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Metal Gear has fallen into the hooves of an Equestrian revolutionary, who, with the backing of his human mercenary allies, intends to use it to depose Celestia and crown himself ruler. Having crossed into Equestria in pursuit of this rogue weapon, the legendary Solid Snake must ally with the residents of Ponyville to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.

See also Equestria Gear Solid, the hilarious spin-off EQG parody in which everything you know is wrong, and every single character from the story is an awful caricature of themselves.

Now with its own TVtropes page!

Chapters (22)

While Twilight is testing a new long range teleport on the request of Princess Celestia something goes wrong and she is transported to a place where love and harmony is a thing of the past and killing is the way of life.

The Mojave Wasteland.

Now Twilight must find a way to get back to her friends in Equestria and survive her stay in the apocalyptic wasteland inhabited by everything that has learn to call this eradiated land their home.

(My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover with Fallout: New Vegas)

Editor: Grammer_Nazi
Pre-reader: Bum
Cover Artist: Wadusher0

Chapters (76)

Hi, my name is Asriel Dreemurr, I died helping my sister, was brought back as a flower, was SAVEd by another, then sent to another world..........wait what?!

After being SAVEd by Frisk for the 5th time in a pacifist run, a portal opened up under Flowey, placing him inside Equestria near Fluttershy's house back as Asriel. Will he find his family again, will he see Frisk, and what is this mysterious reality shaping power coming from?

First Person Perspective- Will be using words like I and say/says

Nyx Belongs to Pen Strokes' story Past Sins

I will bring other characters from Undertale in later on, as well other OC's I create later down the line, or OC's I should bring in that deserve some more love, all credit to those characters of course.

Secret Displaced Story, send me a message if you're curious.

If you don't want any spoilers to Undertale or its characters, wait to read until you either play, or watch it.

Chapters (14)

Falling in love with the mythological book series Midnight Castle, Lyra Heartstrings has created her very own fan fiction site, a home to all that enjoy reading and writing human fiction.

This is the life and times of that site.

Chapters (370)

It was an average morning in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the changeling was swimming in the pool.... wait what?

This story is written by me and Limescale.
You can find his page here
Front page at 1/21/2017. Thanks guys for making it possible!

As of 11/27/2023, the story now has an audio reading. Check it out!

Chapters (2)

So I got in a car crash and the hospital put me under for surgery. The next thing I know, I wake up as a small pony with wings. And I can't see. And it's freaking cold up here.

At least I've still got my smokes.

(Got the idea from the funny picture. Rated T for language and tobacco use.)

Chapters (17)


The Multiverse. An immense and diverse place, home to countless Planes of existence, each a universe all their own. One organization tries its hardest to keep these Planes in line, and govern the nigh infinite souls that occupy them. But even with a galaxy's worth of agents and the power of the Prime Material Plane at their disposal, something occasionally slips their radar.

Sam is one of those things. An unassuming, twenty-something who one day finds himself stranded in another world. Luckily for him, the inhabitants of Equestria take friendship very seriously. The Elements of Harmony take it upon themselves to befriend and welcome him to Equestria. It certainly doesn't hurt that he's the first and only human ever seen on their planet.

However, all good things must come to an end. Equestria finds itself under attack, both by unknown creatures and beings similar to the country's newest inhabitant. Sam and the Elements must find a way to beat them back, but first they need to figure out who in the Nine Hells this new enemy is.

So begins my first HiE, let alone my first story to be published here. I hope it will be my longest piece to date (even if I never submitted most of my others). I have a long way to go before I can be a professional writer, but that's what this is all about, isn't it? Exercising our writing muscles in a place where some may find enjoyment in our attempts to improve ourselves. So please, lay into me. Tell me what I'm doing wrong, I implore you. It is the only way I will grow as a writer. And, if I can set aside my stubborn pride long enough to learn something, perhaps I will do just that.

Early chapters proofread by the wonderful McStuffins.

Chapters (14)

The Canterlot Caverns are a strange and enigmatic place, untouched and forgotten by pony-kind for centuries. So when a strange metal object is unearthed in their depths, it's up to Twilight Sparkle and Lyra Heartstrings to discover the many secrets it holds.

Together, the two of them will have to do their best to understand the remnants of an ancient civilization, and decipher what remains of Those Who Came Before.

The cover-image is a cleverly edited stock image, which was modified by the stupendous Corvo.
Proofreading was performed by the equally fantastical writers:
Timetraveling Pony (Who started as a proofreader when Cloud was writing this. Hats off to him for being dedicated and staying on as a proofreader for me.)
Night Spark

And a special Thank You goes to The Sentient Cloud for allowing me the honor of continuing this great story after he retired from writing fimfictions.

As it turns out, this story is eerily similar to Lyra Heartstrings and the Hand of Man. Due to their similarity, I feel that it would be appropriate to give said story a mention.

Chapters (4)

My one and only go at the infamous 2nd person narrative. No name, no gender, no details. Just "you."

It's been five years since that fated day that saw your arrival into Equestria. From the first moment, you captured the attention of Celestia, princess to the ponies of Equestria. Now, you want to make tonight one to never forget.

Art by Geomancing, DeviantArt

Chapters (4)

“When the prophecy is fulfilled and the Nine Dark Stars align, Tartarus will weaken, allowing the ancient evils that dwell within its walls the chance to seek their freedom. One such evil, vanquished long before the creation of the Elements of Harmony, that vowed to destroy the world in hellfire will lead the demonic hordes across the world once more.

Only the hero of stone, summoned from beyond the void, can truly destroy this dark evil…”

The Gargoyle, a legend that only a few know about, a warrior of stone summoned from beyond the void before the founding of Equestria.

Scott, an average guy who lives in England and has a good job, close friends and couldn’t be happier. Everything changes for him though, when he walks home one night from work and is killed in a road accident.

He awakens from a strange dream to find he is no longer on Earth… and that he is not as human as he remembers…

This… is the tale of the Gargoyle, the Stone warrior.

Cover done by me
Big thanks to, DVAN56, RainbowBob and Berry Punch for all their help!

Chapters (15)