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It was your average Christmas Eve night on Privet Drive, and Nightmare was walking through the house when she heard a noise coming from the sitting room. Of course, she just had to go and check out what was going on herself.

Considering what happened, perhaps she would have been better off just having ignored it...

Chapters (1)

After a tragic accident, a human ends up in Lord Tirek's body, as part of an attempt to reform the villain after his recent escapades. While the hero of our tale is trying to make sense of his new surroundings, the rest of Equestria thinks that the most terrible threat that their world has ever seen is back...
And the powers that be are definitely not happy about it.
New Cover Art By Shadow Bolt

Chapters (17)

On a snowy night, beneath a singing tree, a changeling and his young wards receive help from an unbelievable source.

A Christmas fic, one shot, because even changelings should receive a visit from Santa Claus. Enjoy! Merry Christmas/Winter Holiday of your choice!

Chapters (1)

Okay let's just go over everything that's happened so far. Dragged into a road trip, check. Dragged to a convention, check. Dragged through dimension. Wait what? Okay, universe. Stop! Seriously what did I do to deserve that last one! Stop throwing me into impossibly horrible situations! It was bad enough being world thrown, but public enemy number 1!? What did I ever do to you!?

Evidently, I must have done a lot. I have been trapped here with nothing but my wit and ingenuity, but I'm still alive and have at least one friend. I decided that it would be better make the most out of my new life, and see if I can live at all in this crazed world of Magic and Myths. Hopefully I won't screw up too badly. I fear what may come if I do. Though.... this is all starting to feel familiar. I'm having some difficulty remembering from where though.
Co-authored from chapter 22 and on with Shinigamisparda

Alt Cover Art
Story inspired by "F**k it, I'm having fun" by JimmytheGrape and everything else in the League of Humans acting Villainous.
Props to them! Cover art is not mine.
Edit**4/28/14**Technopathic is amazing and you should thank her greatly for working on new cover art for me. It's not done, but as she does it, I will continue to update my cover.
Edit***5/23/14*** NEW cover art is COMPLETE!
Edit****6/28/14**** Old cover art is back by popular demand

Chapters (26)

TTS Reading of the entire fiction: Courtesy of the FanFiction Reader on Youtube.

Character List: Courtesy of TruthHut (A work in progress)

Handy is not a happy man at the best of times.

He was even less happy to find himself in an alien world that offended the very laws of physics and got injured for his own stubborn refusal to accept the obvious path fate had apparently laid out for him.

For his trouble he is now on a journey, with the long term goal of finding his way back home, only to find himself involved in plots and machinations so far above his head and cares that he quickly becomes a pawn in a game played by powers who care not for his well-being.

Quite like his life back on Earth if you think about it.

Needless to say, Handy does not care for any of it. He is much more preoccupied with the more immediate and pressing mundane concerns of day to day life a human needs to worry about while in Equestria.

Obtaining a new pair of shoes for example.

All this and one almighty hangover, what's the worst that could happen?

Rated teen for harsh language and minor violence

Proofread by JBL, Jude and Usurper

Chapters (75)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

And she's not happy about it.

Hear what Celestia has to say back! Check out the spinoff:
Responses To A Disgruntled Friendship Student by keaton-furman-prower

Still want more? Have a multiverse spinoff by MixMassBasher, my contributing writer for Seasons 5-9.
Letters From Across the Disgruntled Multiverse

Editing by Neko Majin C.

The following is a work of parody, and is protected as Fair Use under section 17 U.S. Code § 107 of US Copyright Law. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all affiliated characters are property of Hasbro Inc.

Chapters (276)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

This is going to be fun!

A spinoff of Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student by milesprower06.

Chapters (154)

Written as a self imposed 45 minute challenge for originality. The aim - Write a one shot in forty five minutes or less, with two thousand words or less (Though a little over is okay too) It must be as original as I can make it!

They came from nowhere, claiming victim after victim with no regard to their species. Dragonkind fell first, and Changelings were never heard from again.

Now all that remain of Equis stand frightened and unprepared as the army of gaseous creatures, one's akin to living shadow float on up towards Canterlot Castle to find their 'child'.

Chapters (1)

Canterlot has had a few peaceful weeks of nothing happening, no chaos, no monsters attacking no nothing. that is until a changeling wonders into the kingdom and changes it forever.

'this was made quickly and just as a random story not meant to be taken seriously at all and was made mostly due to random dreams'
cover by the great Lomeo

Chapters (1)

A skill almost every changeling is familiar with.
A skill that every changeling knew they had to do in order for their plan to succeed, but after it failed, they vowed to never do something that stupid ever again.
That is, until one of them thought that the second time would be the charm.

Chapters (7)