• Member Since 24th Jun, 2013

Jazzmania Chronicle

I'm just somepony who wants to finish a story. I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!

TRAGEDY 354 stories
Found 287 stories in 73ms

Total Words: 14,919,394
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


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  • DRAMA 594 stories Stop being so dramatic!

  • HUMAN/EQ. GIRLS 972 stories We are the humans, my friends . . .!

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  • SCIENCE FICTION 179 stories Sci-if, babies!

  • ADVENTURE 1334 stories Let's do this!

  • ALT. UNIVERSE 1267 stories That's right, folks! There's another universe . . .

  • ANTHRO 129 stories Humanoid ponies . . . Huh.

  • SAD 733 stories Here come the waterworks.

  • TRAGEDY 354 stories That is a tragedy.

  • MYSTERY 146 stories Let's solve this mystery, gang!

  • CROSSOVER 522 stories It's a cross between a . . . a . . .

  • THRILLER 111 stories This is THRILLER . . .

  • RANDOM 222 stories Yeah, it's random.

  • SECOND PERSON 64 stories It's all about you . . .

  • FALLOUT: WORLD 86 stories War . . . war never changes . . .

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  • COMPLETED READS 291 stories The stories I love and finished reading . . . Hollar!

  • READS IN PROGRESS 5 stories Stories that I'm in the middle of . . . MUST FINISH!!!!!

  • HIATUS READS 2 stories Stories I haven't finished reading but I'm putting on hold for the moment...

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This story is a sequel to Truth

This is the end.

I've lost everything. My home. My family. My friends. My pride.

Equestria. My Equestria is gone. The humans have won and have come to finish me and the others of the Freedom Fighters off. I'm going to die, but I'm not afraid.

I've been dead for a long time.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

After a strange Unicorn stallion with a knack for fire magic crash lands on the outskirts of Ponyville, Twilight takes him in to help him cope with the horrors of his past. Will this stallion ignite the flames of passion for the scholar? Join Twilight and her friends as they tackle an ancient foe that has awoken from it's slumber. Will their friendship survive, or will the bridges they've worked so hard to build go up in flames?

This is part three of my series.
Check out 'The Dreams We Share' and 'Spellbound Apples' to get more info on Storm Chaser and Hex Swirl.
Art done by: jewlecho.

Chapters (4)

Seath the Scaleless, White Dragon God of Verdite, Traitor to the Everlasting Dragons, Duke of Anor Londo, Grandfather of Sorcery, and now the new friend and mentor to Twilight Sparkle? What will happen when two like-minded souls from opposite ends of the morality spectrum match wits? And what will remain in their wake?

A somewhat more meta twist on a MLP/Dark Souls cross-over, inspired predominantly by a few pictures I found of Seath and Twilight together, and my bewildered discovery that for all of the stories on this site that cover these two franchises, there's only one that focuses on Seath the Scaleless and so far it hasn't seen any updates in over a year ( http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68621/scales for those curious).

For those who haven't played either the King's Field or Dark Souls games worry not. I'll do my best to either explain the lore of both in the story itself, or add an author's notes for anything that gets referenced.

UPDATE: New custom cover art at last! Courtesy of Cryophase ( http://cryophase.deviantart.com/ )

Editing is courtesy of lunarstallion

Chapters (62)

"Unicorns are wonderful!"
"Unicorns are fantastic!"
"Unicorns are marvelous!"
"Unicorns are glamorous!"
"Unicorns are enchanting!"
"Unicorns are terrific!"

They also like to twist words. What would happen if you asked what they really are, without the wordplay?

Unicorns provoke wonder. They create fantasies. They cause marvels. They project glamour. They weave enchantment. But most importantly, they spawn terror.

For you see, nopony said that unicorns were good.

Massively A.U.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Monster Below

*If you'd like to purchase a physical copy of this story, click here*

Two years have passed since Silverspeak's dream to become an Alicorn ended in failure and tragedy. But his efforts to rebuild his life are interrupted when Queen Chrysalis launches an all-out war of espionage, subterfuge, and infiltration on Equestria. With fear and paranoia running rampant, Silverspeak struggles to protect his family, eventually finding a way to end the war – and Chrysalis' threat - forever. But to do so will come at a terrible cost, and Silverspeak is once again forced to make choices no pony should ever have to make, and to decide how far he'll go to protect those he loves...regardless of the consequences.

Cover art by Silfoe.

Edited by:


We were featured on the front page! Thanks to everyone who helped it get there!

Chapters (26)

*If you'd like to purchase a physical copy of this story, click here*

One of Equestria's greatest traits is tolerance. Every pony, whether Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth, is accepted for who they are, and have their own parts to play in keeping Equestria running.

But what if an Earth pony decided he didn't want to play his assigned part? What if he wanted to rise above everyone else and become an Alicorn? Such a thing is possible... but the path to fulfilling one's dreams is never simple. Risks must be taken. Sacrifices must be made. And the question is always asked: How far would you go to get what you wanted? And would you be willing to pay a terrible price to get it?

Chapters (29)

A strange mare arrives in Twilight’s library, claiming to be her future self—here to stop a terrible plague. But Twilight worries that this stranger’s bold claims may hide something more sinister.

Cover art by Cold in Gardez.

Chapters (4)

There once was a little filly named Diamond Tiara. This is the story of how she died.

...No, that's not quite right. For there was in fact another filly by the same name. Another Diamond Tiara, who lived. She was the second one. It's confusing, I know, but I promise it will all make sense in the end.

It all started on a perfectly ordinary day in Ponyville, when Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were trying to stop an insane magic-powered golem from destroying the entire town.

This is the story of two little fillies named Diamond Tiara. The one who died, and the one who lived.

Takes place during season 4, shortly after Twilight Time.

Chapters (1)

Would you rather die, or become a slave to darkness?

NB: This is a continuation of a comic dub I found on youtube. You can find the link here and there. You MUST watch it before reading this, otherwise it won't make any sense haha. Also, I'm yet to come up with a decent description of this so it may change at some point, as will the tags.
This takes place in the same universe as the IDW Comics that featured Rarity turning into Nightmare Rarity.
Dialogue sentences that appear in italic is the conglomerated voice that gets mentioned, so don't get it confused with normal dialogue or words that appear in italic in the middle of other sentences.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to A Shadow Hangs Overhead

Nightmare Moon won.

The efforts of Twilight and her friends to stop Nightmare Moon in the Everfree Forest failed. Nightmare Moon took Rarity from the forest, leaving the other five to their fate. Now she rules Equestria with Rarity at her side, forcing her to take care of any threats to her rule.

And Rarity endures, for if she does not, it will not be her that suffers the consequences.

AU to A Shadow Hangs Overhead.

Want a print copy of this and Shadow? You can get one here!

Chapters (3)