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A terrible new day rises when a tragedy, foreseen only by Celestia but preventable by none, occurs right in the middle of Canterlot, turning Twilight Sparkle's world upside-down. Now, all of Equestria is looking to her to hold the broken nation together, all while she tries to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Coverart used with permission from: metalpandora

Old coverart may be found here.

A/N: Yes, the title was based of the Dragonforce song of the same name, you may stop postulating about it now.

Chapters (37)

Not long after Tirek's defeat, Twilight has begun suffering from a medical condition that shouldn't be able to affect ponies and her life depends on Luna. How will both of their lives, and their relationship, be affected during the days and nights together as Twilight searches for a way to reclaim her independence?

* This is a TwiLuna story.
** Cover art by CaptainPudgeMuffin (Commissioned for this story.)

Traducción al español de mi fanfic por SPANIARD KIWI: Todos Para Una, y Una Para Luna

Chapters (13)

The Great and Humble Trixie Lulamoon's reputation could not possibly be any worse, but that is about to change.

Following the disaster with the Alicorn Amulet, Trixie turns herself in to the authorities to account for her crimes. In penance, she is tasked by Princess Luna with the defense of Hollow Shades against a shadowy and unknown foe.

Trixie will have to draw upon every trick and every scheme she knows just to survive. And when faced with a fate worse than Death, she will have to prove there is more to her than flash and spectacle, and learn just how far her magic can go.

And learn how to Rise.

A Side-Story of The Code's Apprentice and The Code of Harmony
Many, many, Many thanks to Hooves McCoy
and The Cacophonous Muse for their aid in editing this story.

Chapters (4)

Everyone has written stories where Trixie has encountered the Mane Six again, so here's me jumping on the bandwagon and missing, followed by breaking both my legs due to the bandwagon going in reverse, just to spite me.

Ahem. After the incident with the Ursa Minor, Trixie has ended up in Baltimare, working as a magician for a party planner service. As you can imagine, things are less than stellar for the Great and Powerful Trixie. Things only get worst when she discovers Twilight Sparkle and friends are in town for a "Best Unicorn" contest. Then things get 'worster' when Twilight attempts to make peace with the Great and Powerful Trixie.

Can Trixie survive the evil apologies, the malevolent offers of friendship, and the horrid and incomprehensible acts of generosity the Mane 6 give her? Let's find out.

Chapters (4)

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash abscond from Ponyville with no warning or explanation for their friends. Worried, the remainder of the Mane Six strike out to find where they've gone to, and why. Could it be a new crisis brewing? The return of a known villain? Something worse?

Chapters (1)

The next Nightmare Night is approaching fast, and this time Luna's going to come to scare everypony as Nightmare Moon the first time intentionally. A few days before she leaves for Ponyville though, she discovers the friendship reports Twilight has been sending to Celestia. Interested in these, she reads them and realizes she has a crush on Twilight Sparkle.

How will she react to this revelation, and will Twilight return those feelings?

Cover image is by RyuRedwings. Editing done by Destinae Spring on chapters 1 and 2.

Chapters (17)

Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops!

TV Tropes

Chapters (23)

What happens when Taco loving siren Sonata Dusk and temperamental tough girl Gilda become roommates? Find out in this new series!

Chapters (2)

Sonata Dusk meets Shining Armor at Sugar Cube Corner, and is confused as to why he isn't wearing any armor.

She decides to ask why.

Cover art made by Wadusher0

Now with Dramatic Reading by DarkShadow051

French Translation by Vinz.

Chapters (1)

It's Fluttershy's birthday, but all of her friends are busy! ... Well, all but one of them, and he's going to make sure it's the best birthday she's ever had.


New cover art created by melissathehedgehog. Also with a reading by Dr. Wolf!

Chapters (1)