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It's said that dreams are actually portals, well gateways if you will. These gateways can lead to distant worlds or even parallel universes. Anon however doesn't put much stock in such notions, to him it is all an elaborate firing of neurons within his brain. Something like alternative universes are just wild delusions. One Day however Anon finds himself in a weird dream, one from which he can't seem to wake.

Finally took the time to go through my entire story, the earlier chapters needed to be rewritten as they were in the wrong person and the later chapters need to be reformatted. I've completed both objectives hopefully improving your reading experience.
Also, check out my attempt at remaking the prologue in visual novel format

Chapters (15)

(Only rated teen because of language at a point or two)
Would've... Could've... Should've...
What happens when someone you love goes off the "deep end?"
What happens if you were the only one who could've done something to stop the downward spiral?
What happens if you stood by and did nothing?
Fear not, there is still time to correct your mistake. But you better go now.

Chapters (28)

What if Twilight was orphaned before her acceptance into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns?
what if she and the princess of the sun became inseparable? What if Twilight starts calling Celestia mommy after their lessons?
What if Celestia loves it?
Inspired by the cover photo

Chapters (15)

Who doesn't love music?

When David Gatzby Finds himself on the tree home of a mysterious creature, he is slightly terrified. But when he hears the sound of melodious singing coming from inside, he can't help but play along with his guitar and hum to the tune. Not realising that the singing had stopped, David continues to play and can't avoid the meeting of his life.

Chapters (29)

The war of the Changelings was brutal, and it wrought the city of Canterlot in chaotic destruction. Chrysalis could feel her victory coming to a close, but something clicked in her heart. Funny how it happened, she usually doesn't feel remorse. Time to pay a statue a visit.

Author's Notes
~This is my 60 minute challenge story, and by Luna's sexy flank I can write a lot in that amount of time!
~This story is my interpretation of what could of happened while Twilight and company went off to search for the Elements of Harmony.
~Since this is a one chapter story I might not edit it for future purposes because in my mind. It won't be worth it in the end. Sorry if I disappointed you with that bit of news. Just kidding. I've just edited today on 12/11/12.
~Also, this story is a fast response to this video.
~OC tag for Lauren Faust as her pony is technically an OC.
Hope you enjoy!

Cover Art Source:
Sad Chrysalis by mysticalpha

Chapters (1)

Subject 27 is a dark, gritty, action packed and slightly sad story that revolves around a small boy possesed by a deranged demon. The poor child grows up to be a soldier of fortune and eventually is hired by a military scout interested in his particular set of skills. During his service, the man who will become Subject 27 is sent into the pony realm by a military test gone horribly wrong while nearly wiping out all of his memories of his entire life. Join Subject 27 on his adventures through the world of Equestria as he tries to reclaim the memories of his past while fighting for his life, love, and future.

Chapters (82)

A fan fiction written by a young colt? That's not news. Everyone writes fan fictions. It's no big deal. Really. No one is interested at all... Where did he put it? Not that we want to see it or anything...

Come on. It's a parent's job to be curious about what their children are doing. It's also in their nature to snoop, pry, and break the laws of anything to find out WHO THEY WROTE IT ABOUT!

A double-sided story. One half tells the story of finding a fan fiction written by a starting author. The other is -well- the story itself.

Art Done by Flinx. (The younger assistant.) As a rendition of Pip drawing.

Chapters (2)

After a major dispute with her queen, a lone female Changeling is banished from her home and forced to be on her own.
She eventually runs into Ponyville where she transforms herself into a random pony citizen to blend in. She ends up running into residents and makes some new friends while exploring.
But then she accidentally runs into a certain young dragon... one who had caught her eye during the invasion of Canterlot.

-My first romance story; but don't expect a clop-fic from me anytime soon, cause I would suck at those.

(In this story, Chrysalis calls her minions by number; please don't ask how she knows who is who.)

The more appropriate artwork to the side is all thanks to 'Tsubaki Rehooved'

Chapters (13)

Life for me was just about like everyone else. Get up, do a morning routine, and do stuff for the day, but this day was going to be different for me. I end up in Equestria with a little help. Follow me as I go throuh what so many of us dream of.

Chapters (4)

Sequel to "A New Life" I strongly suggest that you read that first. This takes palce 2 years after "A New Life

Chapters (8)