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This story is a sequel to The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted

Season 3 of The God Squad!

Realizing that there are threats to the world that not even 6 mares who tend to have more tea parties than magical adventures can handle, Princess Celestia has created a task force of the most powerful and insane beings in Equestria to protect the world. Now, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining, Tydal, Chrysalis, Discord, and Sunset Shimmer will travel the global, the universe, and even time itself to right wrongs, deal with the corrupt, and probably break just as many things as they fix.

From the strange marriage practices of Saddle Arabia to drinking contests with the Yaks, from hunting rogue changelings to find the plans for Flim and Flam's new Death Star, the ponies of Equestria can... well, not rest easy but at least lie in their beds trembling... knowing THE GOD SQUAD is out saving the world.

We hope.

The spinoff from the much more popular 'The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo' and the fic that is TOTALLY not the reason the Faith and Doubt sequel keeps getting pushed back, THE GOD SQUAD: EQUESTRIA'S MIGHTIEST IMMORTALS continues the insane humor and outrageous adventures of everyone's favorite group of insane deities.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story)

Now a member of the Tournament of Canterlot
Sponsor page : TOC - The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 1 and 2

It has been six months since the events of "The Life of a Wanted Changeling." And you, Bugze the changeling, have settled down in your new home town of Appaloosa. You've managed to buy a house, protect Nightshade (your filly) from Princess Luna, and you've lived a peaceful life (besides that comet incident and that one time you accidentally set fire to the apple orchards) as the only changeling living in plain sight. But, after receiving a letter from a certain Time Lord requesting you to head to Canterlot immediately, you can't help but feel that your life is about to become more...chaotic.

The sequel to (if you couldn't tell) "The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story)", where you decide what happens! Come in, sit back, and prepare to laugh your butt off!

The image belongs to S80LOR, give him all credit!
Edited by Kersey475.

[New} Episode 6 and above have and will be proofread by Mind's Eye and Erised the ink-moth. Go check them out, there great guys!

FEATURED ON 8/31/14! Great Scott we did it Hive Mind!

Chapters (90)

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor (Comment Driven Story)

It’s been a month since the events of “The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor” and you, Bugze the Changeling, have been avoiding large settlements to avoid confrontation. After being sent to an Alternate Universe where, without the Doctor’s presence, you became a monster and destroyed the world, you have vowed never to become the beast you fought.

Also, you have avoided using your immense Nightmare powers to avoid harming Selena, the mare formerly known as Nightmare Moon, who resides in your head. Injured while protecting you, she is quite literally a shadow of her former self and comatose. You and your Alicorn daughter Nightshade (whom you somehow had with Selena) have wandered around the fringes of towns because until you can use your powers again, you cannot hunt down the Crimson Knights, the radical splinter group of your fan club The Horde.

You know your days of inactivity are numbered however, because you are Lady Luck’s punching bag, and trouble always finds you in the end. But there's no way it'll be too bad when it does happen right?



The third installment of the Life of a Wanted Changeling Series!

Now edited by BrownDog77, check him out!

Warning: The Re-cap is pretty lengthy (if you couldn't tell). If you already remembered everything that happened from last season please just read the Author's Notes. Thank you.

Chapters (92)

Now a member of the Tournament of Canterlot
Sponsor page : TOC - The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 1 and 2

You are a changeling lost in the Everfree forest a couple of weeks after the failed invasion attempt at the royal wedding. You're not the brightest changeling out there and you tend to be really clumsy. You only have two goals in your mind right now, one is to get out of this blasted forest, and when you do get out, try not to get captured. Your whole kind is wanted by the royal guard after all.

[New} BY Episode 14 I have a editor, so give thanks by then to Jeray2000 for it, check him out and other stories he's edited for here

lNew]New} Episode 33 was edited by Kersey475. He/she will be substituting for my editor until he gets back from his trip. So give credit to him for awhile ok.

[New]New]New} The cover image belongs to forevertheDoctor, not me.

Chapters (73)

Sunset Shimmer is having the worst day of her life. She used to be important. She was the personal student of Princess Celestia. She was a future leader of Equestria. She was the kind of mare that everypony envied.

Today, it's all crashing down around her.

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone through the mirror?

Chapters (11)

Under the bleak sky of a post-industrial Canterlot, a young mare named Neverwas ekes out a living through her knack for hacking computers. Her day-to-day existence is turned on its head, however, when she becomes entangled in a hidden war between the megacorporations vying for control of the city, and perhaps, the whole world.

