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Prototype Aegis is the first living tank Pony made by humans to try and replace infantry. She loves her job as a tank for the army, protecting her country. But one day, while running from a German super weapon she falls into an unknown laboratory, she finds herself in a fight for her life as she fights mysterious soldiers that she can't seem to defeat. She becomes gravely injured and sacrifices herself for her friend. She wakes up, injured and noticing that some of her armor plates are missing and are nearby. She finds herself in a strange world, one filled with happiness and peace. Will she want to go back to her world, that is filled with death and destruction, or will she want to stay in a world where there hasn't been a war in thousands of years?

Dark tag only near the beginning of the story and possibly in the future. Rated teen for language and violence.

Chapters (5)

One strange day, Harry Dresden turned into a tiny pastel horse with two girly tattoos on the rump.

She was not pleased about this.

And as strange and horrifying as this was, even by Chicago's only professional wizard’s standards there was a new job to do, and some new bunch of bastards to thump until they stopped their dastardly pony plans!

Except… there seemingly wasn’t a culprit to be found. No dark gods with a thing for horses had risen. No doomsday cults with a thing for pastel had declared their vile, equine intentions. Not as much as an ifrit with a lisp...

It seemed as if whatever had turned so many humans into ponies would simply be a strange and unsolved mystery.

Reluctantly, life simply had to go on, even if it was with double the number of legs as normal.

Now, months later however, this country with the rather silly name of Equestria wonders what became of one of their lost champions, and just why she never returned to them...

Five Score universe by TwistedSpectrum.
Dresden Files and all characters belong to Jim Butcher.
MLP:FIM is Hasbro's, but you should know that by now.

Written as a small Christmas 2014 gift to my followers. :twilightsmile:

Character tags to be added once done, to maintain surprise.

Story contains spoilers for the Dresden Files series, up to Skin Games! Also, spoilers in the comments!

Cover given by the amazing Tulip.

Chapters (8)

Artemio Baldarich has always led a successful and entrepreneurial lifestyle. At the young age of 23 he seems to have the rest of his life planned out with his role as a computer scientist for a defense contractor in southern California.

Arty’s plans however encounter a major roadblock when a test on a missile defense system leads to him being mysteriously transported to a foreign world beyond anything he ever thought was possible.

Not only is he very disoriented, but he must also deal with the fact that all the creatures around him seem to think that he is a young child based on the body that he now inhabits. Hopefully he will be able to find a way to use his knowledge of his world to build a new life for himself and find a way home.

Edit 6/8/2017: Story was featured apparently. Never thought this would happen, especially so soon, but it’s pretty cool that it did. I’m a novice to writing and I truly hope that I can improve my writing style as I contribute more to this story. Thank you to everyone who has left feedback for me, it is much appreciated.

Edit 6/14/2017: We have an editor now! Feel free to check them out: Doctor Disco.

Edit 7/07/2017: Taming Equestria now has official cover art done by the talented Mix-up! Check out his work on Deviant Art here.

Chapters (6)

Five years ago, Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria and took it by storm. She imprisoned her sister in the moon, and Equestria fell into an Age of Darkness. She ruled with an iron hoof; her word became law. The Mare in the Moon became a grim reminder of what happened to those who opposed the new tyrant, and nopony dared oppose.

Except for one aspiring unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle, a mare shackled by the failures of her past, prowls the ruins of the old capital Canterlot, praying for a spell that can right what has been so horribly wronged. Buried beneath the rubble of the Royal Library, she finds a tome that might be the answer to her prayers.

A "Warrior of Sunlight"; surely he will be able to overthrow the wicked tyrant and restore Celestia to her rightful throne. Twilight can almost see the sun returning over the horizon. She just didn't expect this warrior to be so... jolly.

Set in Starlight's "alternate future" where Nightmare Moon reigns.

