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A close encounter with a category three Kaiju leaves Midsummer Night, a Mark-II Jaeger, in the inky depths of an unknown ocean. With no communications or navigation available, the pilots, Shane and Michael O'Connell, are well and truly out of their element.

Good thing they accidentally brought something with them to liven up the party,

Pacific Rim crossover

Art by: Zeiram0034.
Edited by: Pixel brony.

Now with a Tvtropes page!

Chapters (28)

Another HiE fic right? Yup. Spot on. Correct. Affirmative. No point denying it. In fact, it's generic as hell. Like, the only thing it's missing is a red and black alicorn and multiple inexplicable orgies. Actually, tell you what, before I kill my entire audience, read the rest of the description.

Knives, blood, parkor, games and ponies. Kind of a weird list of top 5 favorite things.

My name is Edward. And I am an assassin.

No. Not that Edward. And no, not that assassin. I mean an assassin/ninja/mercenary/thing. Get that? No? Well screw you, I have better things to do than explain it to you. Like explaining it to you.

Expect insanity, friendship and dragons. For reasons.

Anyhoo, I digress. As always. Digress is such a weird word isn't it? Oh wait. I'm doing it again. Digressing. Is that even a real word? Maybe. Huh. I suddenly have ADD. Weird. Antidisestablishmentarianism. Got to love that word. Means being opposed to disestablishmentarianism. Longest word in the English language it is. Not really. That goes to Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I don't even know what that means. I'd google it if my iPod hadn't been fed to a dragon. Wait. I was saying something. Oh yeah, I'm in Equestria. How did I forget that? By digressing, that's how. Focus dammit. Equestria... Honored...Necronomicon... Oh yeah!

Well it all started on that operation...

Disclaimer: this is based off the world of Honored Service's story: the Equestrian Honor Guard, it contains gore, language, morals, some pretty dark underlying themes, sexual references, racism, sexism, Judaism, antidisenstablishmentarianism and some (kinda involuntary) shipping. Said shipping is heterosexual and has a reason for being there (and I can't just magic it away). If you dislike, please leave a reason for doing so. If you came for good writing and a well thought out plot, go somewhere else. This story is stupid. But it isn't (completely) random. Read this and its predecessor first, you need them to put the events in context. And anyway, they're just really good stories: Honor above all else Also, proper cover art is incoming. Eventually.

Yes, I had a bet that I could fit antidisestablishmentarianism into this description three times. I succeeded. You owe me 5 bucks. You know who you are.

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to Foal Necromancer

I got as far as I could. I wish I had more free time, but I need to face the music.
This project is dead. Feel free to have your laugh and then do better if you have an excess of free time.

By sequel, I mean rework. A re-adaptation. A different take on an already well-acclaimed story...

Please bear with me now.

I might've been talking big about wanting to make a better iteration. None of that was bragging at all, and none of that necesarily suggests that I should create a version the same as the original, only refined and polished.

That's not going to happen. I'm not Kytranis 2.0. I got my own shtick. And frankly, there are a lot of things that Kytra did that I do not agree with. Similarly, there are a lot of things I myself will do that the die-hard fans of the original will not care for either. Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting to surpass your predecessor, for the LOVE OF FU-

I will try a different take on the same central themes and general starting circumstances as the original, but everything else after that is going to be my own thing. A new shot aiming for the same target.

I don't actually owe the fans of the original anything in particular. All I owe is that for my own sake, and for the sake of anyone who might potentially take time out of their schedule to read my work, I need to create the best thing I personally can, through what means I personally can. That means through my own vision, not through someone else's vision.

The young are defined by moving ever forward and making mistakes, which they either learn from or disregard. You don't survive long if you don't learn from your shortcomings and adapt.

The Living Lich survived for a very long time. He has much to look back on and reflect on, before he can understand what happened and move on.

Princess Luna has had an even longer life than one can imagine. She forgot more things than most mortals experience in their lifetimes. She ventures to teach the necromancer a new way of life, but knowledge can be shared both ways.

Chapters (21)

Anon is dragged into Equestria by the effects of a mysterious idol belonging to Discord. He is soon discovered by Princess Celestia, Twilight, and Fluttershy, without any memory of how to speak or write clearly, or his past. Fluttershy then volunteers to watch over Anon until the princesses decide on further action. What follows is Anon's attempts at making a new life for himself alongside Fluttershy and her friends.

Featured as of 11/13/2017- Holy moly! A hearty thank-you to everyone who has joined me for the story so far, and a warm welcome to everyone who has yet to hop on board. Enjoy.

Edit as of 2022: Marked as cancelled as a courtesy to anyone who finds this. Between grad school and depression, I lost what direction I had to keep up with the story as intended. There isn't any intention to keep working on it, but I can't bring myself to delete it outright. Please take it as you will, and accept my sincerest apologies that it took so long to make clear.

Chapters (14)

The first day of school always sucks. It's particularly sucky when you're normally nocturnal.

Now an expanding anthology of one-shots due to popular demand for MOAR!

Featured on Fimfic: 10/1/2017
Featured on Equestria Daily
Now with several chapters in audio: link!
Now with commisioned music: link!

Cover Art Source

Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

Submission for the Bat Ponies and Thestrals 2017 Competition

Chapters (23)

Human X Pony

Human in Equestria

Kenneth is your average everyday person, all up until he was tossed off a boat and into an insane asylum. Unable to speak nor learn their language, ken decides to stick by the only two ponies that he can communicate with. Just when things are starting to look up, and the ponies start to grow on him, reality throws one last curve ball his way.

*Comments contain spoilers, read at your own risk.*

:heart: Featured :heart:
05/04/2017, 24/04/2017, 27/04/2017, 15/07/2017, 24/10/2017, 20/3/2018

Chapters (26)

What if you had the opportunity to go to Equestria and realized, too late, that it wasn't what you dreamed of? That it was nothing more than an elaborate illusion? I have learned just what Equestria truly is.

The story is being written after season 7, but other characters from future seasons could appear as well.

Coverart is by Ziom05. You can see more of his amazing art here.

Now with its own group. Join here to get all the stories.

Chapters (14)

Anonymous is summoned by Princess Cadance during the Equestria Games. What he comes face to face with is a tearful, brokenhearted mare that needs someone to be there for her.

Chapters (9)

My name is Rachel. Or at least it was. A bad decision brought me to the brink of death. I was "rescued" from that fate by some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos." Or maybe he really was the devil, I don't know. He promised me a second chance but didn't tell me it would be in the body of a cutesy pony in a world which makes no sense. Worse, I think I've been set up, and something bigger is going on ...

(Rated teen for language and non-gory violence)

Cover art by the talented NoviceCreedArt on tumblr. Link to original work.

Chapters (58)

This story is a sequel to So you are suddenly a soon-to-be husband to a Sun-Goddess.

Jason and Celestia have been married for a year now, all was going well until an unexpected pregnancy shows up and now the pair have 11 months to prepare for Parenthood. Will the pair be ready by the time 11 months have passed, or will pregnancy drive Jason and Celestia up the wall?

Well find out by reading...

Chapters (24)