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This is a side story of Guilt of a Phantom and Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. I suggest reading those first, or parts of this story will not make much sense.

It happened several years ago, this one event that changed the lives of many. A event of which not many know what happened, except those who were there. They speak of it in hushed whispers, not daring to talk about it at all. They do not understand how the humans can live like that, the constant fear. But after what had happened, they know all too well why they fight. The threat of the ghosts now fully apparent to them, and a change that affected many.

They speak of it in hushed whispers, that one event. The Baltimare incident.

After having worked on my stories Guilt of a Phantom, and Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria for a good time now, I came to the realization that there was not much backstory about the Baltimare Incident, even though it was mentioned several times throughout the stories here and there. So, with that in mind, I created this fic. It tells the story of what happened on that fateful day, as well as the story of those involved, or touched by the events that transpired. There is a lot going to happen, and the gap that is the backstory for both GoaP and SS, GoE will be filled, giving new dimensions to why the characters do what they do in the other fics.

Read them in this order.
1. Guilt of a Phantom.
2. The Baltimare Incident after the chapter: Hunting the Hunter's Hunter. Earth.
3. Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria after the chapter: The Day the World Looked Pink-ie Pie.

Chapters (11)

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and possibly find some answers for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. How will they deal with this? And what will Sweetie Belle do now?

Sex tag is there for innuendos and references to the act in later chapters. There will be no clop.

This is a crossover with the show Danny Phantom, and a side story of Guilt of a Phantom. I would suggest reading that story first, as this story will interact with the main story from time to time. Especially in the beginning of this fic, as it will start after certain events at the hooves of our three fillies.

And click: The Baltimare Incident for the story that happened before Goap and SS, GoE.

Read them in this order.
1. Guilt of a Phantom.
2. The Baltimare Incident after the chapter: Hunting the Hunter's Hunter. Earth.
3. Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria after the chapter: The Day the World Looked Pink-ie Pie.

Chapters (33)

This story, in Danny Phantom's p.o.v., takes place after the series, but starts during the finale Phantom Planet.

In MLP's p.o.v., it takes place after season 2, but with changes that are not canon with season 3.

The story will take an alternate direction completely different from the finale Phantom Planet.

Danny Fenton, just your average teenage boy.

He goes to school, has to deal with bullies, homework, fight ghosts, and keep his other half a secret from his family.

After an accident with his parents ghost portal, his D.N.A. became infused with ectoplasm, turning him into a half ghost.

Now Danny Phantom, he took it onto him to fight ghost while struggling to learn to control his new found powers. Luckily, he has his two best friends, Sam and Tucker, with him to help him deal with the everyday ghost life.

Together, they went through all kinds of supernatural adventures. Together, they stood in the way of many ghost attacks. Together, they kept their city, Amity Park, safe. Together. Always together.

Until that one fateful day. The day that everything changed. The day that three became two, and Danny's life changed forever. Struggling with his guilt for his failings, and letting down the one meaning most to him, he runs away; desperately trying to get away from the nightmares that haunt his memories. But, as the saying goes: ''You can run, but you can't hide.''

Sex tag is there for sexual innuendos and references in later chapters. There will be no clop.

Click: Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria, to go to the side story of this fic. Which is important, as a lot of things happening in this fic are important for Guilt of a Phantom.

And click: The Baltimare Incident for the story that happened before Goap and SS, GoE.

Read them in this order.
1. Guilt of a Phantom.
2. The Baltimare Incident after the chapter: Hunting the Hunter's Hunter. Earth.
3. Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria after the chapter: The Day the World Looked Pink-ie Pie.

And, while you're at it. Click Guilt of a Phantom: New Destinies for a spin-off fic written by Crepusculo.

Chapters (52)

This story is a sequel to The Wizard and the Lonely Princess

Book Two of the Lonelyverse

Having returned to the Dursleys after a highly eventful first year at Hogwarts, Harry and the alicorns had been looking forward to unwinding. As it turned out, all their hopes were for nought. Between summer shenanigans, a crazy house elf, and learning Potter family history, they've got a full summer ahead of themselves. And when they get back to Hogwarts, they'll have to deal with giant snakes, idiotic teachers, and a gathering darkness. With things going off the rails, they've got a long year ahead of them.

