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The changelings have been defeated but is that the last of them? As the threat of the changelings grows an unlikely pair try to be a family to one another. One a changeling, cast off from the swarm. The other a little filly who only wants a family.

(Mechcolt as pre-reader)

Chapters (10)

As it turns out, not all I do is make music. I actually have a pretty decent talent making plush pony dolls on the side. It brings in good bits... on occasion, such as this one time a little baby dragon commissioned me into crafting him a white unicorn with a blue mane to snuggle with at night.

Then one day, about a week later, I suddenly found myself with more clients. Like... a lot more clients.

Chapters (1)

The best way to enjoy a lazy weekend afternoon is to spend quality time with your friends and family and special someplushie.

What? No, it's not weird. Sort of. You can't prove anything. Go away.

Chapters (1)

A not so standard human-in-Equestria story including but not limited to: democracy, tequila, and robots.

Things escalate from there.

TV Tropes page

Now translated into Korean

Chapters (222)

Note from the Author (3/28/2021)-
Really gotta hate how people don't listen to this segment. Really gotta love it.

Seriously people, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY Please do not comment on, thumbs up, fave this story, or add it to any bookshelves. Years later in all honesty I'm not happy with this story or how I ultimately wrote it. The only reason I don't delete it is because it got featured and because so many folks have it in their bookshelves already.

Hello. If you're reading this, you somehow found my message. Hopefully you are a fellow Brony, and will not simply assume this is the insane ramblings of a crazy person.
Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself, this story is about me, I guess. The name's Cain. Nice to meet ya.
Now, getting to the point of why I sent this out. Ya see, a few months ago, I had a rather unsettling experience. My mind was ripped from my body on Earth and transported to wherever it is our beloved Equestria lies. Normally, this would be nothing to worry about, as it seems to happen all the time, but frankly, this time was different. Instead of being sent to Equestria as a human, or nay, a pony, my mind was placed inside the body of an Equestrian.

Unfortunately for me, it happened to be Diamond Tiara.

Yeah...not what I was expecting either. Now, quick, before the message fades, get me some help!!

Looking for Co-Authors!
Helpers-Hoopy McGee,CloneBurner, RemareShadows,
shagohad12, Dusty the Royal Janitor

Inspired by Hoopy McGee's Why am I Pinkie Pie?!

Chapters (20)

Principal Celestia has accidentally fallen through the mirror into Equestria, and it may be a bit before she can go home. Until then, she has to learn to cope with a strange world, in a strange body.

At the same time, Twilight has to figure out how she can help her new guest while keeping Equestria from freaking out over the presence of a second Celestia, and Sunset Shimmer has to figure out how she is going to make amends with those she had left behind in Equestria, while keeping an eye on her Principal.

Disclaimer: Since I wrote this description ages ago before I even knew the plot, the story is mostly pure comedy in the beginning, with eventual Sunlight and Chryslestia shipping!

Cover image by Arvaus, used with permission.

Chapters (22)

Ten years ago, Twilight made the ultimate sacrifice in order to defeat Tirek. Equestria has been in a state of civil war ever since.

Canterlot has at last fallen, and the six heroes of the rebellion now go to face the ultimate challenge: defeating the godlike Twilight Sparkle. What they expect to be a brutal, hard won quest for glory and Equestria's salvation turns into something entirely different... and now they face a choice.

This story is a reaction piece against the Tyrant Sparkle trope.

Special thanks to Absolution for pre-reading and Danger Beans for proofreading.

Cover art credit: BluestreakFUS

Now with a Chinese Translation courtesy of Hellagur.

Chapters (1)

What happens, happens. I think that is one of the rules of Causality as stated by the late, great Douglas Adams. It is a pretty important rule and I use it to guide me through life, no matter what goes on in it. So, when I was driving to an out of town job and found myself in another world, I did my best to take everything in stride.

I would be the first to say the adjustment is not easy. Especially, when the first thing you do is make yourself a pony distrusted, disliked and defamed by some national heros. Thinking about that, I think I have to invoke another Douglas Adams quote. "Don't Panic."


This is the result of me getting bored one day and starting writing. Now that I got a bit of it done, I wouldn't mind honest opinions, and flame away if you feel the need. I have thick skin.

As you might notice, there are a few chapters with a box at the top. These are the ones that my editor and I went through again, and hopefully improved. I'll refrain from changing plot but spelling, grammar and flow are all up for grab. Especially for the early chapters.

Chapters (26)

On a patrol through the White Tail woods, Twilight comes across a dying changeling. Torn between giving up the drone to the guards or leaving it in the inhospitable wilds, Twilight reluctantly takes the drone in. As it awakens she realises that the drone was a blank slate, with no connection, no 'programming' guiding its functions. So Twilight sets out to teach this changeling about the world, one hoof step at a time.

Rated Teen for slightly mature themes involving ethical dilemmas.

If Word Worthy stopped editing for me, I'd likely wind up as a grammar-less hack. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to On the Courtship Behavior of Swamp-Dwelling Chimeras

Learning to read is rather challenging under normal circumstances, but it doesn't help when your other two heads would rather be courting or hunting. So far, though, Agatha has risen to the challenge admirably under the tutelage of Twilight Sparkle herself—or at least she did before the day she and her sisters walked into Ponyville to discover the burnt-out husk of the library tree. Worst of all, though, was that even though few of the books survived, the bastard who committed this unspeakable crime is still alive....

For now.

Artwork by Page Turner

Chapters (1)