• Member Since 28th Jan, 2016


Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.

Read It Later 402 stories
Found 369 stories in 86ms

Total Words: 13,776,735
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • Favourites 261 stories These are my favorites... not much else to say.

  • Read It Later 402 stories Stories that I'll read later. I swear.

  • Stories That I Intend On Reviewing 50 stories Stories that I will get around to reviewing at some point. The order that stories are added onto this bookshelf do not reflect the order I will review a story.

  • Stories I've Reviewed 42 stories Stories that I've reviewed in a blog. Not much else to say.

  • Favorites That (Most Likely) Won't be Continued 13 stories These are stories that I like, but I doubt will be continued.

  • A++ 5 stories Stories I've graded with an A++. These are the best of the best.

  • A's 17 stories These are stories I've graded with either an A-, A, or A+.

  • B's 13 stories These are stories I've graded with either a B-, B, or B+.

  • C's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a C-, C, or C+.

  • D's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a D-, D, or D+.

  • F's 2 stories These are stories that I've graded with an F.

  • Simon Kinberg 1 stories These are stories I've graded as Simon Kinberg. If your story got this grade, I don't know what to tell you.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Even though the original timeline was corrected, the alternate presents caused by Starlight's thirst for vengeance remain. In the last, Equestria has been reduced to a barren wasteland. Nothing lives among the dust and the dark, except one pony. Twilight Sparkle had failed, failed to defend her land, and in the end was forced to destroy it.

Now she wanders, having done so for the past several hundred years. The nothingness that she created refuses to move forward, held in place by powers far beyond her. All she can do now, is wait...for what could be eternity.

However, could an old enemy be just what she needs, even if neither of them really know why. This is, after all...a result of both their actions.

Chapters (1)

It's time for Flurry Heart to start using the potty. Judging by her past behaviour though, this might be quite a dangerous proposition... Fortunately, like always, Auntie Twilight has a plan to make it work out. But will it work?

Written for SuperPinkBrony12. Hope you like it, dude.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo seems to be really down lately, Rainbow Dash knows it. She saw the little filly force a smile every time she sees her friends. The filly didn't even feel hyperactive like she always was during her training sessions. Of course, as an awesome coach, Rainbow Dash comforts her adoptive sister.

Psst, this was a submission to a contest a fellow user made... (Link)

Oh, and I don't have a coverart.

Chapters (1)

Crackfic: take NOTIHING seriously For years, Celestia has dreamed of having a child. And now, after many years, she has found a child of her very own. And he is a precious gift from above.

Look, I had some stuff prepared for this description, but I forgot it, and there's something funny on TV right now, so I...

Chapters (1)

A motorized carriage driver named Sure Fire reminisces about her past as she gets her carriage washed for an upcoming race.

Chapters (1)

It's hard to shake off a nickname once you unfortunately earn it in the Wonderbolts, to which that is a lesson my second-in-command 1st. Lieutenant Soarin (at the time) will never forget. However, given the nature of our jobs, there is always a chance for you to redeem yourself among your teammates and most importantly myself, Captain Spitfire - Commander of the Wonderbolts. How Soarin did it was surprising, but to this day something I dearly appreciated.

Edited by link4
Based upon a scene from the book "Undaunted" by Tanya Biank

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves... Oops, Valentines day is a day away and Applejack has plans for hers and Rarity's first Valentines day together. Hopefully the weather doesn't put a damper on the fields or Rarity's health.

Chapters (1)

Sunset sits alone in a coffee shop, nervously awaiting her friends' arrival. Despite everything they've been through in the last few months, she can't help but feel like she was making a huge mistake. For what she was about to tell them could make or break their friendship.

Cover Art

Chapters (1)

They say that love can drive a stallion to do anything for a lady, and that couldn't be more true for a single, lonely stallion. As Pen Name stands on a bridge in Canterlot while the rain pours down upon him, he waits in desperation for a mare he has never meet.

Link to the original short story: Rain on the Bridge (Original Version)

(Re-write) Edited by tommal & Princess Amore Dudette
(Re-write) Pre-read by link4
Artwork by Little Tigress

Based upon the song "I'm With You" by Avril Lavigne

Chapters (1)