• Member Since 24th Jun, 2013

Jazzmania Chronicle

I'm just somepony who wants to finish a story. I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!

TRAGEDY 354 stories
Found 287 stories in 73ms

Total Words: 14,919,394
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • FAVOURITES 4295 stories - 63683 unread chapters These are my favorites . . .!

  • DARK/HORROR 1565 stories Filled with my favorite horror fics

  • ROMANCE 1502 stories Romance is in the wind- er, air.

  • COMEDY 798 stories So funny you'll cry!

  • DRAMA 594 stories Stop being so dramatic!

  • HUMAN/EQ. GIRLS 972 stories We are the humans, my friends . . .!

  • SLICE OF LIFE 1405 stories Yeah, it's life.

  • SCIENCE FICTION 179 stories Sci-if, babies!

  • ADVENTURE 1334 stories Let's do this!

  • ALT. UNIVERSE 1267 stories That's right, folks! There's another universe . . .

  • ANTHRO 129 stories Humanoid ponies . . . Huh.

  • SAD 733 stories Here come the waterworks.

  • TRAGEDY 354 stories That is a tragedy.

  • MYSTERY 146 stories Let's solve this mystery, gang!

  • CROSSOVER 522 stories It's a cross between a . . . a . . .

  • THRILLER 111 stories This is THRILLER . . .

  • RANDOM 222 stories Yeah, it's random.

  • SECOND PERSON 64 stories It's all about you . . .

  • FALLOUT: WORLD 86 stories War . . . war never changes . . .

  • ANTHOLOGY 11 stories

  • COMPLETED READS 291 stories The stories I love and finished reading . . . Hollar!

  • READS IN PROGRESS 5 stories Stories that I'm in the middle of . . . MUST FINISH!!!!!

  • HIATUS READS 2 stories Stories I haven't finished reading but I'm putting on hold for the moment...

  • THE WAITING LIST 213 stories Books I'll Read Next!

  • Author's Creations 5 stories


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

WARNING! This is a terrible sequel to a terrible fic! DO NOT READ!

2 years after the events of Monster, Nightshade is a national hero, much like the mane 6 themselves. Lyra still hasn't forgiven herself for what she did, and Fluttershy is trying to cope with the loss. When Discord breaks out, what will happen to Equestria? How will the mane 6 react? And what does any of this have to do with our stone imprisoned hero?
Firebolt is a fan character, winner of the cover art contest, by virtue of being the only entry, even though I ended up making the art myself. By 'making' I mean novice photoshop using paint. The cover art for this story, I also stole images from the web, and paint shopped them, although I have to say for my nonexistent art skills, it looks pretty good.

Warning: This fic will contain heavy Fluttershy shipping, and some more innuendo (because we all had soooo much fun with that in the last story) but once again, NO SEX, It's in the side fic, Ascended 'Clop' The URL is below.


Chapters (30)


Nightshade, (OC, originally Davis) has a rather unique power, one that many with less than selfless intentions will give anything to get a hold of. He is on the run, and just when he appears to be caught, he finds himself in a new world entirely. Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main character will not be ponified, because then it would lose the whole point. Also my first fanfic, so commentary is appreciated. Mild Swearing, Gratuitous Violence, Rated T for Teen. I do not own any of the characters, except Davis because I made him up, and I really don't care if you use him in your fic or not just s long as you make sure to direct back here so everypony knows where he came from. All things pony related are the property of Hasbro (insert proper legal jargon here)

Chapters (35)

Twilight breaks Celestia's doors.

But then, you'd be mad too, if your stupid brother got drunk and told you that you were adopted...

Chapters (1)

When Bon-Bon has to leave Ponyville for a while to deal with a family crisis in Manehattan, Lyra writes her a letter every day. And every day, she gets a letter back. What could possibly be wrong with such loving devotion?

So why is everyone growing steadily more worried about her?

Written for the 2014 Friend-Off on EQD. Based on this picture.

Reviewed by Singularity Dream here.

Chapters (1)

Everything was ash. Whether that be the black flakes that blew across Ponyville on the stagnant wind, or the solid compound that framed the ponies in their final moment of life. Everything was cold and empty.

