• Member Since 28th Jan, 2016


Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.

Read It Later 402 stories
Found 369 stories in 99ms

Total Words: 13,776,735
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • Favourites 261 stories These are my favorites... not much else to say.

  • Read It Later 402 stories Stories that I'll read later. I swear.

  • Stories That I Intend On Reviewing 50 stories Stories that I will get around to reviewing at some point. The order that stories are added onto this bookshelf do not reflect the order I will review a story.

  • Stories I've Reviewed 42 stories Stories that I've reviewed in a blog. Not much else to say.

  • Favorites That (Most Likely) Won't be Continued 13 stories These are stories that I like, but I doubt will be continued.

  • A++ 5 stories Stories I've graded with an A++. These are the best of the best.

  • A's 17 stories These are stories I've graded with either an A-, A, or A+.

  • B's 13 stories These are stories I've graded with either a B-, B, or B+.

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  • D's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a D-, D, or D+.

  • F's 2 stories These are stories that I've graded with an F.

  • Simon Kinberg 1 stories These are stories I've graded as Simon Kinberg. If your story got this grade, I don't know what to tell you.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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A young colt who was taken in by the Order is told a tale of the four princesses of Equestria's golden age.

Inspired by Monochromatic's Story The Enchanted Library(Original One-Shot)

Chapters (2)

  In a world where the stars shine through both day and night, a savage attack upon the Phoenix Tower of Canterlot Castle leaves the city in chaos, a princess abducted and the stars fading from the sky.
  Now, Princess Sunset Shimmer dons the legendary Solstice Raiment and the Flareblades of the Sunmother in a desperate quest to save the glittering heavens and the love of her life.
  Because if the stars die... her world will soon follow.

Entry for FanOfMostEverything’s Imposing Sovereigns Contest
Prompt: Princess Sunset Shimmer - Warrior

Featured on Equestria Daily on April 9, 2017!
Featured on FimFiction on March 19-20, 2017! :yay:

Historian's Note: Set in the distant reaches of the multiverse, this tale is loosely connected with the events of SunLight Sliders, yet requires no knowledge of that story.

Cast: Princess Sunset Shimmer & Princess Twilight Sparkle with Philomena & introducing Faerana

Cover & Section Break Design by Novel Idea
Princess Sunset Shimmer & Princess Twilight Sparkle designs by Overlord Neon
Sunset Shimmer Cutie Mark By Millennial Dan

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Tchernobog - AppleDash Fanatic, Special Guest Beta Reader
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Painted Heart - Wife of the Author :yay:

Special Thanks
Fahrenheit - For his invaluable assistance in creating an epic Elevator Pitch and Synopsis to fit the scope of this story!

Word Count: 15,000
Version: 5.2

Chapters (6)

Derpy didn't grow up in Ponyville. Well, that's not entirely true. She did finish growing up in Ponyville, but that's not where she was born. On a day in late September, when Summer was turning over to Autumn, she bid farewell to the life she knew at the edge of a lake. This story is about that time, and her journey back years later.

And what was waiting for her on her return...

(A short story adapted from Ray Bradbury's 'The Lake')

Chapters (1)

In the dead of night, Sunset wakes to the sound of her phone going off. Someone has left her a voicemail... What do they want?

Dramatic Reading by Eighth Flame

Dramatic reading by AgentFluffy

Chapters (1)

The citizens of Equestria have voted Derpy into power after all of the four reigning princesses decided to take a sudden vacation. How will this work out for Equestria? Derpy knows what will happen that's what. WARNING: CONTAINS Muffins, Cupcakes, Derp Pone

Chapters (1)

Celestia brushes her teeth three times a day (at least she did since it was invented) so she believed she had nothing to worry about on a dental front. So how the Tartarus did she get a toothache?! Now the Princess of the Sun must do something she hasn't done for hundreds of years: visit a dentist!

A commission for Alexwarlorn (as you can tell, I had a TON on the back burner)! hope you guys enjoy it!

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Cover Art thanks to Johansrobot: !

Chapters (1)

Twilight stole a statue. Not just any statue, though, for it was the Sacred Totem of Amazingly Rad Epicness, or S.T.A.R.E. for short.

Also, she doesn't really give a crap about it. So there's that.

Rewritten from the story "Thief" with permission from Evictus. I took it as a personal challenge to see what I could do with a story that has far more dislikes than likes. :derpytongue2:

Chapters (2)

Starlight Glimmer gets stabbed repeatedly by Twilight Sparkle.

WARNING: Contains stabbing, slashing, bloodless injuries, metaphysical discussions and Twilight probably acting really out of character. You have been warned.

This is a COMEDY. It is not a torture or do hurtful things to Starlight Glimmer fic. It is meant to be a Loony Tunes style fic with some ramblings about meta-narrative humor at the end and not much else. Please do not take the title too seriously.

Edited by: thePINKIEPIEsquad

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight brings Sunset Shimmer an unexpected gift from Equestria. A Hearth's Warming Story.

Narration by Razor Reviews

Chapters (1)

It's monday, the day in which the art project was due, and everyone turned in their less than perfect cardboard creations and items that barely counted as original. Everyone except for two students that came in with bruises, a wrecked piece of leather and a surprisingly believable excuse.

And a back story behind said excuse that no one will ever hear of.

(Inspired, in part, by Apocalypse: The Substitute Science Teacher )

Crossover with Spider-man: Homecoming... Kinda.)

Chapters (1)