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Today has been horrible for the newly Crowned Chrysalis, her mother died. In the dark sanctums of the hive, Chrysalis walks into her new bed chambers, drained of love from supporting her new hive.
“I wish somepony could at least give us a chance.” She says to herself as she slips underneath her covers. She stops, there’s something under the covers. She sees what it is and smiles. This might be the chance she’s been looking for.

Side note: The description and the tags are vague. 'Cause I'm not to sure where the story's going my-self.

Chapters (3)

Shade has been an orphan all his life. Knowing nothing but being a personal assistant to Princess Celestia herself, he dosn't know much about the outside world. But unknown to everypony, Shade has a secret even he doesn't know. And its reveal could change Equestria forever.

Second book is here: Son of Chaos

Alternate Ending to Son of Chaos: Son of Peace

Third book is Son of Change.

Alternate ending to Son of Change: Son of Death

Fourth book is here: Son of Eternity

Chapters (11)

Chrysalis dreamed of a day when her children wouldn't need to steal love to survive, but that day would never come while she drew breath. She dared to hope once, but she knew the price of freedom, and she paid it. In the end, the fall wasn't what killed her.

Chapters (8)

In Equestria Humans are creatures that are things of legends. Stories are passed over the generations about a human that emerged from the forest over 1000 years ago. The human in these stories is an evil creature who prey on innocent ponies. But to the ponies they are just that: stories. No one really believes that story until a human shows up again. The ponies of Equestria are scared of the human but soon some warm up to his presence. After all humans have changed in 1000 years.

Chapters (6)

Every colt grows curious sooner or later about that one question: "Where do babies come from?" Simple question, simple answer. Though when your parent figures aren't the ones to take simple simply... And when your mom is a being that feeds off the core element of "where babies come from", the talks may go differently.

A companion piece to Know Your Mare.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Know your Mare

Pipsqueak, how the years have gone by. They've watched you grow from an eager young rapscallion into a handsome, strong stallion. All the while they've been moved, touched, and all around attentive... And what they've noticed is that you don't have a girlfriend! And as your guardians, that's something that won't be stood for. Even if they must ravage all of Ponyville, they WILL find a girl just right for their little Pippy.

Editor: TheNoodleGod2012 and Meester

Art done by: Egophiliac

Chapters (12)

Chrysalis and Discord tell Pip the story of Easter and what it all truly means... And how it all goes back to how the white mare is trying to keep the changeling down. But, what do you expect from these two?

A companion piece to "Know your Mare" and "The Birds and the Changelings".

Chapters (1)

A new restaurant has opened Ponyville with one really interesting attraction. And as we all know, there is one language friends, foes,and all races speak: Dance. Watch as all the ponies and characters you know and love show off their dancing skills (or lack of) in front of everypony!


Featuring: Princess Luna, Celestia, Cadance, Shining Armor, Braeburn, Little Strongheart, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spitfire, Soarin'.

In combination of "The Birds and the Changelings" and "Know Your Mare"


Chapters (2)

A 'Know your Star' story; only with your favourite ponies getting unneeded hassle and lies told about them. Won't this be fun? Probably not... But hey, everything can't be seriousness all the time, so let's take a load off and just pester some ponies, and Spike for good measure.

The never ending adventures of Know Your Mare march on and on and on.

Comic: http://ladlordblack.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d53s1hc
Animation: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_c7CPLlzO8&list=LLAaWYxICqZHBI2hBIxg2oEg&feature=mh_lolz
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqYTZ1TKNfk&feature=g-u-u
Picture: http://luna-is-best-pony.deviantart.com/art/Know-Your-Mare-314464512

Chapters (293)

This story is a sequel to What Will Make You Happy

Chrysalis plans to revive King Sombra so that they may rule all of Equestria together, but to bring him back she needs pieces of an ancient artifact scattered all across the farthest confines of Equestria.

However, to make sure there's no interference from the Elements of Harmony, Sombra gives Chrysalis some of his magic, which she uses to use the Princesses to stone, and capture both Twilight and Cadence, both pregnant with their respective husbands' babies. Chrysalis also kidnaps the Mane Six and and separates them into different parts of Equestria so that they won't rise up against her.

So it's up to Shining Armor, Discord, Screwball and Spike to rescue their wives, the Elements of Harmony, defeat both Chrysalis and Sombra, and change the princesses back to normal. However, Discord is haunted by nightmares and visions of Twilight dying at childbirth, and this stirs his worst fears of losing her, something of which Chrysalis and Sombra decide to take advantage of.

Will they get to the Elements in time?

Chapters (15)