• Member Since 24th Jun, 2013

Jazzmania Chronicle

I'm just somepony who wants to finish a story. I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!

TRAGEDY 354 stories
Found 287 stories in 49ms

Total Words: 14,919,394
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • FAVOURITES 4295 stories - 63683 unread chapters These are my favorites . . .!

  • DARK/HORROR 1565 stories Filled with my favorite horror fics

  • ROMANCE 1502 stories Romance is in the wind- er, air.

  • COMEDY 798 stories So funny you'll cry!

  • DRAMA 594 stories Stop being so dramatic!

  • HUMAN/EQ. GIRLS 972 stories We are the humans, my friends . . .!

  • SLICE OF LIFE 1405 stories Yeah, it's life.

  • SCIENCE FICTION 179 stories Sci-if, babies!

  • ADVENTURE 1334 stories Let's do this!

  • ALT. UNIVERSE 1267 stories That's right, folks! There's another universe . . .

  • ANTHRO 129 stories Humanoid ponies . . . Huh.

  • SAD 733 stories Here come the waterworks.

  • TRAGEDY 354 stories That is a tragedy.

  • MYSTERY 146 stories Let's solve this mystery, gang!

  • CROSSOVER 522 stories It's a cross between a . . . a . . .

  • THRILLER 111 stories This is THRILLER . . .

  • RANDOM 222 stories Yeah, it's random.

  • SECOND PERSON 64 stories It's all about you . . .

  • FALLOUT: WORLD 86 stories War . . . war never changes . . .

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  • COMPLETED READS 291 stories The stories I love and finished reading . . . Hollar!

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I'm lost, but I don't know where I'm from.
I miss them, but I don't know who they are.
My name is Rainbow Dash, but I don't know who I am, or what happened to me.

And I don't know if I'll ever be the same again.

Editing provided by LoyalLiar, Ruirik, and Mooretis. Cover art also provided by Ruirik.
Russian translation provided by Athlete; you can find it here.

Chapters (25)

Five years ago, I screwed up. When I learned my daughter and Princess Luna were together, I tried to stop them. I ended up hurting my daughter, losing the love and respect of my family, and even driven out of Canterlot.

For five years, I have become a broken stallion, living in regret of my actions. With only a small shine of hope, I keep moving forward, hoping I can one day earn my redemption. And now I have a chance to make everything right again. Yet, the cost for doing this is high.

But that's alright. I'll do anything for Twilight.

Because I'm her father.

Note: It's not required to read the original story for this fic.

This is an Alternate Universe sequel of the fanfic To Love a Mare by Mayhem Darkshadow, the story follows on the premise that Night Light, Twilight's father, was exiled for his crimes against Twilight and Luna.

Chapters (4)


Celestia and Luna are all too familiar with the concept. It's a concept that has molded them, strengthened them... and in a few tragic cases, betrayed them.

When they are willing to give up everything to save those they hold most dear, what might be left could be just the thing that winds up destroying the sisters in the end.

Awesomely awesome collab partner of awesomeness is Denim_Blue, who I should mention is pretty damn awesome.

Big thanks to the main editors for the story, Jake The Army Guy, Aatxe360 and PaulAsaran!

Art used with permission from this awesome artist which you can find right here!

Chapters (9)

Demons are such single-minded creatures. Make a deal with one, and you might just get more than you bargained for. All Sombra wanted to do was save Luna, but the bargain has been made, the pact signed in blood, and in the end, it shall be completed no matter what.

Entry into the Equestria Daily Outside Insight Summer Contest.

Big thanks to my prereaders Soundslikeponies and Belligerent Sock along with my editors Malus Scriptor and Titanium Dragon for all their wonderful help!

Also a gift to my homie plumander, who is, like, totally awesome and stuff.

Reading right here.

Chapters (1)

Once again, I am alone in my prison. Doomed to spend eternity trapped in this underworld abode. Stuck in my cage without another soul to comfort me.

Except, for the first time during my imprisonment, I get a visitor. That visitor being the last person I'd ever expect to meet down here.

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up with a serious head-ache caused by her horn spontaneously growing due to a sudden increase in her magical power. Nopony seems to have an answer for it, but it has attracted the attention of an unusually powerful militant foreign nation intent on her capture and execution. When a string of events lands Twilight before Celestia's father himself he tasks her and her newfound magic with tying up some loose ends he'd left behind long ago, ultimately connecting with this foreign nation's goals. With their powerful enemy baring down on Equestria, intent on taking it in a stranglehold, Twilight and her friends have little other choice than to travel the world and hunt for the rest of Celestia's family and end several thousands of years worth of feuding to prevent the war coming to Equestria before they themselves are caught.

Image Picture by Lostzilla of DeviantArt.
(find him yourselves)

Ech is a whiny bitch, but he helped edit a little I guess. (you too bats)

Chapters (28)

[Part Two of the Riflepony Series] Braeburn was once a simple, humble farmer; not the type of pony one would look at twice. But a little over a year ago, all of that changed. Before then, he hadn't met the pony of his dreams. Before then, he hadn't discovered his lineage and new-found talent. Before then, he hadn't been prepared for the adventure that he was about to embark on. Now all the cards are on the table, and not just his life. Join Braeburn and Daring Do in this high-action installment of the Riflepony Series as they struggle with not only a new quest, but with fate as well. Old enemies have returned, and have formed a fearsome alliance. In the midst of chaos and absolute danger, Braeburn might have to break his one and only rule, as the new Colt of the West.

Proofread by JohnPerry and RenaTurnip

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to He Who Wields The Lightning


This may be my only chance to save them, if they can be saved. I pray that Celestia is not yet consumed by the power or that Luna has not completely given into her hatred yet. But they have put Equestria at war with itself. And then there's Black Adam...I know that I cannot save them, but hopefully my champions can. And if they cannot save them and attain their Elements...then we will all face destruction.

If you have not read my other stories you will be confused as heck. But don't let that stop you from diving on in. Warning. MAJOR multiverse. If you don't like that thing, odds are you won't like this.

Banner, Adam and Ryan will be in the spotlight more so than the other characters as they are the one's whose character arcs need finishing. That's just how this turned out.

Pic by karate-chop.

Chapters (47)

Frost Windchill is known to be a storyteller of sorts. Comfortable with telling the occasional sprite tale or legend, a child approaches him one day and asks for a real story.

And so Frost tells one- the story of his life. It's not a typical story, and there's more to it- just as there's more to the descendant of a Lunar Guard. It's a story not just of himself but the heroes he stood beside- big and small, legendary and obscure. But there's something amiss, buried lies between the lines.

After all, it's hard to kill memories when you remember everything.

(Cover done by the amazing Sw1tchbl4de. Check him out here! http://sw1tchbl4de.deviantart.com/

Larger version of cover art can be found here: http://sw1tchbl4de.deviantart.com/#/d4ovlt2)

Chapters (47)