• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013

star swirl the wizard

Oc bio Name Cyehd Vmain Ta Mec / The leader of Third Street Saints

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Magic is a common sight in Equestria and for some it's a way of life. At the darkest depths, an ancient secret of this arcane art lies hidden away from the world. Few possess the rare ability to summon this mysterious power and even fewer are able to control it. A lone mare will discover her great and powerful ability to break the boundaries of her magic and learn the secrets of true magic under the guidance of a strange unicorn who is keeping more than a few secrets. What wonders and dangers lie beyond the veil of the ageless magic steeped in mystique and darkness?
Constructive criticism, thoughts, or any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edited by my good friend, Shumiry

Chapters (29)

Twilight had found love in a man from another world, but after a terrible encounter he was taken from her. However, she has found a way to bring him back... or so she thinks, but to ease the ache in her heart she is willing to do whatever it takes.

Leon lives each day as a lie; though on the surface he is calm, with a tendency to make light of nearly any situation, on the inside he seethes with hatred towards his world for a terrible injustice committed against someone he had cared for many years prior.

Fate will bring these two together, and through their shared heart-ache, will create an everlasting bond. This is just the beginning of their story.

Human/Brony in Equestria, Anthro-ponies, Some modern technology, Twi x OC, Crossover (don't ask what, many things make an appearance).

Warning: Story name subject to change if I happen to think of a better one.

Chapters (32)

It has been twelve years since Twilight Sparkle was shrunk to 1/100 of her original mass to minimize the damage caused by her uncontrollable surges. Twelve years of struggles, challenges and hard work as Princess Celestia’s student, in which the tiny mare found the joy and excitement of facing everyday adventures of a huge world.

One year before Nightmare Moon’s return, Princess Celestia sends her tiny student to learn about pegasus magic from professionals, the Wonderbolts themselves. Much to the princess’s pleasant surprise, Twilight forms strong bonds of friendship during her one month of studies with Soarin' and Spitfire while the Captain of the Wonderbolts, Impressed by Twilight’s talent in magical surgery after the crystal mountain incident, offer her a job as one of the Wonderbolts’ medics.

While Twilight accepts the offer with Celestia’s blessing, provided that it would not last longer than half a year, the other Wonderbolts are not too happy with this idea. Will Twilight manage to win their trust, and what kind of adventures and challenges await her so far away from her home in Canterlot castle? Only time will tell.


This is a sidestory that takes place in "Celestia's Tiny Student" between chapter 20 - "Camping Trip" and chapter 21 - "Birthday Party."

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Five years of Ice, A thousand years of Flame

Seven years ago, something hit Equestria. It was an accident. The ship that crashed held a single occupant, and proved to the world that they were not alone. Once informed of the dangers the universe presented, they were quite content to forget about it all, even choosing to ignore where the male alicorn came from.

And now there are two more. And they are a pain in the flank.

Sequel to Five Years Of Ice. (I'm also going to try and keep this one clean-ish.)

Chapters (18)

Booker is a nice guy who lives a relatively normal life. Most of the time. About a month or so ago, he started getting visits. Little pop-ins every now and then. He likes them, though admittedly they can be a smidge intruding at times. This visitor has grown to be a good friend of Booker, quite close, actually. Strictly platonic, though. Most of the time . . . .

The sequel is out: Transcendant Assignation

Chapters (1)

"What's a Warpig?"

An innocent question from a innocent filly brings back a flood of memories Celestia would have preferred to keep buried.

Rated Teen and tagged Gore for violence.

Edited by Magicman7997 and Evanescyan

Now with a dramatic reading by Goombasa

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Night with the Night.

Princess Celestia has stood guard over Equestria for a thousand years alone. With the return of her sister, and in the wake of her sister finding love, will she herself be able to pull off the same trick with you?

A successor to 'A Night with the Night'. It is in the same universe, but further down the line. This means humanized with wings, but no horns.

Edited by: Benny

Chapters (1)

Big Gala is a mare of few words. She's a hard worker, helping her brother run the farm as well as cooking and cleaning up after her family.

Sugarsnap is her best friend. She's a shy pony who only gets chatty around Gala and makes a living working at the local sweet shop.

Thundercloud is the third in the group. She's a pegasus who all the stallions admire. However, she does tend to suffer from stage fright.

Three mares, all best friends in a town of stallions. How do they make it through the day?

R63 Big Mac, Caramel and Thunderlane fic, because I want to write one.

Chapters (4)

Anonmopolise, a human sucked into the cartoonish world of Equestria, embarks on a personal adventure to understand friendships, albeit forcefully, by the cute and colourful ponies of this world. Aided by a spiritual guide named Cermina created by his own imagination, he sets about trying to understand why he was sent here and, if possible, how to get home.

After his first encounters with a certain pink pony, he is eventually put under the care and employment of Applejack who has him working the night shift at the orchard farm she runs.

His time in this strange and magical place becomes a bit.... problematic as the Princess of the Night takes an interest in Anon's nocturnal capabilities. Soon enough, he is thrown into a deep internal conflict residing within the capital city of Canterlot and eventually goes about becoming something more than he ever thought possible.

However, when an evil rises from the darkness and threatens to cast its shadow over the land, Anon and his new friends must stand firm against foes from outside...and within.

Chapters (14)

“My daughter Celestia, look at me. I love you, and I wish the best for you in the eons of labor you have yet to endure. So heed my words. When we planted light upon the fields of Creation, Celestia, it was a divine thing. But there will come a time when our brilliance won't be enough. It will take a great, unknowable darkness to test the luminescence that we have bequeathed life. That is an abyss that we can never, ever follow our children down, no matter how much we love them.”

A Silver Medalist of the Ponychan /Fic/ Write-Off: "Cutting Ties"

Chapters (14)