• Member Since 24th Jun, 2013

Jazzmania Chronicle

I'm just somepony who wants to finish a story. I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!

TRAGEDY 354 stories
Found 287 stories in 65ms

Total Words: 14,919,394
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • FAVOURITES 4295 stories - 63686 unread chapters These are my favorites . . .!

  • DARK/HORROR 1565 stories Filled with my favorite horror fics

  • ROMANCE 1502 stories Romance is in the wind- er, air.

  • COMEDY 798 stories So funny you'll cry!

  • DRAMA 594 stories Stop being so dramatic!

  • HUMAN/EQ. GIRLS 972 stories We are the humans, my friends . . .!

  • SLICE OF LIFE 1405 stories Yeah, it's life.

  • SCIENCE FICTION 179 stories Sci-if, babies!

  • ADVENTURE 1334 stories Let's do this!

  • ALT. UNIVERSE 1267 stories That's right, folks! There's another universe . . .

  • ANTHRO 129 stories Humanoid ponies . . . Huh.

  • SAD 733 stories Here come the waterworks.

  • TRAGEDY 354 stories That is a tragedy.

  • MYSTERY 146 stories Let's solve this mystery, gang!

  • CROSSOVER 522 stories It's a cross between a . . . a . . .

  • THRILLER 111 stories This is THRILLER . . .

  • RANDOM 222 stories Yeah, it's random.

  • SECOND PERSON 64 stories It's all about you . . .

  • FALLOUT: WORLD 86 stories War . . . war never changes . . .

  • ANTHOLOGY 11 stories

  • COMPLETED READS 291 stories The stories I love and finished reading . . . Hollar!

  • READS IN PROGRESS 5 stories Stories that I'm in the middle of . . . MUST FINISH!!!!!

  • HIATUS READS 2 stories Stories I haven't finished reading but I'm putting on hold for the moment...

  • THE WAITING LIST 213 stories Books I'll Read Next!

  • Author's Creations 5 stories


  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Applejack couldn't be happier with her life. She owns a great farm and has been married for three years to the love of her life, Rainbow Dash. It's everything she's ever wanted in life, but now she wants something more. A family. A foal. Can she convince Rainbow Dash that they are ready to take a new step in their lives or will a haunting secret from Dash's past prevent them from having one?

(I know a story called "Foal" already exists, but I had this idea for months and I couldn't come up with a different title)

Chapters (6)

Spike takes care of Twilight the best he can. She's sick, but he knows she'll get better and everything will get back to normal. But first, he needs to feed her.

Thanks to my editors Cerulean Voice and Soundslikeponies for all their wonderful help!

Chapters (1)

Her heart was broken. Her reputation in Ponyville was in ruins. A menace, they called her. Said she wasn't a real hero. Blamed her for the sudden disappearance of their real hero, Mare Do Well. She'd even been abandoned by her five best friends. Everything she thought she could count on was destroyed.

Bent on vengeance and driven by her raw emotions, Rainbow Dash becomes a villain that Ponyville won't soon forget. But she soon finds that not everything in Ponyville is quite what it seems.

Special thanks to DragonShadow, who pre-read and helped me revise this story. Thanks also to JofY, who gave suggestions for the second revision.

The comments are full of unmarked spoilers, so watch out.
Obviously, this contains massive spoilers for the season 2 episode "The Mysterious Mare Do Well," and one must have seen it before this story will make much sense.
Rated Teen for violence and some blood.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Monster We Made

She betrayed us.
She mislead us.
She imposed her rule upon us.
We rose in defiance.

Chapters (20)

Ponyville has changed in a hundred years of sunshine and snow and rain, of towering cloud formations, Solistice festivals, nights full of constelations and seasons full of happiness. Truth be told, many things have changed, and the Elements have faded back into myths, but Equestria still stands. The question is, will Ponyville last as well?

So, one-two generations after the Mane Six, here is the quick update:
-Celestia has a son named Crimsonleaf
-Rainbow Dash passed away, her daughter, Rainbow Dark, has taken her title as fastest.
-Applejack's granddaughter, Applesauce, looks almost exactly like her.
-A group of nomads, made up of one Pegasus, Rapture, a Unicorn, Lamplight, and two Earth Ponies, Bomberman and Thumper are showing up somewhere in this story
-Rarity's daughter is made fun of for being made of marshmallow
-Gilda has a son named Tigerjay
-Spike has a daughter named Sunrise
-Even Zercora has a daughter, named Chibi
-A hermit named Starlight has shown up in the Everfree Forest

-Twilight is old, Rarity is oldish, Rainbow Dash has passed on, Fluttershy vanished after Coronus's death, Applejack is old, and Pinkie went to Canterlot to get away from the sadness in her home and has not returned since.
-Celestia is still alive, but growing weak; Luna, due to her missed years on the moon, it just beginning to look like a mare
-Crimsonleaf's father has the gift of invinciblity; he will not die until Celestia does.
-The nomads are of average age
-Rarity had a child later, who is now the same age as most of the grandkids, give a few years
-Gilda has a Griffon's lifespan, so her child is also a young age
-Spike is still alive and well, and takes care of his daughter in the library's underground tunnels (they exist)
-Zercora's daughter is much more social than she is.
-Starlight has a secret.
-The Cutie Mark Crusaders are full-grown mares

Because you read this, you recieve the password: trollestia

So far, that's it.
Let the games begin.

** This story was written when I was 14, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (60)

It is two years since the return of Princess Luna, and Ponyville has been hit with the latest in a rash of disappearances that have stopped and started over the course of about ten years. The police are baffled, as no traces of the ponies has ever shown up, but rumors of a serial killer have been floating around the station. However, when a pony appears in the police station covered in blood, they find out that the rumors have more than a little truth to them, and that the horror stories have only started.

Link to cover art.

Chapters (3)

Case '0056D19M07Y1004', also known as 'The Shining', has been a subject of conversation for several years now, and each iteration has steadily become more steeped in myth, superstition, and fear. Enclosed is a true investigation file from the event.

I am counting on you, Chief Nightstick, to handle this situation with grace. The last thing we need is widespread panic.
-Velvet Skies/Landed Eagle

Chapters (1)

Everyone has their special day.

A day for parties and cake.

A day to spend with their closest friends and family.

Their birthday.

When Pinkie begins planning AppleJack's birthday, she yells at her.

Applejack has never celebrated her birthday, not since she was a filly.

Then Applebloom runs in the house, crying.

She asks the question AppleJack's dreaded since her sister could talk.

"What happened to Ma and Pa?"

Chapters (2)

Applejack has always been willing to lay down her life for her friends, but what about somepony she barely knows? Can she bring herself to it?

A dark, somewhat cliché one shot where a Mane 6 character (obviously Applejack here, who I'm not killing because I hate her, it's just for the story. Applejack is best pony.) dies.

Chapters (1)

This is a prequel to Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions.

It explains the backstory of Quercus Alba, a unicorn who was down on her luck, and how she came into custody of Shady Patch, a zebra foal. Both characters are yet to be introduced into Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions.

Warning: this story deals with a graphic depiction of suicide. You have been warned. While this can be read as a stand alone story, it is meant to go with Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions.

Chapters (1)