• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013

star swirl the wizard

Oc bio Name Cyehd Vmain Ta Mec / The leader of Third Street Saints

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Awake and alone, Applejack will find a way to survive.

And here's a TV Tropes page, if you're into that kind of thing.

Chapters (33)

Everyone has that one friend that they've known since childhood, that one friend that they'd do anything for, that one friend that means the world to them. For me, that friend was Luxurious Locks, the mare that runs the most prominent hair-care product company in Maretropolis. We were the best of friends since childhood, and whenever one of us was down, the other would be there to help out.

But I guess some things don't last forever.

Luxi has disappeared, and she's been missing for over a month. To make matters worse, a deranged mare named the Mane-iac has been attacking the city with no clear motive.

Little did I know that she was looking for someone, too...

This is an HiE Anthro one-shot taking place in the Power Ponies universe, so the Mane 6 are not the Power Ponies. It also goes without saying that this is not related to any of my previous stories.

Now with an Act 3.5 written by Naughty_Ranko! LINK
Pre-reader/Creatve Consultant: Zamairiac

Cover art by me.

The deleted comments were made by me and Zam during the story's development stage, so don't worry about it.

Featured on 5/28/14! SQUEE!

Chapters (1)

The Conversion Bureau genre was created on March 23rd, 2011. I chose to celebrate the anniversary of the humble origins of one of the most potent and unique of all MLP:FIM subgenres of fanfiction through the invention of completely original, shockingly new visions of the central concept.

Visit a universe where Luna and Celestia are mountain-sized supercomputers. A universe where the Singularity is defined by a toy in a dead man's hands. A universe where Mankind has spread to the stars and the latest fashion is designer bodies. See the Conversion Bureau in new guises, through fresh eyes, as never before.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (11)

Anonymous is Princess Celestia's royal bodyguard, serving to protect her at any and all instances. While always close to the Princess, events may conspire to test his convictions as threats both old and new rise to attempt to swallow Equestria.

-My second AiE fic, put in loving prose for all you FiMfictioners.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to So...What Now?

Scootaloo. Everypony in Ponyville thinks she's an orphan. All she does is ride her scooter around town, get in trouble with her friends, and then disappear whenever nothing's going on.

Scootaloo. Everypony in Ponyville thinks she's an orphan.

But she's not.

And now, her secrets will be revealed...

(A sidestory to "So...What Now?".)

Chapters (4)

You're a letter-sorting unicorn who works at the same post office as Ditzy Doo. Sure, you're both good buddies, but a small part of you wonders if you could be something more. One day, Ditzy gives you a gift...

Chapters (6)

Featured on 13/09/2013 THANK YOU ALL!!!

"You either die a Hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the Villain."

Jasper William Montgomery, he just turned twenty and is absolutely bored with life. He's not suicidal, depressed, or a drug user with a penchant for drinking, he's just bored. Everything one can do in life, parties, going clubbing, video games, even computers don't really appeal to him. One thing that keeps him sane is watching shows from his youth and the occasional entertaining film. Due to a friends attempt to make him feel better he ends up watching all three seasons of My Little Pony and pretty much laughs at the fictional world. Being labeled a cynic and pretty much given up on by his friends, Jasper is alone. Until he's teleported away to Equestria by an observing Celestia.

TVTropes- http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/Villainous

(Cover image courtesy of UsagiFriday, thank you!)

Chapters (24)

Lyra teleports a human to Equestria to learn more about their culture. Some SF concepts in the first two chapters, but probably going to delve into slice-of-life and some platonic romance.

My first foray into fiction after a ton of essay writing. C&C welcome!

Please also check out Nethelli's Far From Home, which has a similar premise and came first.

Story image courtesy Steeve.

Chapters (11)

Earth pony, pegasus pony, unicorn; a human entering a Conversion Bureau will end up as one of these three pony forms. But there is a secret provision, to which all Bureaus must adhere utterly, should one unlikely but intolerable transformation somehow occur. The absolute monarch of Equestria fears nothing from the human world. Nothing save this. Lillian Fogarty wanted only to be a simple pony in Equestria. Sought by the combined forces of Earth's corporate government and the might of Equestria itself she finds herself an abomination in both worlds, her survival almost certainly an impossibility.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to No, I Am Not A Brony, Get Me Outta Equestria!

After leaving Ponyville, the human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in even stranger territory than the land of the ponies. Will he find his way home? Or will he find out that he should have stayed in Ponyville under the watchful eyes of the Royal Sisters after all?

Edited by the amazing Jack Kellar and Marioland1

Special thanks to MyHobby for the cover art!!

Chapters (28)