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Starflight hadn't expected the first living thing he saw when he could see again to be a pony with wings and a horn. He also never expected to see his dream visitor again. But now, he and his friends find themselves being dragged to a far off land in their dreams, one by one, with a new challenge to face. As they defend Jade Mountain from Queen Scarlet in the waking world, they are met with an even greater danger in their dreams. One that could decide the fate of both worlds.

A/N: I don't have cover art for this story yet, and I'm still debating whether or not to even keep writing it. I enjoyed what I've wrote, and hopefully you'll enjoy reading it. If it seems like a story worth your time, let me know with a favorite and hopefully I'll find the motivation to keep writing this. Enjoy.

Chapters (3)

Clay has always looked up to his mother Rainbow Dash, even though they aren't related by blood. Yet he can't help but feel that he could only truly belong with her if he was a pegasus instead of an earth pony. Clays obsession with wanting to fly will send him on a journy he never thought possible and teach him that family doesn't have to be blood deep.

This is my first fanfic, give advice and critacism, but please go easy.

Special Thanks to Carnelian for the cover art. And my brother for getting me into fanfiction.

This story was proofread by Tsubaki Rehooved and BookPlayer

MLP: FIM is owned by Hasbro and the HUB

Listen to the audio reading by Mr.Fail55 aka zmuscle

Connected stories are:

Wings for a Pony: Becoming Mommy

Wings for a Pony: Dinky's Sky

Wings for a Pony 2

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Spiders and Magic III: Days of Friendship Past

Every hero rises, but they eventually fall.

This is how Spider-Mane died.

Featured: 9/25/2015 - 9/26/2015

*Thanks to Kestrel, Darth Cygnus, Commander Stelios, Regreme, Vandenbz, Lord Lycaon, cosmic flash, Derp McShirk, NeilHD, and Dark Seqvus, for editing!

Collab with Azu

Cover art done by BlackFreya

Chapters (54)

It was an average day for Maximus Garrison as he returned home from college, that is... until a strange old man showed up on his front porch. and it didn't take long after that for his entire world to be turned on his head as he now finds himself in a strange world filled with talking ponies, angry shapeshifting insects, as well as... Digimon and Bionicles!? now things are really going crazy, and it doesnt help that a orphan pair of the talking ponies have become attached to him... and his new 'Brothers".

A displaced story inspired by part of my childhood.

Chapters (3)

Featured 6/7/2015 ~ 6/10/2015
Featured 9/9/15

(Was rewritten under orders from a moderator due to the infamous Dropbear incident, said it was a carbon-copy of his work but honestly how many times can you describe something and not have people say you copied them?) name is Skolas, Kell of Kells, the Rabid, the Wolf Kell. But to those that actually know who I am then my name is Ian, scrub lord in the department of game creation and sadly the newest resident to this new land called Equestria...sounds like a strange European band.

And so there I was with my friends from college, we decided after much debating, coin flipping and two rounds of roshambo to go dress up as the characters of the game Destiny. I decided to go as Skolas because one I like the color blue, two cause I like the way he looks and three because I think he is a total badass as my friends either dressed up as their guardians, Omnigul and for some reason that creepy guy that only appears on Fridays that takes your crappy strange coins.

It was during this convention that all five of us went to that something strange happened, with my wallet full of cash from my job I went out to look for a souvenir to bring home, what I was not expecting to see was a small booth with a strange looking merchant. Of course I just had to buy something and seeing how my large cape had a clasp I might as well take the one that looks just like it, strange thing about my new clasp is that it looks like a unicorn's head with wings coming out of it...must be a strange sigil of some kind, eh at least it matches the colors.

Now this would have made my day a whole lot better if it wasn't for the fact that once I put on my new cape clasp and pocketed my wallet did my head started to feel light and everything began to turn blurry before everything went bright and then black. I wake up to find myself in the middle of nowhere with snow going for miles in every single direction.

I hate my life so much sometimes...

Destiny Characters belong to the owners of Destiny.

Rated T-M for Strong Language, Violence, References, Crude Humor and if I feel like making it Rated M, Naughty Times.

Looking for any alternative cover-art if you are interested of hunting for one for me. IF you do find me one that can work then you will get your name placed into each chapter as the man/woman for finding me a new cover.

Crossovers with: None so far

Chapters (12)

After the Umbrum's defeat, Sombra and Radiant Hope set out to find the shards of Princess Amore, but the former King is still tormented by guilt. Along the way, he and Hope grow closer - even starting a family. Along the way, Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but that the destination makes it worth it.

(Picture belongs to Eeveewhite97 on DeviantArt, who gave me the inspiration for this.)

EDIT: Now with a sequel!

Chapters (16)

Dark pasts haunt all. A man with such a dark past and unforgiving future, lands in the colorful land of Equestria, where he figures out the dark truths of his past and kind friendship along the way.

Is he a peaceful man, or a fire breathing demonic monster? A friendly human, or a slayer of gods and sower of destruction? Will he find peace and friendship or painful memories and cruel foes?

Aldon is ripped from his own world, in the most controversial way: death. He is tasked with helping and protecting the new world he lands in, but will he be seen as a monster or friend?

Original character and his background and story is mine, but MLP and such is property of respected authors and affiliates.

Chapters (25)

Life is going good for Sunset Shimmer. She's gone from a bitter, angry loner to being surrounded by friends, has a girlfriend for the first time in her life, and even helped save the human world from being mind controlled by three emotion-sucking monsters.

So imagine her surprise when one of the said emotion-sucking monsters reappears a month after their defeat as a young, mute child who is pick-pocketing to get by. Now she needs to figure out what to do with the child-ized Sonata Dusk that has come into her life.

And could the two other sirens still be a threat?

Idea inspired by Daniel-Gleebits and his story Three Little Visitors.

Also, AU for The Witching Hour.

Cover Art by Niban-Destikim

Chapters (3)

For the past few years, the world has been plagued by strange events. Many of these proved devastating. Despite that, the world has gone on almost completely normal. Then, one day, a few people start discovering odd changes.

There are many odd things in the world, things people sometimes can't explain, or even things people cannot fathom. From the smallest particle to galaxies light years across, there are many unexplainable things. For Sasha Bellamy, some things are bound to be unexplainable, and that starts the day that the Hair Went Pink.
Not cancelled, just on a hiatus while I revise.

Kindness is a parent fic to a new verse idea, Boundaries.

Chapters (1)

The Adeptus Astartes, great defenders of mankind. Unless they're just some guy who's been thrust into being one due to the whims of fate and some sort of extra-dimensional being. Especially so when that guy is weird, possibly likes classical literature a bit too much, and might be a little insane.

A displaced story and my first story that I've shared anywhere, so please be gentle with your scathing comments.

Warhammer 40k/MLP crossover. all copyrights to their respective owners, Games Workshop and Hasbro.

Chapters (12)