Long ago, something happened to transmogrify the land of Equestria from an age of sunshine and rainbows into a cybernetic nightmare. Whether or not Neverwas wants to uncover the hidden secrets of her world, she'll soon do so.

. . .

This is a rewrite of my old story Obsolescence. Trust me when I say that although the changes are substantial, I hope I have been able to preserve what readers liked about the story's first incarnation.

The 'Gore' tag is for sci-fi action and violence.

Thanks so much to TheOmegaRidley for his amazing artwork!

Also, thanks to my amazing editors, Chapter 13 and Typoglyphic. They have been invaluable for help with grammar, structure, brainstorming, and creative contributions.

Thanks to Crystal Static for being so encouraging towards this project.

Finally, thank you for reading!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to No Heroes: Beyond the Everfree

Pinkie and Fine Crime have no idea what they are to each other. Friends? A couple? Strangers united by tragic pasts? Pinkie knows all about Fine's brutal, bloody history, but has yet to reveal her own.

Pinkie wants them to be closer, but that can't happen if they aren't on even terms with one another. So together they will visit the old abandoned Rock Farm. For the first time in over a decade, Pinkie comes home to face her demons. Is she ready to forgive herself for the deeds of long ago? Fine can only hope he has the ability to help her through it.

But the farm might not be entirely abandoned...

As is traditional of my No Heroes stories, this will be updated as I complete chapters. Updates will likely be sporadic for a while, at least until my overall writing load shrinks from finishing other stories.

Rating tag may change depending on how far I choose to take things.

Cover art belongs to saturnspace.
Pre-read by Grand_Moff_Pony.

The No Heroes Series
Chronological from Top to Bottom:
Shadow Pony
Reddux the Tyrant
No Heroes Part I - The Roster
No Heroes Part II - The Journey Home
Lightning's Bolt
No Heroes Part III - For Dreams
No Heroes Part IV - The Crystal Empress
No Heroes: Beyond the Everfree
No Heroes: Life of Pie
No Heroes: Hot Chocolate at the Isekai
To My Uncle

Chapters (15)

Through a long-forgotten mirror buried deep within Starswirl the Bearded's laboratory lies the equine kingdom of Hevosenvalta. There, the unicorn medical mare Silver Scalpel has just received an honorable discharge from Her Majesty's cavalry due to injuries she sustained on the frontier. She finds herself at loose ends in the capital city of Ehwazton until a chance encounter with the aardhorse detective Currycombs changes both their lives forever.

The cover art was commissioned from Wilvarin-Liadon, and the first chapter, "A Study in Sorrel," was originally published in NonBinary Review #9, Spring 2016. But the rest of the stories are all new to the site here.

Chapters (9)

In the year 2148, Earth Ponies discovered they were not alone in the universe.

Discovering an ancient cache of technology belonging to an extinct race identified only as the Alicorn, the Earth Ponies soared to new heights of technological advancement. With their newfound strength, they searched the galaxy for more hidden treasures of the Alicorn empire, soon discovering the existence of other space-faring races that shared their lust for progress and knowledge.

But when their fevered searching unearths ghosts that were better left buried, and mysteries better left unsolved, the Equestrian Galaxy is besieged by an ancient foe bent on nothing than the total destruction of life. Only one group of friends, led by a single Earth Pony soldier, can stop the coming darkness, all the while trying to answer the great question at the center of it all; what happened to the Alicorn Civilization and the Equestria that was?

Chapters (17)

It’s strange times for changelingkind. Their despotic Queen has been overthrown and the traditional system of Queens with her. ‘Liberty’ and ‘Democracy’ have finally arrived for a species who’ve been squashed beneath the fat rump of tyranny for generations. To take the helm of their reborn nation, the changelings elect the charismatic Lord Hopper as President of the Federal Changeling Republic.

This young noble, notorious for his playcolt lifestyle of partying, booze and an infinite string of marefriends, doesn't exactly seem to fit the bill of somechangeling who’s being hailed at home and abroad as the “modern champion of democracy”. But now elected on a platform promising wealth and love aplenty for his revolution-wary citizens, as well as rebuilding friendly and closer relations with Equestria with the Alicorn Princesses’ support, President Hopper’s issue of Equestrian Times' 'Stallion of the Year' looks a shoe-in.

… Providing, of course, he doesn’t totally screw it up first. As they say, “once playcolt, always a playcolt.”

Edited/pre-read by: Chaodiurn, Seether00, Scarheart, nioniosbbbb, Anonymoose and Mistermech.
Cover Art by Mistermech.

Chapters (1)