• Member Since 24th Jun, 2013

Jazzmania Chronicle

I'm just somepony who wants to finish a story. I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!

TRAGEDY 354 stories
Found 287 stories in 86ms

Total Words: 14,919,394
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • FAVOURITES 4295 stories - 63682 unread chapters These are my favorites . . .!

  • DARK/HORROR 1565 stories Filled with my favorite horror fics

  • ROMANCE 1502 stories Romance is in the wind- er, air.

  • COMEDY 798 stories So funny you'll cry!

  • DRAMA 594 stories Stop being so dramatic!

  • HUMAN/EQ. GIRLS 972 stories We are the humans, my friends . . .!

  • SLICE OF LIFE 1405 stories Yeah, it's life.

  • SCIENCE FICTION 179 stories Sci-if, babies!

  • ADVENTURE 1334 stories Let's do this!

  • ALT. UNIVERSE 1267 stories That's right, folks! There's another universe . . .

  • ANTHRO 129 stories Humanoid ponies . . . Huh.

  • SAD 733 stories Here come the waterworks.

  • TRAGEDY 354 stories That is a tragedy.

  • MYSTERY 146 stories Let's solve this mystery, gang!

  • CROSSOVER 522 stories It's a cross between a . . . a . . .

  • THRILLER 111 stories This is THRILLER . . .

  • RANDOM 222 stories Yeah, it's random.

  • SECOND PERSON 64 stories It's all about you . . .

  • FALLOUT: WORLD 86 stories War . . . war never changes . . .

  • ANTHOLOGY 11 stories

  • COMPLETED READS 291 stories The stories I love and finished reading . . . Hollar!

  • READS IN PROGRESS 5 stories Stories that I'm in the middle of . . . MUST FINISH!!!!!

  • HIATUS READS 2 stories Stories I haven't finished reading but I'm putting on hold for the moment...

  • THE WAITING LIST 213 stories Books I'll Read Next!

  • Author's Creations 5 stories


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

All I ever wanted was to use my talents to protect the ponies I cared about. With confidence, good aim, and ponies I trust by my side, I was able to do just that in the small town of Millstone. But there are some things you can't always count on.

It's not unusual for a pony to run from her past here in the Wasteland. I just didn't know I was running.

Written for the June 2013 Pre-Reader Battle.

Chapters (1)

Equestria is dead. The sun and moon have stopped, and the planet is in ruins. The xenos that built the civilization are gone, their works in ruins. Investigating the planet, Interrogator Kylara makes a surprising discovery, one that might hold the key to what happened to this once-fair land - and what might be done to stop it. A Warhammer 40k crossover.

Now featured on Canterlot's Finest and Equestria Daily

Also now featured on TV Tropes.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Useless

Twilight has suffered for so long. I've seen her lose friends, her family, her innocence, and more from the war we had with humanity. Ever since the surrender, she has spent every waking moment trying to earn both her redemption as well as Equestria's for our sins against the humans. Now that she has finally done so, she is ready to rest at last.

I just wish it wasn't her final rest.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Artwork done by Pedro Hander

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

When the megaspells fell, everything died, but New Pegasus endured. The city of mobsters, crime, vice and gambling survived and thrived during the long balefire winter. Twenty years after the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows, New Pegasus is still a beacon in the middle of the Neighvada Desert, a pot of gold for whoever can get his hooves on it.

My name is Farsight, and I know everything about the dark secrets that the neon billboards don't show... I've seen the best and the worst; and I've pulled many strings. In my world, there are no heroes or villains, just ponies with ambitions and goals that can be bent to one's interest; for I know an undeniable truth: Everypony has a plan. Allow me to show you how I worked my way out of the gutter, how I climbed to the top of the ladder... and how I fell.

PDF version also available for download: Viva Las Pegasus PDF

Note: Thanks to Doomande, Dinawartotem and Fillyosopher for their help! To all readers, comments are welcome! I'll try to reply to them as much as possible. Thanks!

