• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013

star swirl the wizard

Oc bio Name Cyehd Vmain Ta Mec / The leader of Third Street Saints

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Over a thousand years ago when Discord ruled Equestria there was nothing he couldn't do except bury his loneliness. After years of creating Chaos but having nopony to share it with his loneliness slowly turned into a plan. A plan so he wouldn't have the be the only one in Equestria without companionship. He decided to create a pony who would not just appreciate the Chaos as much as he did; but somepony he could truly share it with.
Will Chaos reign or will Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stop him?

proofreader :Browneyedbagel and fluttershysone
please follow them and check out there stories

Chapters (4)

A look at what Rainbow Dash may have been like if she were born as a unicorn instead of the ever popular pegasus so many know and love.

Chapters (1)

WAR! Has covered the Equestrian System as the New Lunar Republic, and the Solar Empire fight for territory. Little do they know is that the Galactic Empire has entered the system, searching for the man who destroyed the Death Star. When the three come together the already devastated NLR and Solar Empire are outgunned, and outmanned. But can they work together, by putting down there differences and force the Empire out of the system? Or be forced under a new tyrant rule by the Galactic Empire.

And yes I know its a long name. Also on the topic of how this will probably get bad reviews from the NLR, I am here to say. Just enjoy the story, the NLR and the SE will get there return later.
Romance is later on.

Chapters (16)

Amor Fati is a Latin phrase loosely translating to "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good.

Having only joining the Canterlot High Wondercolts family for not even a week, Clyde finds himself in Saturday morning detention. Maybe it was fate, but he soon gains a best friend, a squad of goons to hang out with, a rival who holds a grudge on him, and the growing relationship with a certain girl.

As the year progresses, he learns two things: fate is something that never escapes him and there's someone he loves more than it.

Story is set before, during, and after Equestria Girls. Also, story ends before Rainbow Rocks.
Thanks to the fabulous CogWing for the cover art. Now with more chic!
Thanks to the awesome Azure_Shadow and his story, The Pie of My Eye, for minor behind the scenes help and inspiration for writing an EG story myself, respectively.

Chapters (16)

Discord is free, alive and free! He refuses to talk to anypony and continues to create havok for the mane six. Fluttershy, to everyone's surprise, saves the day. Discord is reformed! Simple right? No. An injured female draconaquus comes to Ponyville and many secrets are uncovered.
EDIT: This is not a Discord R63!!!

Chapters (28)

This story is set in the Friendship is Optimal setting

Equestria Online. Arguably the most powerful game ever developed, built and operated by the most powerful computer ever made. A technological wonder that can peer into the mind of any human player and draw out their inner most desire.

Any 'Individual' human player. How well CelestAI will handle satisfying the values of a single pony guided by over one hundred thousand Twitch.TV viewers is anyones guess.

Chapters (6)

Woo, Featured!
And new cover by ProjectRabbid

Choices, and our ability to stick to them, are what makes us ponies. It doesn't matter whether they are right or wrong, the important thing is that they had to be made. When a barely adult unicorn with an ambitious name Blazing Light leaves his home to start a new life his steps lead him to a company in which he is rightfully nervous - princess Luna's guards.

Also, a direct sequel.

Chapters (84)

It's been a crazy ride for Twilight and her friends, from Nightmare Moon, to Discord, to the Changelings and King Sombra, to Twilight becoming a Alicorn. But now, when a Unicorn that can control fire arrives in their lives ... everything changes as the hut for the Elements of Nature begins.

Chapters (10)

Off the south and eastern shores of old Manehattan, there is an island where the sun never rises. An island where a sickly bluish light suffuses all the darkened air, where trance music rocks and pulses through the grandly sculpted cities like the pumping of the blood. An island to which Equestria is rapidly losing population, as well as influence.

What is this place, this land of Nocturne? And who- or what- is its mysterious ruler?

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust gave her all when it came to attacking a treacherous Discord. It turns out that she was sent to Earth with a good number of other ponies. What will Mike do as he slowly turns into the Wonderbolt? What will he do with his family? His friends? His job? He has to make decisions that will affect everyone.

She's found compatriots, and family. She is dedicated to making sure they are safe. But that's not going to be easy.

A Five Score Divided by Four story

Many thanks to my collaborator Phenrys, and his story Dust on the Wind: Irony's Story

And I now have three pre-readers, helping me keep this story going, providing encouragement and constructive criticism. They are the immortal Phenrys, exsnaggerwes, and Kitsy-Chan. Thank you to all who comment and enjoy the story as much as I do!

And I made it into the feature box!!! On 3/17/15! YAY!!!

In case you didn't know, this story has a sequel. It's called the Epsilon Pegasus. I hope you enjoy the read!

Chapters (80)