• Member Since 28th Jan, 2016


Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.

Read It Later 402 stories
Found 369 stories in 87ms

Total Words: 13,776,735
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • Favourites 261 stories These are my favorites... not much else to say.

  • Read It Later 402 stories Stories that I'll read later. I swear.

  • Stories That I Intend On Reviewing 50 stories Stories that I will get around to reviewing at some point. The order that stories are added onto this bookshelf do not reflect the order I will review a story.

  • Stories I've Reviewed 42 stories Stories that I've reviewed in a blog. Not much else to say.

  • Favorites That (Most Likely) Won't be Continued 13 stories These are stories that I like, but I doubt will be continued.

  • A++ 5 stories Stories I've graded with an A++. These are the best of the best.

  • A's 17 stories These are stories I've graded with either an A-, A, or A+.

  • B's 13 stories These are stories I've graded with either a B-, B, or B+.

  • C's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a C-, C, or C+.

  • D's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a D-, D, or D+.

  • F's 2 stories These are stories that I've graded with an F.

  • Simon Kinberg 1 stories These are stories I've graded as Simon Kinberg. If your story got this grade, I don't know what to tell you.


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

They've been together for so long that neither of them can picture being without the other. So... What happens when their dream-come-true turns into a nightmare?

Chapters (2)

Starlight Glimmer has a personality that can easily be described as "high-strung". It's to be expected when you nearly doomed all of Equestria in a petty attempt at revenge.

Still, she's trying to make amends. Part of that is learning about friendship under the tutelage of Twilight Sparkle. But Twilight can't teach her everything. After a particularly bad bout of self depreciation, Starlight goes for a walk through the woods and bumps into a very... unique mare.

Art commissioned from the wonderfully talented Niniibear.

Chapters (12)

Living in a studio apartment has its upsides. It's quiet, easy to clean, and it's all the space you really need! In fact, being in wide open spaces is kind of a problem for you, and coming home feels amazing after a grueling day outside. It's lucky you have Twilight there to make you feel comfortable and safe whenever you finally shut the door behind you.

Still, there's some part of you screaming that this safety and comfort isn't entirely a good thing. Feeling safe can't possibly be bad, can it?

Warning: This story is not a comedy, and deals with anxiety and phobia. NOT my normal fare.

Reading by Nante HERE!

Chapters (1)

Five thousand years have come and gone since Twilight took the crown and became an alicorn. The centuries have not been kind to her; they took away her friends, one by one, till only she is left, an immortal ruling an eternal kingdom.

Now, even her memories are fading, her recollections slipping as she struggles to recall the only happy days in her life, the Pinkie Pie parties that ended too soon, the sound of a certain pegasus's voice.

Twilight Sparkle wants them back. And there is one spirit she thinks might be able to help her.

Chapters (6)

Equestria has seen their fair share of dangers and threats made to their land by gigantic monsters and power-crazy lunatics. From all of these threats, the Elements of Harmony have been at the ready to combat them through the unbreakable bonds of the magic of friendship.

However, a new enemy bearing incredibly lethal weapons threatens to leave the Elements helpless against unprecedented violence. When one Element and two others are taken hostage, a group of elite soldiers contact Princess Celestia to offer assistance. They're professional and more than capable, but Celestia fears they may have ulterior motives. Not to mention, there's the fact that they come from another world.

Proofread and edited by: totallynotabrony

Rainbow Six belongs to Tom Clancy, Rainbow Six: Siege belongs to Ubisoft/Tom Clancy, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.

Chapters (12)

You learn more by listening than by talking.

And you learn a lot more by listening to ponies.

Chapters (1)

When Luna is affected by a supermoon, nopony save for Celestia herself could have prepared for what came next.

Unfortunately, Celestia forgot.


Featured 11/19/2016 Thanks mates!

Chapters (1)

The great and powerful Trixie has left ponyville, seemingly never to return. No one would notice, right? She was never popular enough for someone to care where she went was she? Wrong, because someone did care, and they found something very surprising. A letter addressed to princess Celestia. What does this letter say? Why did she write it? Why did she leave? Most importantly, will she ever come back?

Chapters (3)

It's hard to love somepony that doesn't love you back. It's even harder when you know you never even had a chance in the first place.

Nopony knows this better than Fluttershy.

Chapters (1)