Cover Art by the magnificent CalamityB31

Chapters (30)

Words can hurt. Sometimes, that hurt is permanent.

One too many accidents results in a falling out between you and Rainbow Dash, the mare of your dreams, and your friendship with her lies on the brink of destruction. Twilight suggests a vacation to clear everyone's head. Could this be your last chance to make amends, or will you spend the rest of your life filled with regret?

Alternate Universe for wingless Princess Twilight. Might just change this out, because it's a pointless change, tbh. :)

This is a story I've been fantasizing about in my head for a while now. It's had some changes in its development for later chapters to make sense.

Story cover edited by me, original drawing by the lovely RatOfDrawn.

Chapters (14)

With the whole of Equestria plunged into darkness, the once peacfull world is now tearing itself appart with fear. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike are now the only hope the world has.
They choose to leave their home to save Rainbow Dash. Despite loosing their friends because of her they are determined to prove she can be saved from her madness, which is slowly consuming her. But will there be anything to save?

Chapters (16)

With Pinkie Pie's brutal murder the whole of Equestria is on high alert. With no clues leading to who did it, it begins to look like Pinkie's killer will never be found.
Rainbow Dash begins to find herself loosing control both mentaly and physicaly. As Applejack tries to comfort Rainbow Dash. But she unintentionally becomes her next target.

Chapters (11)

Equestria has changed. War threatens to tear the world apart, and Rainbow Dash finds herself caught in the center of it all, allied with the least likely of creatures.
The royal sisters have vanished, leaving Princess Twilight to take charge in their stead, bringing the eye of King Gallows of the Gryphon Kingdom. He begins wonder if Equestria has the strength needed to defend itself any longer.
The locations of the element bearers have become obscure at best, Twilight and Dash being the only two in contact with one another.
Having grown over the years, Dash has attained a greater wisdom, appreciation, and knowledge of the idea behind loyalty. This new grip on her fate allows her to channel the element in her possession as an individual, and pushes her to find her lost friends before they're lost for good, for their country may need them in this dark time. (Click 'Show More' for folk who helped and some handy info.)
This is the first in a series I plan to visit a number of times with Rainbow taking the role of our main protagonist, however as this is a large scale fantasy adventure, there will be multiple heroes with their own parts to play as well when the party splits up.

Another little tidbit that could interest you readers, is that most of the chapters of these stories will also be the titles of various songs from the power metal genre, a favored genre of mine that helped inspire and push forward this project. There will be a link to each song on the title at the beginning of the chapter if you wish to listen, but keep in mind that the story and song share little more than a title.

Great appreciation to Solidfire for editing this.

Many many thanks to SonicSketch for letting me use her wonderful art as a cover

Chapters (37)

There are three of them, all Alicorns living to the desert land south of the Everfree Kingdom, which is the land that will one day be Equestria. They are a family of three: an elder sister and the younger kin she raised long before Celestia and Luna had even been born.

Elinora of the White Flame rules wisely, alone until the others are of age and get their marks. Hasad is charismatic and an excellent mediator. Stellaura is nervous, paranoid, and wants nothing more to be like her brother and please everyone, including herself by overcoming her inferiority complex. All of them have their own wishes for the world.

Only one of them will have their wish fulfilled.

Major spoilers in the comments and groups! The cover art is by turnipberry but was edited by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (18)

Aria will protect her cousin from anything, even if she is a burden, especially when it comes to the newcomer to their duo, a siren filly named Adagio Dazzle with plans of her own. Soon Aria finds her words falling on deaf ears now that Sonata is entranced by the charismatic Adagio, who takes Aria's role as leader and guides the two the far north.

But Aria can't leave, even if her cousin is a burden because Sonata's all Aria has left, even if it means putting up with a wolf bearing the likeness of a sheep and all the heartbreak that comes with it.

Major unmarked spoilers are in the comments! The cover art is by namygaga and has been edited by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (15)