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The Crusaders sometimes form conclusions and make decisions based on impulsivity and gut feelings rather than rational thought. So, when they meet Ponyville’s newest, specialty flower vendor—a young, quiet mare from Alemaneia named Schneeblume—Scootaloo immediately begins to suspect something… that behind her quiet exterior, that bright smile, and those kind eyes, she's hiding something sinister.

Well, technically, she is... but perhaps not in the manner they expected.

In the end, the three quickly-growing fillies may find that their cutie marks and their penchant for helping ponies may come in a different fashion than they're used to.

Cover art done by the incredibly talented G_Hyze. This is the crop of a full picture I commissioned; said picture is presented in the story and sourced to his DeviantArt.

Chapters (1)

Celestia watched as an injured colt was rushed to the hospital wing of the castle, clinging to life by a thread. Luna battles her demons as she tries to help the colt heal from his, all so that he may continue to live.
Both sisters struggle with the questions that arise from what they've witnessed.
Neither of them know what will happen, going forward.

"This is the first, and perhaps will be the only, male alicorn that Equestria has seen. He came not in radiant glory to battle with Chaos that We Know Well, The Lord of Shadows, the Magic Eater and other foes, as you and Princess Luna did. Neigh, he came upon us in his time of need. We were the ones to help him.

Your Highness, what do you think that says about where he came from?"

The Dark Tag is for specific scenes and situations, not because the overall story is dark.
[Danny Phantom x MLP Crossover, Both are AU, Mentions of Marvel Movie Verse and DP being in the same world]
[Side Story / Sister Fic / and What-If Off-Shoot to Spectrology on FanFiction and AO3 but reading it shouldn't be needed]


Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Man Cannot Live On Tea Alone

Jake is a human, pulled into Equestria by a magic mishap. Rarity is a fashionista, businessmare, and all-around interesting pony. Jake and Rarity go out for coffee and conversation, and enjoy each other's company. Can Jake match wits with Rarity? Can he keep up with the savvy, sassy mare that he's come to appreciate?

No. No, probably not.

Rated T for Sassy Waitresses, Blushing Ponies, and Ponies That Are So Cute They'll Make You Die. (Oh, and violence!)

Story inspired by gign-3208's beautiful art.

It is highly recommended you read the prequel story first, but this story can stand on it's own thanks to a preface at the beginning that can bring new readers up to speed.

Special thanks to SS&E, Fourths, and Jern for editing.

Chapters (14)

Chapter 24: In progress.

I’ve been in Equestria for over 1500 years, and the memory of what I did to Luna and Celestia is still there, like a dull ache that will never go away. As an immortal, I’m going to have the next few thousand years to get used to it. Despite that, only thirty years have passed back on Earth. I wonder what’s become of Luna since we traded places. Is she alive? Dead? Married with kids?

My name’s Catherine, and you’re probably wondering what I’m babbling on about. If you’ll bear with me, I’ll start where it all began.

Tags (character and otherwise) will be updated as necessary. Rated teen for strong themes.

Character Sheet. (Work in progress.)

Cover art by Silfoe
Textless version

Edited and Proofread by:
Jay the Stormtrooper
This list will be added to as people help. This includes single chapters and mutual favours.

Creative discussion and constructive criticism are welcome.

All OCs belong to me unless otherwise specified. Any likeness towards other characters and names is purely coincidental.

Update Features (D/M)
2017: 24/05, 24/06, 15/11, 19/12
2018: 21/02, 15/03, 9/04, 17/5, 4/6, 23/7, 29/08, 18/9, 26/10, 14/12
2019: 9/03
2020: 9/03
2022: 26/01

Chapters (25)

Ripped from home with no explanation to a place that is both incredibly strange and eerily familiar. What world he walks on, what these creatures are, why he's here. There are many things Rajrishi does not understand about Equestria. He hopes to fix that.

But mostly he just wants to go home.

Chapters (78)

The Brony Fandom lived long and old. Memes were made, ponies were enjoyed, and lives were rearranged to accommodate. As time went on, the passion that once fired up the community became just a flickering spark, and so the Brony name waned until, finally, the fandom died to obscurity.

That was it for user TutorialBlues88, who swore off his Brony pride after over two decades. But nostalgia one day invoked him to reflect on philosophies of a fandom long since dead. He wondered if it’s okay to turn back, to enjoy ponies once again even if its alone.

In meeting death, reincarnation gave Tutorial the opportunity to discover for himself what friendship and ponies meant to him, redefining and revisiting lessons attended since Season One.

Chapters (12)

Click this to read about the hiatus.

We’ve all had nightmares, but do any of us actually know where they come from?

What if, one day, you woke up as the embodiment of nightmares themselves?

In an alley one night, Joseph gets fatally injured after saving a woman from her terrifying nightmares.

He wakes up somehow, but he quickly finds out that he isn’t in his own body. Instead, he wakes up in the body of one of Equestria's most infamous villains.

Joseph must adapt to a world completely alien to him, as well as adjusting to his new body while trying to figure out what, or who he is.

Featured 13/08 & 14/08/14
Update Feature: 4/10/15, 01/06/16, 17/8/16, 4/12/16, 30/1/17

'Sex' tag added for strong cases of innuendo.
'Dark' tag because this fic deals with morose themes.

Edited and proofread by:
Blue Blaze {COMET}
The Abyss
Twisted Code
Waffle God
Arcane Spirit
Updated as people help. Includes one-time favours and single chapters.

A/N: Tags will be updated as necessary. Constructive criticism and ego stroking are both welcome. Set both in a world where MLP doesn't exist, and after the events of first two episodes of season one. A show-accurate period of events is not likely.

Chapters (23)

Seeking redemption, Corvo—a problematic mastermind—helps save Equestria from threats which far surpass the limits of Celestia and Luna; but it all becomes much more difficult than they could ever imagine, escalating into a hopeless, war-like mental chess match.

The comment section below is a spoiler-fest. Ye be warned!

►Fan art right here, done by The Sexy Assistant
►Pre-reader: Bootsy Slickmane

Chapters (17)

After years of warfare, the crimson queen now had successfully claims the throne of all Calradians and sealed the eternity peace toward the land that knows no rest. The cost paid with an act of murder, fraud, betrayal did not escape the mind of the empress, who grows colder and colder - distance herself from human being and her past.

Deep inside her mind, a wish for undone the act was still shining. The wish later leaded herself into the land where no man had been there before and her redemption had begun.

"Mount & blade : Warband" and "My little pony : Friendship is magic" crossover.
All right reserves to an owner of both game and animation.

Chapters (4)

A man, empty.
A mare, damaged.
A life, lived.
A life - loved.

Now with its own TV Tropes page!

Chapters (21)