Audio reading by Skijarama

Chapters (15)

Andrew hikes; he's always done it with friends, and he couldn't imagine a trip without them. Today is different: he's a bit lost, but he won't be friendless for all too long.

With the strange—yet adorable—local fauna as company, Andrew sets off to conquer the hike of his life.

On Goodreads thanks to the work of Facedeer.
Coverart originally by Danfango.

Chapters (45)

Ever since Chrysalis' failed invasion of Canterlot, Celestia has been under tremendous strain. Plagued by nightmares of her inability to defend the country, her ability to rule is slowly becoming comprised.

After finally revealing the truth to a still recovering Luna, the two sisters take some advice from their friendly neighborhood draconequus on how to handle the problem.

If there's one sure thing in life, it's that advice from Discord rarely goes according to plan...

My name is Harold Storm. The last few years haven't been all that great. I've got a crappy job, no time for a social life and I'm barely making ends meet. I'm making just enough to pay to go to college part time and work towards an engineering degree. That, at least, should help in the job department if I don't run out of money before I graduate. That was, until an unforeseen death in the family had me driving across country to collect some things that were left to me. The trip there went fine, but on the way home something unexpected happened. I ended up in another world.

A twist of fate, or maybe one that was intended, lead me to Equestria and all the magic that comes with it. With no way of getting back home on my own, I've got a long journey to Canterlot, even with the aid of some new friends. However, magic has a funny way of changing the way one looks at the world...

02-07-17 Woah! Somehow made it to the feature box :pinkiegasp:

Alternate universe. Princess Luna is still in her younger form from the end of "Friendship is Magic." Takes place after the events of Magical Mystery Cure and the first Equestria Girls but before Season 4 starts. Doesn't follow show's timeline after that but may draw from some events.

I'd like to give a huge shout-out to fellow author, KorenCZ11, for helping me with pre-reading and editing. Then, after all that hard work he went and made me some awesome cover art!

Kinda slice of life with a bit of adventure thrown in. Some other tags may be added as the story progresses.

The vast majority of the story is 1st person, told from Harold's POV.

Part 1 of a 2 part story.

Rated T for some violence, occasional swearing and innuendo.

Note the lack of a crossover tag :derpytongue2:
This is not a HL2 crossover, I just happen to like the quote.

Chapters (21)

Astrid never expected any of this to happen, nor did she ever want it to happen, especially not to her. Lost in a world that is not her own, trapped in the body of a creature that is not her own, Astrid wants nothing more than to go home.

However, going home may not be an option.

Edited by the fantastic Babroniedadand ShimmerLeaf!

A Displaced Story featuring Legend of Zelda
Conflicting tags: Adventure/Slice of Life
Tags may be added or even changed as the story progresses
Currently not accepting crossovers

Featured on 5/12/17, the very first day! Thanks!

Chapters (9)

The story of 'The Mare that eats the Monsters' is an old, but still very well known Equestrian campfire and bed time story, often told to scare little fillies and colts into behaving themselves. It tells of a mare who loves Equestria and the ponies who live in it despite how frighteningly different she is. She protects ponies across Equestria from nightmarish creatures and monsters that would seek to kill ponies wherever possible.
What most ponies don't realize, but what Twilight Sparkle is soon to learn, is that the mare of the story was and is very real.

And the stakes of her mission have never been higher.

(This story has the horror tag, yes, but it isn't the dominant theme here.)

Chapters (17)

Benjamin is ready to face the world of Equestria, or so he thinks. Still oblivious to the cultural differences, he accidentally wins the hearts of two mares. Problem is, they aren’t keen on sharing the human. Can two ponies that are as different as the day is to the night be able to come to terms with one another before hearts end up broken?

Credit for the cover goes to ParadigmPizza

Chapters (14)

A mere human has been transformed by the Queen of the changelings, and throughout this, she teaches him how to cope with a new life, by sending him to a world he has yet to understand.

Rated Teen for some language and gore

Author's Note: Im sorry if the chapters are slow

Chapters (6)