And if they survive that, they still got to deal with the strange power surges and dreams that both Luna and Nim have been having since soon after the Summer Solstice...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters (5)

Ever since Pinkie's birth, Maud has been having some dark thoughts. She wants to kill her little sisters, starting with Pinkie, as she is still the youngest of the three and surely the easiest to end quickly, as she is also the weakest of the three.

Surely as Pinkie is the final installment to the Pies, Maud has endured much already when it comes to dealing and living with her little siblings, but Pinkie's differences from the other members of the family cause her to envy her to no bounds. Inflicted with great jealousy and rage, Maud contemplates the worst and documents her feelings as to what happens after the event occurs.

I wrote this with no real objective. I don't know how it will turn out, but I do know that despite it not being a fic I liked writing in particular, I still worked fairly hard on it. This was very hard to write for me to be honest, as I've had similar thoughts and strange desires to do similar things, I am not proud of these, and even then I still feel guilty for these thoughts, despite them being several years old. I'm over it all, but it still bothers me sometimes...

Chapters (1)

This story is a "what-if" sequel of Equinophobia. Prior reading of the linked story is recommended.

Equinophobia was the psychological fear of horses. Now it's gone along with the remnants of her person.

In her desperate and broken state of mind, Ryan had made the faux offer of being integrated into Equestrian society. She never realized the sun goddess would agree with her.

Memories stripped and replaced as she's morphed into a new form, the woman formerly known as Ryan becomes the mare known as Silverbolt.

However, not all the remains of her past can be so easily erased.

Ryan's "offer" takes place in the beginning of chapter twenty-one of the original story in case you don't recall.

Alternate universe tag for changes to Equestria Girls elements and the Crystal Empire's history.

Chapters (5)

Maple Blush was just a simple pony trying to do what her cutie mark said she did best: help bring ponies together. She might not be the strongest psychic in Equestria, and she could barely afford to be in the yellow pages, but still! It all had to count for something, right? Seeing into ponies hearts to bring them together, that… That was her talent, no matter what else happened. So what happens when she’s hired to help a “love-sucking bug” tell her roommate she not only has a crush, but is another species?

Originally posted on DeviantART for TheNornontheGo's "Our Character" contest. Maple Blush belongs to her, not me.

Similarly, Vanilla Chai does not belong to me either. She was generously offered to borrow by Wintergreen Diaries (previously known as Cerulean1313.) All credit goes to him for allowing me the use of his character.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by the great and powerful Hasbro, not myself. No copyright infringement is intended by this fanfiction. All rights reserved to Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apex

Finding love is hard enough under normal circumstances, but it's even more complicated when you're the tail of a chimera. As much as Irene may want a fairy-tale romance, her fantasies have so far been stymied by her sisters' rather different opinions on the matter, not to mention the limited choice of species available to chimeras (well, to chimeras who want to have children, that is). However, when the orange pony with the delicious pies gets herself cornered during a delivery, she claims to be the personal friend of a dragon... and apparently, he's single!

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle gets the chance of researching and questioning the first live specimen of a changeling since the Canterlot invasion three years ago.
Twilight goes in with a scientific mind and wants to figure out everything about these evil bugs, as clearly they have shown themselves to be nothing but cruel in the past. However, in an attempt to find a cruel primitive being, she instead finds something she did not expect.
A teacher.

Story Tags and notes: There is going to be no explicit sex in this story, but gender, sex, and general reproduction will be a subject, as well as love, affection, morality, society and any other subjects that boggles my mind.
This story is something I made out of a combination of my own headcanon for changelings, and with my frustration, yet love, for philosophy, which I study at writing moment at university. This story will have slow updates, but I will work on it. This is as much a work for me, as it is for you.
I hope you´ll enjoy.

Chapters (3)