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The story is inspired by the Spiders and Magic series started by Maximus_Reborn

Following his adventure twenty-five years into the future, Peter Pony Parker has been doing his best to live a normal life with his wife Twilight Sparkle and daughter Mayday. Of course, their friends are still by each other's side, but for now they enjoyed the peace.

That is, until Spider-Man 2099 warps in during a picnic. With the barriers between Earth and Equestria broken, as well as the very fabric of time. Peter must become Spider-Mane once more with his successor to defeat the mastermind Walker Sloan and his growing army.

Chapters (28)

Eventide Trailblazer is a mare obsessed. While the rest of Equestria shuns the name Sunset Shimmer, she spends her time dwelling on the true story of the mare behind the myth, a story that culminated in a horrible disaster five years ago. Trusting no one but her best friend and her therapist Eventide plots in secret, making plans that will fix things once and for all. But while her intentions might be good, do her plans truly benefit anyone but herself?

Twenty five years prior to Eventide's own plans the object of her obsession returns to Equestria from parts unknown. The end of Twilight's inter-dimensional duel across time with Starlight Glimmer also marks Sunset's unexpected return from CHS, yet when Twilight meets up with her she can barely recognize her friend from the other world. Scared, paranoid and horribly injured, Sunset claims to have spent the last seven weeks of her life trapped in her own inter-dimensional journey, a journey that sounds worryingly familiar to Twilight.

Set directly after cutie re-mark for Twilight chapters and approximately 25 years after season 5 for Eventide. Other Tag is for Flurry Heart.

Possible spoilers in comments

Chapters (62)

Spartan Adam-D014 was a lone wolf assigned to the UNSC Lightning. What was supposed to be a routine mission ended up with the frigate being ejected from slipspace unexpectedly, and with Adam landing on a strange planet inhabited by colorful, friendly equines. But something's not quite right... Adam's turning up in Equestria was more than mere coincidence, and Adam is determined to find out just what is going on.


Chapters (25)

So, this is unexpected.
Oh, sorry, guess I should introduce myself. At least, with my new identity. My name's Cinder Fall. If you haven't heard of me, I can't really blame you. Still, for those who have, I'm in Equestria, of all places. Not trying to conquer it, actually. In fact, I'm friends with the Princesses. Trust me, it was weird for me, as, before, I was just a normal wife where this-my new identity and this world-were fiction, and on my death bed when something spoke to me, and offered me a second life, as i had done some. . .well, let's just say immoral stuff in that life, shall we. Anyway, I guess I'd better start telling the story of what got me here, and what I've been doing. That's why you're here, after all. To read a story.
(My first RWBY story, but not my first Displaced. Also pre-displacment universe is the same as Shadow Kings and Harmony's Champion)

Chapters (14)

After a slipspace accident, Ale, a Spartan II, is the last survivor of the UNSC Enduring Ember. Lost, injured, and confused, the displaced soldier must come to terms with his new reality or risk falling into a terrifying isolation. All is not as it seems however, the super soldier having gained the attention of a threat that can rival even his strength and tactical wisdom. Will Ale choose a war that is not his to fight, or will he turn a blind eye as he struggles to find his peace?

For the most part this story takes place before season four, but it's been so long since I actually wrote this that things may slip through the cracks during the rewrite. I apologize in advance for this.

Book one of three.
Proofread by The dragon hunter

This is my first story so constructive criticism is appreciated. Enjoy!

(This story is undergoing a rewrite. Chapters marked with a * are new and vastly improved! The old version will still be kept however, so beware!)

Halo elements belong to Bungie, Microsoft, and 343 Industries. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.

Warning! Spoilers in comments!

Chapters (29)

When our protagonist awakens in the Everfree Forest, he is not alone. Transformed into a creature he once thought to be fictional, and accompanied by his close family he must find his way through this new land. Can he build a new life for them all in Equestria, and how will the ponies react to these strange creatures? Particularly when they find out about a certain TV show.

Comments and criticisms appreciated.

