features a mostly new Mane 6, and will have canon episodes along with original ones. Features OC characters.]

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My Little Pony The After Years by SuperKamek

Pokemon Star Version by SuperKamek

Chapters (18)