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Lightning Dust gave her all when it came to attacking a treacherous Discord. It turns out that she was sent to Earth with a good number of other ponies. What will Mike do as he slowly turns into the Wonderbolt? What will he do with his family? His friends? His job? He has to make decisions that will affect everyone.

She's found compatriots, and family. She is dedicated to making sure they are safe. But that's not going to be easy.

A Five Score Divided by Four story

Many thanks to my collaborator Phenrys, and his story Dust on the Wind: Irony's Story

And I now have three pre-readers, helping me keep this story going, providing encouragement and constructive criticism. They are the immortal Phenrys, exsnaggerwes, and Kitsy-Chan. Thank you to all who comment and enjoy the story as much as I do!

And I made it into the feature box!!! On 3/17/15! YAY!!!

In case you didn't know, this story has a sequel. It's called the Epsilon Pegasus. I hope you enjoy the read!

Chapters (80)

Calvin was like all other Sixth grade boys in his class. He was Adventurous, brave and daring. Some of his hobbies included Video Games, Trading Card Games, soccer and various other activities. One of those things though was that he liked to play Skylanders. At times, he even imagined himself as one of the characters as he played around his backyard and saw the family dog as one of Kaos' minions. At times, he even wished to wonder if one day, he could become one of them

But he was never prepared for when that wish of his came true.

This is his story.

[Skylanders/MLP Displaced Crossover]
Credits to everything shown

Rated E10 because it's a skylanders story. You get the rest
Featured 9/15/16 and on 1/9/17: You guys are awesome!!
Featured again on 6/21/2018! You guys are the best!!
Featured on 7/19/2019! Thank you so much for the support everypony!
Featured on 4/26/2020!!

Chapters (56)

A fighter pilot crashes during a routine ferry flight. Saved from death by our favorite Princess of the Night. He's transported to Ponyville to give our favorite new Alicorn a lesson on a different type of magic of friendship, and that is...

The magic of Love.

No, not a clopfic, there might eventually be a little innuendo, but I'm going that direction. More along the lines of romantic love. I hope to get some feedback on this story.

Once again, I'd like to thank my editor Jeray2000 for his excellent work editing this story. Check him out!!!

Chapters (21)

Equestria: a land of magic, opportunity, and adventure. For Twilight Sparkle and her friends, adventure is in no short supply. And when a mysterious massive ship appears in the skies of Equestria, they find themselves on yet another adventure to discover its origins, and its reason for arriving in their small corner of the universe.

However, the ponies are not the only ones aware of the ship's presence. Triggered by the arrival of the craft, a long-forgotten being awakens, its last memories still fresh in its mind. And with the presence of the ship, it sees an opportunity for revenge.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Dark Matter

The final story of the Savage Skies series.

The world has been saved and the years have passed. But for Dawn Lightwing, not every challenge is behind him. He finds himself faced with something possibly even more difficult than a murderous cult or a mad scientist performing a world-ending experiment, finding what it is that he truly wishes to do with his life. Both Dawn and Scootaloo will go through experiences that challenge their desires for the future and their relationship with each other as they navigate along the final stretch of the convoluted path to adulthood.

Chapters (24)

Marcus 657 has always been different from his other Spartan brother and sisters. Most are broken at the core; no longer fully human in a sense. But is there still redemption for this Spartan? Can Marcus regain his humanity through old 'gifts' and new friends? And perhaps love in one of the oddest places?

This is my first story, so be nice. If you favorite it, don't forget to press the like button. Thanks for reading!
kalash93, boboholic20- Thanks a lot you guys!

Updates-200 likes!!!!

Chapters (30)

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase have gone through a lot. They fought the Minotaur, Medusa, a Manticore, the Chimera, Kronos, and even Arachne, the Spider Queen. It was during this last fight that they recovered the Athena Parthenos, a sacred statue that would help secure the demigods' victory over Gaea and the Giants, but the unexpected happened: the floor gave away, and the pair fell all the way down to Tartarus. The first thing they noticed, was that a large mirror, that no monster would approach, not even for some tasty demigod blood. They were trapped, and the only way to save themselves, was through that mirror. What was on the other side, however, was even wilder than they ever thought possible.

(Added romance tag and made story "Teen" for planning on future chapters, and romance mostly in post-story Extras section.)

(Being a big Percy Jackson & The Olympians fan, I couldn't help but notice that Tartarus existed in Equestria, according to Twilight. This story recounts the events of Percy and Annabeth's journey into the other side of the Pit, and beyond.)

Chapters (17)

[This story has been rewritten, link to it is here ]
Canterlot is getting ready for the wedding of the century, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is marrying the Captain of the Royal Guard and part of the draconic royal family will be in attendance. In addition to helping prepare the most high profile wedding Equestria has seen in living memory, Celestia has tasked Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Elements of Harmony with befriending the future queen of the Dragon Empire and her entourage, the first Sorcerer the Empire has ever had. One thing is certain, this will be a wedding that nobody ever forgets.
(New description has be made by none other than DoomManta)

(Story has been inspired by This picture) Go check out the person who did it Zig-Word

New cover art is drawn by It may say a different name but same person.

Note to all: This story has been made before the season 6 ep 5 "Gauntlet of Fire" was made but may have some details about it. ;)

Also this story got Featured, a lot... thanks everyone xD

Chapters (10)

Displaced Story!

Want. Desire. Greed.

All things could be said to come from wanting something else, whether it be as grand as world domination, or a simple as a glass of water. For Katsuo Pollux, a boy born without what many take for granted, it was one thing: Power. The power to be a hero. And that's exactly what Equestrian needs right now. Let's see if he's ready for it.


Chapters (5)

For several years, Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry, and Twilight Sparkle have been roommates in a small apartment in the heart of Manehatten. What was supposed to be the most exciting time in their young lives turned into a monotonous routine of jobs, bills, and the occasional date.

One night, their lives were torn apart, and they were thrown in a life or death struggle along the rest of Manehatten to survive an attack from a monster ravaging the city.

Luckily, what was left of one of Twilight Sparkle's old defense projects might just come in handy.

Editors and Proofreaders:

Chapters (12)