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Ryan was a guy who, while not having a great life, had one that was passable and wasn't anything to gripe about; however he felt lost in what it had all become...but that changes soon enough when he finds himself in a place that's like his world but not, and comes to find friendship with those residing there; in particular one southern gal starts to catch his eye and so a tale of silliness, laughs, love, and even action begins as he adjusts and finds a way to make a new start in Equestria...and on Sweet Apple Acres.

(My first ever MLP:FiM fanfic since this series is just so awesome and AppleJack is also mah fave pony. I go a little crazy with how I set stuff up but I hope ya find it an entertaining read.)
5/11/14: Over 20,000 views?! You guys are crazy, but that's awesome so Thanks!
3/31/15: Over 30,000 views now...good heavens. That's a lot of reads. Hahahaha. Thanks guys! :pinkiehappy:
11/4/15: And now over 40,000 views. And certainly more fans thanks to that. Haha. Awesome!

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to The Plot Before Christmas

In the same universe as The Plot Before Christmas...

Whilst cooking lunch for her human one day, Pinkie accidentally unleashes something that—once again—puts Ponyville in peril. Will she, her friends, their human Ryan as well as their friends Darkness Shade and Thunder Fire of the Bottom of the Plot detective agency be able to stop this spicy menace and save their home?

...p-probably. Ah mean, it's just a giant hard could it be to take down something like that?
...harder than you'd think.

Chapters (1)

~In Another Time, Another Place....~
Darkness Night Shade never expected he'd call a land full of multi-color ponies his home, but as one to roll with a situation he's found a good niche for himself as a freelance detective of sorts. Teamed up with a bright-eyed Pegasus pony that's about as silly as he is, the two have made the most of the time since his arrival there. But one day, when somepony threatens to ruin Christmas for—
Hearth's Warming Eve~
Dang it Thunder Fire, stop ruining the description. Ahem, but when somepony threatens to ruin the Holidays for his friends, these two will go on a silly, wacky little adventure to save the day and bring about Christmas cheer.

(This story was written as a little goofy Christmas gift for mah friend Andrea over on dA. It was silly enough that Ah figured y'all might enjoy it too. It's a one shot but if'n enough of you like the two of them together Ah might write in this version of reality again one day. So give it a read and Merry Christmas to all! Oh, and there are other ponies in it, but Ah didn't tag them to keep it a surprise. :trollestia:)

Chapters (1)

Astrid never expected any of this to happen, nor did she ever want it to happen, especially not to her. Lost in a world that is not her own, trapped in the body of a creature that is not her own, Astrid wants nothing more than to go home.

However, going home may not be an option.

Edited by the fantastic Babroniedadand ShimmerLeaf!

A Displaced Story featuring Legend of Zelda
Conflicting tags: Adventure/Slice of Life
Tags may be added or even changed as the story progresses
Currently not accepting crossovers

Featured on 5/12/17, the very first day! Thanks!

Chapters (9)

Sequel to My Very Little Ponies

Edited by the awesome Tired Old Man, aka TOM . He is a great editor

*If you want your pony or gryphon OC in this story as a cameo (or possibly more than that) appearance, let me know via PM or comment :) . I already have some I am using, might use yours too! And the art is by Latiwings

After Micah being severely wounded by Chrysalis, the queen of the Changelings, he is brought to Equestria to heal his wounds. But being stuck there, away from home while there seems to be no way back to his family and lover, he has more than merely physical wounds.

On top of that, Sombra, a unicorn gone for many years, has returned and is swiftly moving through the north of Equestria, having already conquered the Crystal Empire during the absence of Princess Celestia and the Mane Six. As of this moment, he is moving his forces south, with the Equestrian military just holding the line against him.

With war happening, and the two princesses needing to lead the nation and defeat Sombra, along with the Mane Six needing to defend Equestria as well, Micah is on his own as he tries to find some way to return home. But one little nurse seems determined to help him through it all.

But as he tries to find a way home, learns how to fight so he can survive in this now violent land, and makes both friends and enemies, one must wonder what exactly might he sacrifice to return home?

*You do not have to read My Very Little Ponies to understand all that happens in this, but still, I recommend doing so. And to those that read it, know that this is going to be darker than My Very Little Ponies.*

*Also, this story is in first person but it switches between different character's perspectives, so you know.*

Chapters (12)

Art by AlicornParty on deviantart. Here is her profile.

*Now with a sequel, To return home *

(Know I am planning on editing my earlier chapters with the help of two people I have met here)

Hello there, my name is Micah. Your typical Jewish fellow in Seattle. I only recently got back from a trip abroad to find a box in front of my apartment door. Apparently what was inside it were six My Little Pony figurines. Though, I soon find out they aren't figurines. They are the real thing. And, no, I got no freaking clue how they are here, nor why they are here. Only thing I am thinking of is this: Why am I tied up and on the ground of my own apartment?

And another thing that I wonder... Why won't they tell me why they are here?

Rated teen for some swearing and dark stuff in future chapters. Mostly the last two ones, which I admit are definitely darker and has violence and, well, some sensuality in it.

Gore tag added for the last chapter only. All other chapters are gore free, and even the last one is not heavy with it.

Takes place pre season three of the show.

Chapters (20)

It started with one: one little pony that decided to crawl out of my monitor. Now I'm stuck with a load of tiny ponies. Things could be worse though they're entertaining to say the least. They tend to break stuff when left on their own though...but they're all rather well mannered besides that.

Note: I'm tired of being original, cute is better anyways.

Chapters (8)

What started out as a fairly good night only got worse, for what seemed like simple toys turned out to be so much more. And now, there's miniature ponies on the loose, flying around and using magic.

Chapters (3)

"Always expect the unexpected in life, after all, life is unpredictable." Jeff Manns, a 20 year-old high school graduate, has finally moved out of his parents home. Jeff's life couldn't be better, he has a job, he's living on his own, the whole world before him, and he has... six magical miniature fillies? How did these creatures end up in Jeff's life, and what does he even know about taking care of these three inch tall fillies? Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

Sidenote - the lovely Fred2266 has actually done a reading from a long while ago on some of the first chapters on this story! So show him some support and enjoy.

Chapters (9)

Andrew hikes; he's always done it with friends, and he couldn't imagine a trip without them. Today is different: he's a bit lost, but he won't be friendless for all too long.

With the strange—yet adorable—local fauna as company, Andrew sets off to conquer the hike of his life.

On Goodreads thanks to the work of Facedeer.
Coverart originally by Danfango.

Chapters (45)