• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016


I just simply like reading fanfictions.

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Flash Sentry's world sucks. Maybe it's high time he left it.


Cover Art by amalgamzaku aka mix-up

Chapters (150)

Princess Celestia wanders the lunar landscape, alone, trapped by an unknown magic. She follows a set of hoofprints that are not her own, which lead her towards the dark side of the moon.

What she discovers there may be more than she can handle.

A 30-Day Challenge story, with a new chapter guaranteed once a day, every day, for a full month. Inspired, in part, by Austraeoh.

Chapters (32)

EDIT! This series is now open universe! You want to make a spinoff version? You totally can! You want to self insert yourself into their shenanigans? You can do that too! The characters and story are now completely public domain. I've lost interest in the series but if for some reason you actually like it enough to write your own take on it, you're more than welcome to! I'd love to read them, so feel free to link back and please remember to credit me/the story as the source!

Thestrals were defeated by the Princesses Luna and Celestia a thousand years ago, and are thought extinct. But what will happen when one moves to Ponyville? Disguised as an earth pony, Acrylic does her best to fit in. The burden of hiding her wings weighs heavily on her, and keeps her from becoming truly close to anypony. Can she keep the secret, or will she expose her entire race?

Chapters (38)

This story is a sequel to The Cutters

Meet Star Bolt, a young pegasus who lost his memory after using an ability that was deemed legendary. As he grew up not only did he learn to control this ability, but it allowed him to join the Royal Guard and climb up the ranks to the position of Commander. However when war between the royal alicorn sisters casts Equestria into an eternal eclipse, he must take up his gift/curse and fight alongside his officers to not only defeat Princess Celestia in the name of the Nightmare Legion, but to find a way to bring back the Princess Luna that he knew, befriended and fell in love with. This story of love, regret, anger, war, and heartbreak is the path this Pegasus chose to travel, and even though it's viewed as a mistake by most, Commander Bolt will do whatever it takes and fight through any challeng to reach his goal, whatever it might be.

Chapters (22)

(Prequel to Tears of a Fallen Star)
More than one thousand years ago, the world was a continuous string of wars. With nations at each other’s throats, leaders would place their trust in the assistance of mercenaries. But of all the mercenaries in the world, none were more feared than a special group known only as “The Cutters”. This group of three ponies, an earth pony and two pegasi were so feared that most nations would hesitate before hiring them. Mainly because their number one rule was to work for the highest bidder. Even if it meant killing their current contractor. With a past shrouded in mystery and a skill unmatched by any nation. these three mercenaries would kill without hesitation, without fear, and without mercy, a jewel for any nation’s military force. Yet there is more to them than what meets the eye.

Chapters (11)

With Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor's love proving too strong for Queen Chrysalis, she and her changelings are cast far into the distance and out of Equestria. Zeil a changeling who assisted in the attack, fell short and found himself injured and lost in the Everfree Forest. in hopes of receiving first aid, he takes the form of a zebra and ask Zecora for help. However, as time goes by, he starts developing feelings for his savior and starts to wonder, "is it possible for a changeling to fall in love?" and if so "Would she return his love if she only knew the truth?"

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to The Price of Harmony

Seventy years after her father's death, Princess Umbra daughter to Commander Bolt and Princess Luna, seeks out a solution. The Griffin Kingdoms threaten war, but her mother and aunt refuse to fight. Unfortunately Princess Umbra who is sworn to protect what her father gave his life for, decided to take matters into her own hooves, claiming the throne, banishing her mother and aunt, and destroying her threat by establishing forced peace not only on The Griffin Kingdoms, but the entire world, and all with her new name, Thundaga.

However, five hundred years later, a pegasus names Cirrus emerges from Ponyville, and with him, a new hope, for he carries a power that he doesn't understand. Now he, an ancient dragon, an evil enchanter, and an ancient hero now must unite the nation and face the tyranny of Thundaga, and spread peace as was fabled by The Third Commander.

Pre-Story Comic The Ballad of Thundaga

Chapters (27)

A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, that much we know. What wasn’t known, and what Celestia kept secret was that before her banishment, Luna had given birth to a foal. Now a thousand years later, as Nightmare returns to Equestria to bring about Eternal Night.

Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia, struggles against the tyranny of this ancient foe. But how will she be able to save herself and her friends when the truth of this ancient legend crashes down upon her? Twilight will have to confront herself...and her heritage.


Chapters (27)

Follow the world of My Little Pony through the eyes of two creatures unheard of. One is Stolen Royalty, the other is an unknown man of faith. Will they survive the challenges? Win or Lose? Only time and the powers above know.

Shadows moved in the dark, golden eyes follow, yet they go unseen. Why?

(First fic)

Sequel: Wargs of Fire and Blade Book II (lol, I don’t know why I didn’t add this earlier)

Chapters (58)

Nightmare Moon has returned. Princess Celestia lied and betrayed her star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, leaving her woefully unprepared to fight the Queen of the Night.

But when she fails, rather than disposing of her and the ponies that tried to help her, Nightmare Moon sees an opportunity and a necessity. Having been locked away for one thousand years, who better to help her solidify her rule and keep Equestria from collapsing, all while rubbing it in her sister's face, than her own betrayed pupil?

Chapters (54)