Immortality has a price.

Now a dramatic reading! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9u_24c-MMU

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been crowned the new Princess of Equestria! With all the fanfare, and introductions to foreign dignitaries she hasn't had much time for the ponies nearest and dearest to her heart. That all changes when she receives an invite from Pinkie Pie for a weekend get together that will reunite her with her friends! But everything may not be as it seems. Maybe this time it wasn't the pink pony that sent out the party invitations after all...

(Based on the manga Doubt by Yoshiki Tonogai/SQUARE ENIX Co. LTD. and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic by Lauren Faust/Hasbro)

Cover Art by kvernikovskiy

Chapters (13)

All roads lead to this final confrontation. But what is really at stake? The future of Equestria? Twilight Sparkle's friendships? The past and the future collide with the present in the final tale of the Broken series as Twilight Sparkle tries desperately to sort fact from fiction, truth from lies, and reality from fantasy. Who can she trust? Will she accept the the world according to Celestia...or Discord?

Chapters (4)

Waring. This fic contains massive spoilers too EqG and is extremely dark. Rated Teen for gore, death, and overall darkness.

What if Sunset Shimmer didn't try and kill Twilight? What if, just before her plan was about too fail, the remaining five elements fell into her possessions? How much more powerful would she become? Would that power be multiplied once she crossed over?

Join Sunset in this grim-dark alternate ending too Equestria Girls. This story will have two chapters and will be my first grim dark story.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... The end of days are fast approaching...

Twilight faced her darkness and made peace with it. Now she can face who she is, and not a moment too soon. The greatest battle in Equestrian history is about to begin, and she'll need to understand just how deep the darkness in her heart goes in order to face the threats to come. However, in preparation for the worst event in Equestrian history, she'll have to protect a mare that may be the key to everyone's destruction. Even worse, she has to deal with an old enemy/former friend that's intent on saving the world her way, which means killing the life that Twilight wishes to protect. But can a demon truly do an angel's job, or is Twilight simply deluding herself?

"Can I atone for my sins...?"

For years Diamond Tiara has been contending with dark feelings, night terrors, and blackouts she can't explain. When Apple Bloom, the love of her life, was here, she could handle it. Now that Apple Bloom is gone though, Diamond Tiara's sanity is slipping, and she's becoming something horrible. Good news, she's beginning to understand what she is now. Bad news, she hates it, because the more she learns, the less likely it seems she can be saved.

"Wh-what am I?! Apple Bloom, help me!"

She is the Guardian of Equestria, sworn to defend the golden land of Terra from any and all threats. Vale's life was saved by a Unicorn who's heart was more pure than even her own, but now she has to carry on her life and continue her own mission. That should be simple, except for three things standing in her way. Midnight has once again chosen to stand against her, the lover of the one who saved her won't leave her alone, and strange foreign emotions plague her, hindering her mission. All she knows is that something in her heart is saying this isn't right.

"What's holding me back...?"

These three, and others surrounding them, will play an integral part in the events over the next month. As for what their places on the board are, unfortunately that's not entirely up to them.

Note: if you haven't read the other stories yet, STOP NOW and read the following:
Inner Demons
Inner Demons: 10 Years and Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth (these can be read in any order, but only after Inner Demons)

Cover Art by my friend The Spectralist!

Inner Demons II added to the TV Tropes page?! WHAT?! Go here to read it!

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

A long time ago, there were four friends. Two were ponies from Equestria, but one was an angel from Elysium, and the other was a demon of Tartarus. None of that mattered to them though, as they grew up, they tried to ignore their destinies, hoping that their friendship would prevail over fate. Oh how wrong they were.

Rarity now finds herself alone, trapped inside Elysium, given more questions at every checkpoint and forced to see memories of a past she shouldn't have any connection to. Why is she here? What do the angels mean mean that "her life isn't hers"?

And who is Vale?

This is a vital part of the Inner Demons series. Recommend reading Inner Demons first.

New cover art by The Spectralist

When did this happen?! Fragments of Truth added to the TV Tropes page?!

Chapters (12)