(Not a self-insert)

Thanks to Wadusher0 for the cover art.

Updated every Friday.

Featured on 05/09/2014 (or 09/05 if you're American)

Featured again 05/12/2014 Thanks again, everypony!

And again on 09/01/2015

Chapters (101)

This story is a sequel to The Warriors of Chaos (Old version)

(Note: Reading the First Warriors of Chaos is not required for the Archaon Saga.)

A thousand years ago, before Discord was imprisoned, a Warrior unlike any other rose from almost out of nowhere. Leading a vast Horde of corrupted ponies, This Warrior, Archaon The Everchosen, sowed ruination and destruction across Equestria, before being sealed in stone. A thousand years have past, and Equestria is no more, destroyed by another Warrior of Chaos named Ahriman, and his army, The New Black Legion. But Archaon has awakened from his stone imprisonment, and shall attempt to once again bring about The End Times. Ahriman's army must hold fast to defeat this foe for surely almost nothing can stop the path of destruction that Archaon walks.

A displaced story. I own nothing but the story itself. this is a Warhammer 40,000/MLP/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover.
Rated T for teen due to what could be intense violence, gore, and everything else you would expect from Warhammer.

Chapters (9)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

This is a Ponyfinder crossover. Do you need to know Ponyfinder to continue? Certainly not! Learn with our clueless protagonists the way it was meant to be.

Chapters (30)

"My name is Kelly Randell. I have been a fan of Kamen Rider since Double, and I sort of have a thing for hot villains... Ryoma being my favorite of the bunch. So it comes as no surprise that I come dressed up as him to Comicon."

'So... if the title and art says that she's becoming Gold Drive, why then does the description imply that she becomes Duke?'

"So then I met this guy who was selling a bunch of trinkets. He offered me the limited edition Lemon Lockseed that hadn't even been released yet... but then I saw the badass Banno Driver. I bought that instead. I think I made a good purchase...

That's what I would have thought had I not then experienced a Slowdown and ended up in a world where everyone's skin is colored differently, I ended up as a professor in a high school, and the Driver had become active. Yes. Banno's active. I'd be afraid, but right now I have other problems, like the local bully or Roidmudes randomly popping up everywhere. And don't get me started on that edgy Little Red Riding Hood cosplayer.

Basic gist: High School sucks. As always."

An Equestria Girls Displaced fanfic crossing over with Kamen Rider (Specifically Kamen Rider Drive) and RWBY. Image by Egophalic. Character tags may change depending on how important they are. The story is split into several six-chapter arcs. Each will be revealed in time.

Arc 1 (Chapters 1-6): The Golden Drive Arc, the beginning arc for this fanfic in which Kelly adjusts to both the new world and her powers as Gold Drive, and how she's not the only Displaced in this world.
Arc 2 (Chapters 8-14): The Shimmering Sunset Arc, in which Kelly learns about being a Displaced, her place in the universe she had been thrown into, and how there's a threat that could be bigger than she could ever imagine.
Arc 3 (Chapters 15-??): The Dazzling Adagio Arc, in which Kelly ends up having to face both the Roidmudes and the Dark Swan at the same time, and how she ends up receiving help from the most unlikely of allies.

Chapters (20)

Equestria: The shining beacon of peace and harmony in a world torn by war. The citizens are safe and secure within the borders.

However, a darkness is coming. Sunset Shimmer, daughter of Celestia, fears the return of the goddess of the night herself: Nightmare Moon. A mare who wishes nothing more than the destruction of everything good. Sunset will do anything to stop her.....
...Even if that means hanging out with other ponies.
I know you all have seen your fair shair of Alt-universes, starring a different main six. I know this, but I couldn't get the thought of trying my own hand in the concept.
{I'm also hoping I live up to the standard set by my predecessors.}
I shall call my 'verse, "The Shimmerverse"....Genius!

(Edited by The Albinocorn. Thanks for the assistance.)
Coverart by F-NAR
I hope I did well and you enjoy it.
Please leave a comment.

Chapters (23)