• Member Since 28th Jan, 2016


Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.

Read It Later 402 stories
Found 369 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 13,776,735
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • Favourites 261 stories These are my favorites... not much else to say.

  • Read It Later 402 stories Stories that I'll read later. I swear.

  • Stories That I Intend On Reviewing 50 stories Stories that I will get around to reviewing at some point. The order that stories are added onto this bookshelf do not reflect the order I will review a story.

  • Stories I've Reviewed 42 stories Stories that I've reviewed in a blog. Not much else to say.

  • Favorites That (Most Likely) Won't be Continued 13 stories These are stories that I like, but I doubt will be continued.

  • A++ 5 stories Stories I've graded with an A++. These are the best of the best.

  • A's 17 stories These are stories I've graded with either an A-, A, or A+.

  • B's 13 stories These are stories I've graded with either a B-, B, or B+.

  • C's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a C-, C, or C+.

  • D's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a D-, D, or D+.

  • F's 2 stories These are stories that I've graded with an F.

  • Simon Kinberg 1 stories These are stories I've graded as Simon Kinberg. If your story got this grade, I don't know what to tell you.


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Scootaloo is upset, and Rainbow Dash is determined to cheer her up. But the usual methods don't appear to be working. Perhaps the answer lies... in the sky.

A story about the power of hope, and imagination.

Chapters (1)

Barack Obama approaches the Barrier with a pair of legendary weapons handed down to Presidents through the ages by George Washington. What he unleashes upon the Pink Wall of Doom is…unexpected to say the least.

A crackfic based on The Conversion Bureau stories and a YouTube video that stuck with me.

EDIT: Achievement Earned - Make the Popular Stories list on the day it was submitted.

EDIT 2 (ELECTRIC BOOGALOO): Soon to be reviewed on the relatively new and quite under-rated review show, Taco Tuesday, managed by YouTube user Red Spybot / FIMFiction user Red Does Reviewing. The link to it in all its multimedia glory is right here.

Chapters (2)

Another night, another well done job, and princess Luna is ready to end the day.
What could go wrong?

A story born of a weird combination of borement, trying to get rid of a writer's block, and a sudden idea.
Read and enjoy.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle's overzealous insistence on correcting a typo in her junk mail draws the attention of a foreign postal service, can she dial-down her OCD long enough to avoid an international incident?

Probably not, but let's see what happens!

Co-written by Georg for pretty-pegasus-wings in Bluegrass Brooke’s Secret Santa fic exchange! Tweaked by Moosetasm! Art by pridark! Featured on Equestria Daily 10Jul.2017! :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (1)

It's that time of year again, Hearth's Warming Eve, and Lyra's excited as she can be. For it's not just the time for giving gifts, it's also the time when she and her beloved Marefriend Bon-Bon celebrate their yearly anniversary of being together as a couple. And as always, they get each other gifts to celebrate it. One problem. Lyra hasn't the slightest idea on what to get her Bonny as a present. Like seriously, not a clue. Thankfully, there's always her old friend Octavia to provide a helping hoof or two. Will these two fellow musicians find the perfect gift, or fail entirely...?

LyraBon shipping and Lyra/Octavia/Grape Vine friendship. Takes place in the same universe as my stories "Dash's Worry, Twilight's Reassurence", "The Wonderbolts Calendar (AKA Posing Ponies)" and "Of Griffins, Ponies, and Taboo Subjects".

Rated teen for light make out scenes and sexual jokes.

I don't own the song lyrics used here. They belong to their respective writers. If I did own them, would I be stuck here?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie learns a new sentence and begins to use it, causing confusion in her wake.

Chapters (1)

Canterlot High got attacked by a evil purple dinosaur named Barney and it's up to Sunset Shimmer and her friends to stop him.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash's friends are having an argument, which means it's up to her to sort it out. Does Equestria really need stricter gun control laws?

Chapters (1)

Movie night is about more than just watching a movie. Movie night is about arguing about which movie to see, who has the better taste in movies, and whatever terrible movie your friends made you watch on the last movie night. The Shadowbolts need to decide on a movie, and preferably before they end up killing each other.

Chapters (1)