• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013

star swirl the wizard

Oc bio Name Cyehd Vmain Ta Mec / The leader of Third Street Saints

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This story is a sequel to The Life and Times of an Alchemist Turned Pony

A tower sits in a plain, surrounded by nothing for miles. It is a faithful reconstruction to one that existed before.
Should one have permission to enter, they would find five doors besides the one they used to enter.
Should they ask and be allowed, they could find their way to the bedroom of the master of the tower.
And should they know exactly where to look, they would find his journal, and learn of what happened back in the old world...
The journal of Auric Fulcrum, and it would detail his adventures in Equestria before forming his new life in a new existence...

Chapters (12)

We all dream of beautiful lives.

Shady Blossom need no longer dream; she has everything she ever wanted. Stepmother to Babs Seed and her sister, mother of two foals of her own, aunt to Applejack and Apple Bloom. Her life in Manehattan is all she could have wished for.

When Applejack and the Cutie Mark Crusaders come visit to open up the Manehattan Branch of their club, however, it turns out that the past is not so easily forgotten.

Sometimes, the things that haunt us just won't stay buried.

Fourth place winner of the Time and Time Again /fic/ mini-fic competition. Originally, I wrote this over a period of 48 hours. After the end of the contest, I expanded it to better fit my original vision, and to fix its broken ending. Now, it's something I feel I can be amazingly proud of.

Chapters (3)

Would you rather die, or become a slave to darkness?

NB: This is a continuation of a comic dub I found on youtube. You can find the link here and there. You MUST watch it before reading this, otherwise it won't make any sense haha. Also, I'm yet to come up with a decent description of this so it may change at some point, as will the tags.
This takes place in the same universe as the IDW Comics that featured Rarity turning into Nightmare Rarity.
Dialogue sentences that appear in italic is the conglomerated voice that gets mentioned, so don't get it confused with normal dialogue or words that appear in italic in the middle of other sentences.

Chapters (6)

A fan of FiM wakes up in Equestria with only his boxers, a comforter, and a pillow. Is it a lucid dream or something more? He soon finds that things aren't as simple as expected and is thrown into a fight with his own sanity.

((The story is undergoing an overhaul. Please excuse the mess as I fail spectacularly at writing a story no one remembers to make myself feel better.))

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

After saving Equestria, Apple Bloom had to return to her proper age and say good-bye to the stallion she instantly fell in love with. They promised to be together in ten years, when Apple Bloom is an adult mare. In the meantime Apple Bloom is forced to return to a normal life as best as she can.

Between protecting her best friend, a stressful relationship with her sister, new unusual ponies moving to Ponyville, changes at the farm, and signs that her journey isn't over yet, Apple Bloom is in for a long ten years.

Chapters (11)

Peter wakes up one day on his 20th birth day to find his life going wrong. Very wrong. He doesn't know how or why, but his friends are slowly turning into ponies after finding that they have cutie marks. However, his body decides to go in a different direction. Can he and his friends reverse the change? Or are they caught up with forces too powerful for them to understand?

Based on the story Five Score Divided By Four by Twisted Spectrum.

Art by ROXDragonz on DeviantArt

Chapters (12)

How would you feel if your life was suddenly twisted into one the worst predicaments possible? Christian Average, a simple teen living in Virginia, asks himself that same question as he is taken to Equestria, the magical land of ponies. For most, it's a paradise of peace and harmony. But for an anti-brony like Christian, it's his worst nightmare come true. Being put on trial for hate crimes, Christian will be forced to learn of the true values of friendship and harmony, if he can survive that is.

The cover art was made by -LightningStrike-. Link to his FIM page is here

And this is the link to his Deviantart page.

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash has dreamed of being a Wonderbolt for as long as she can remember. She's trained herself every single day to be better at her craft so she may one day join the team. But, when her dreams finally seem achievable and she is just about to reach out and grab them, a rumor breaks loose, leading to her goals slipping out of her grasp. Hopes and spirit gone, she must clear her name or forever have cheated dreams.

My entry for the Twidash Competition, "Framed".
EDIT: I have received third place in the competition this was entered in!

New cover art generoulsy provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her stuff out!

Chapters (26)

Now that the kingdom of Geo Firma has fallen, and that Firebrands Avatar State is now block, they must find the remaining Avatar and Elements before the arrival of Sozin's Comet in the following months. The comet will not only make Earth Ponies stronger, but also the Changelings and Discord. Fire' must also defeat the mysteries Deker, and ghosts from both Luna and Firebrand's pasts return to help. New abilities, new powers, and new adventures. Will they stop the Fire Nation, the Changelings, and Discord, or will the impossible happen?

Chapters (20)