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A Metroid Crossover

A meteor, resistant to magical manipulation, crashes in Equestria, Planet Equis, and soon spreads an unknown poison throughout the land. Containment is all but failing and the Princesses have little power to stop the spread of the Great Poison. The Elements of Harmony are of little use as no knowledge exists of this threat that consumes all life. Help comes from a certain Hunter, clad in metal.

Samus Aran will not only fight for her life as always, but her own sanity as well as these ponies that she begrudgingly starts seeing as allies. New horrors and abilities await her as a reason to fight slowly festers within her, possibly unlocking something she had been denied for so long: Friendship.

Notes and Resources:

This takes place after Echoes. The events of Corruption will have not happened yet. In terms of MLP, consider everything up to and including the Crystal Empire. Princess Twilight does not exist here, etc. The official Metroid Timeline can be found here.

As well, this story references the manga in many places. Reading of it is not required and I try my best to explain the context, but if you're interested, both volumes can be found here.

EDIT: This story was written over two and a half years, beginning in 2013. You'll probably notice the difference in writing as the chapters progress.

Chapters (59)

A farmer, a teacher, a student, a family.
One morning, they woke up and realised something was missing.
But what, exactly, has been lost?

Chapter 2 - Deleted Scene
"What Do Ponies Truly Fear?" - Essay

Chapters (14)

Alright, do you want some advice?
Don't go evil if you don't want to have heroes trying to kill you repeatedly. I know, sometimes you have to do things that are morally questionable, but at others, just be a good guy. Wait in line rather than summon a horde of undead to tear the throats out of everybody except the barista. Or just freeze everybody in place. That's at least funny in a conventional sense.
I'm (sort of) reformed now.
Unfortunately, there're these six mares and their ruler who are making this VERY DIFFICULT.

EDIT: After four days, the Featured streak has ended. It was a good run.
EDIT: Featured again on 10 May? Aw, stahp it guys. Stahp.

EDIT: New coverart courtesy of Leila Drake. Go to her and commission stuff.

Chapters (20)

In the wake of the interrupted wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, the Royal Guard went on a changeling hunt, fanning out throughout Equestria to find any changelings living amongst ponykind. The captured changelings have been confined to a guard barracks in Canterlot.

Meanwhile Princess Celestia is finding herself swamped with petitions from ponies across Equestria asking for amnesty for their changeling friends, colleagues, and lovers. Princess Luna, who has been itching to regain some responsibility since her return, offers to take on the petitioners... and the changelings.

(sex tag for off-screen births and hinted baby-making)

Chapters (27)

Harmony through some of his father's shenanigans and his own temporal spells, seems to find himself in the future. He finds his family, but they're all grown up!

This is a side-story series published to make it easier for my readers to see.
If you came here somehow without going through the main fic it is highly recommended that you read it here. You will not get what is happening if you don't, sorry.

P.S. This will not be as rigorously edited as the main fic, sorry.

Chapters (11)

When David volunteered to be part of a cryogenic experiment he thought he'd be at the forefront of human technology, spearheading research and development.

Unfortunately politics doesn't work that way.

Lucky for him, the science was solid... For ten thousand years.

AN: Don't take this seriously. Seriously don't. I don't.

Special thanks to my editor: Thornwing!

A-d-d-ditional Tags: Science Fiction, Parody, Waking Up In the Future, Equestria used to be Earth, Parity Bits, Things That Could Be Considered Irrelevant To The Premise And Is Only Used As Humour, Twi-bright, Kangaroos, Towels and Brawndo.

Rated teen for inappropriate scenarios. Well, lots of inappropriate scenarios. Now with 20% more Dark!

List of Side Stories:

The Story of the Equinos and Celestia
Twilight's Report
A Butterfly Bash
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Unpublished Stories now available here.

I'll also keep the former list I made here:

The Story of the Gorlians and Equestria
Human Manual I
Equine Manual I
Why Emergencies Should Be Handled Calmly
Why Emergencies Should Be Handled Calmly II
Blue Pill
David's Nightmares
Robot Manticore Attack
The First Law
A Dated Journal Entry
McQuestria II
To Touch The Stars

Chapters (17)

Hiro Ecks is a gamer. After he was used as a cat's-paw in a villain's evil scheme, he is left traumatized, and just about ready to swear off video games forever. 8163264128 is a changeling. Almost pathetically incompetent when it comes to fighting, she is stranded at the entrance of a ruined palace, unable to escape due to her damaged wings. Fate, chance, or something stranger still has forced the two of them together. Hiro, through the medium of a small golden orb, has to win the changeling's trust and guide her into the depths, for the only chance that 8163264128 has for escaping the ruins is to reach the bottom of the catacombs beneath the palace, where a treasure beyond compare awaits... a wishing star. But between the two of them and their goal are fifteen floors of monsters, traps, sliding block puzzles, bosses, and more.
Rated Teen For Language
A Spin-Off from The Changeling Who Broke The World. Not strictly necessary for reading, but it will provide some background into Hiro's story.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to What I've Become

It is highly recommended that you read What I've Become before you read this story, since this is the second story in The Humanity Within Trilogy, and you will be lost if you just plunge into this without any preparation.

Also, this story already has a sequel: What I Am!

Things have been turning up roses for me lately. I'm no longer fighting to survive, I have people that I can turn to, and I have my face back, all because of the kindness shown to me by strangers.
But will they continue to help me once they find out what dark secrets haunt my past? Will they shun me for the evil deeds that my abductors forced me to do while I was in their service? Will they continue to protect me from the monsters that destroyed my life, once they realize what kind of monster I really am?
How does one forgive a murderer?
WOOT! Feature the day it came out! (how did that happen?) 12/1/2014
Edited by Malefactory. He is fantastic at this kind of thing!
Proofread by Cantankerous. He's freaking amazing.
Also proofread by PhiliChez.
Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!

Chapters (28)

This is the first book of The Humanity Within Trilogy. Its sequel is What I've Done.

I wasn't always like this, a monster, running through the woods on an alien planet. I was once a man. I had dreams, a girlfriend, and a great job.
Then They came. In the middle of the night, They scooped me from my home, and... changed me.

Now I'm a beast, a demon the like of which the world I've become stranded on has never seen before, scraping by on the fringes of society, hiding from the natives, and doing my best to avoid notice.

After all, who could ever be friends with a monster?

Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!
Now 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Mad props to my prereaders:
Admiral Applejack.

Chapters (15)

Michael Wilson lived for seven years as a normal, happy boy, until he had to go to the hospital for an operation to save his life. After falling asleep in the operating room, he wakes up in the ruins of a castle. But his location is not the only thing that has changed. He is now a strange horse-like creature with a mane and tail that seem to be made of stars. Just what kind of dream is that sleeping gas giving him?


Or is it not a dream at all?

Dark and gore tag for certain chapters. There will be warnings at the beginning of these chapters to let you know which.

Cover art from HERE by ClassicsAreDead


First Featured 17-20/10/2014 then again 27-28/11/14. And again 24/4/1016.Seriously, thank you, all!

Now with a reading by TripyVox

Also with audio reading by Tarot Duelwield

Chapters (31)