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Phil Phillips isn't your everyday slacker. His life practically redefined relaxing and his antics practically redefined ridiculous pranks. One day however, life decides to give Phil a taste of his own medicine when the effects of an ancient comet send him to the magical pastel world of Equestria, but not without consequences. The after effects of the comet give him an odd, unwanted power. Whenever Phil gets wet, he becomes an irresistible mare magnet! Can Phil survive the onslaught of horny mares?
Not a self insert.
Takes place immediately after the events of "Keep Calm And Flutter On."
Side note: All chapter titles will be Led Zeppelin song titles. Because fuck you, that's why. All rights reserved.

Chapters (19)

After the wedding in Canterlot, Twilight thought the excitement was over, at least for a while. But when she wakes up to find the events of the past few days were a lie, she realizes just how wrong she was. Can she and her friends save Equestria from an enemy who has already won? Or will they remain trapped in the Hivemind?

Chapters (8)

Now i'm sure there is a bunch of you that think royal life is really easy and that we don't have much problems at all right? Well that's where your wrong. This is a story about the struggles royalty faces no matter how regal. This is about Princess Blackbell, and her attempts to make it through Cantorlot High.

A third book in the Series "Even A Princess Has Feelings." If you want to understand what happens THEN READ THAT FIC FIRST! So please go read that before you read this one. It will be told from the POV of Blackbell and that's all I can say for now. Oh and the cover art was done by a friend who didn't make her exactly the way we planned so sorry about that. But anywho ENJOY!

Chapters (3)

Princess Celestia X Human OC. Enjoy and tell me what you think :)

My name is Samuel Higgott. And this is how I met Princess Celestia...and how we fell in love...and how we fell apart.

In a moment of weakness, all it can take is one person to break two hearts. And in this case...I broke hers.

I decided to upload this onto FIMfiction because I feel like it would be appreciated :) I may be wrong, but I might be right and you'll hopefully enjoy this.

Off we go then!

Sex is only mentioned but I'll chuck up the warning just to be safe XD

Chapters (2)

Anonymous Unknown the Human(You) is stuck working a dead end job day in and day out. Your life is so boring the only thing you do is eat, work, and sleep. But one fateful night Discord, The God of Chaos, visits Earth. When he comes across you he offers you an escape, one that you cannot refuse. When you are sent to Equestria you come to find out that Discord rules all and his reign, along with the antics of his daughters Screwball and Eris, has left a chaotic mess in their wake. You are forced into living here under the premise of making friends with ponies.

Why does Discord wish for you to befriend equines?
Why did he choose you of all the other humans out there?
How many friends will you make?
Why are the ponies he introduces you to gray and hostile?

Edited by: Detective Pingles http://www.fimfiction.net/user/DetectivePingles

Chapters (20)

'What is it about humans that urges them seek out so many endeavors in order to feed their desires? Greed, power, family, friends, philosophy, knowledge; infinite goals and infinite reasons behind them. Whoever or whatever created these beings are either cunning; to create self motivating creatures that will constantly push the limits of what's possible, or downright cruel; never truly allowing them to feel true fulfillment or satisfaction. The point is humans were created with a void, a missing piece left intentionally empty never to be filled, an undying hunger.'

A bit grim right? The names Rodney, and in case you're wondering, this is the story of my life. A life of Magic, Gods, and regrettably, Ponies. Yeah, freakin-multi-techno-collored-goody-ponies.
But it's not all bad really, got way healthier with a more green diet. Though the lack of meat can be painful at times, that one landed me in less than desired situations. I get to screw with innocent ponies on a regular basis. Didn't kill myself or everyone else with me either. So not a bad deal really, even ended up retiring as teacher.

Teen for language and some adult themes.
This takes place before season 3.

HIATUS: Currently at a programmer's boot camp. Will be done late June 2015.

AN: If you can see past my cruddy writing skills there's plenty to tickle your funny bones, I hope. First attempt at writing a fic.

Chapters (49)

You, a young human living in Canterlot, have never fit in with anyone. It's been years since you were found in Equestria, and you've become a small outcast in this world of ponies. Hiding away from everyone, you find solace in another strange being, a weird black bug-like filly that calls herself Chrysalis.

Chapters (14)

Walking with the paws of an ancient predator, a young man finds himself in a strange world. A world where horses are the dominant species, and he’s a very rare and dangerous animal. How will a speechless man turned wolf deal with society? How will he approach ponies? Would he even want to bother speaking to them?

(Love interest is not revealed in any of the current chapters. So don't freak out when you don't see it. I'm also focusing on a very realistic sense of love. This will be a later part of the story when romance becomes truly relevant. Point out ALL errors to me when you see them, even the ones that have been pointed out already, and I'll see what I can do.)

(Special thanks to my EPIC Proof-reader and Editor ultra1437)

Chapters (11)

Newly married Princess Cadance and Shining Armour return home after their honeymoon happy to be home again and ready to help out around the castle however they can. However, when Cadance discovers a small creature hiding in her room, she has a choice to make. Turn the changeling in to the royal guard or keep it a secret.

Warning: This story is made mostly for Dwaaa'a and will likely hit you in a feel or two.

Chapters (11)

Most legends are born from a single small grain of truth, others are born from the pure imagination of a few ponies, but as Ponyville very well knows not all legends are that. When something saves Apple Bloom from a pack of Timberwolves will she be able to convince the others of what she saw or will she just have to find the truth herself?

The Supplement to this story is ready to be read. It's right here. Read it. I mean... if you want to. I'm not your boss.

I would like to give a big big thanks to Danupert for pre-reading chapters 4 through 12. Thank you so much.
Also want to thank Annoyed Changeling, Ratfinkdos, and Crystal Static for being willing to help with this story as pre-readers. Thank you very much.

Chapters (24)