• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016


I just simply like reading fanfictions.

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What makes a victim and what makes a villain?

After their defeat at the Battle of the Bands, the Dazzlings retreat into self-confinement to lick their wounds whilst they reassess their entire strange and fated lives from their beginnings in Equestria, up to the present. However, learning how to cope with the world and each other—living an immortal life in a powerless body—might just be more than any of them can bear.

Lines are blurred in this dark, historical, novelesque sirens origin story of innocence lost, heartache, betrayal, hope, and of course, beautiful music.

(Featured on Equestria Daily: 7/11/15)
(Featured on FIMFiction front page: 9/23/16)

Chapters (48)

Nightmare Moon's escape from the Moon could not have gone better for her. Celestia herself was unable to face her, and Celestia's trainee was woefully underprepared for the assault. It did not take long to shake out the remaining pockets of resistance, and then she took the throne for herself.

Ten years of darkness have passed, and Celestia has finally managed to break Nightmare Moon's spell and return to Equestria. The exile and the difficulty of the escape took a serious toll on the solar Princess, and she returns to a land very different from the Equestria she loved.

Weak and very nearly alone, she needs to rebuild her strength, and put things right again. But can she even be sure what right is, anymore?

Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I1UxgjF5VdpCmAJ85ir84lWTk2BKGCainy_VICPo6yM/edit?usp=sharing

Lulu Print Link:

EBook Link (mobi format):

Chapters (42)

The Fire of Friendship has all but faded. One thousand years ago, Equestria fractured... those who disagreed with Celestia's rule left under the leadership of Princess Luna to found their own nation, their own way of life. Seventy years later, Celestia and Luna both disappeared during the first war, leaving the battered nations leaderless in their absence.

Over the last nine hundred years wars have frequently waged between Equestria and Lunaria, each seeking to unite ponykind under their own ideals. Equestria's mastery of magic often gave it the edge in battle, but never enough for a decisive victory. Peace reigns for now, but recent developments in Lunaria signal a shift in the balance between the two divided nations...

Chapters (54)

It should have been so simple, just make some friends, find the elements and beat the villain that tries to make the night last forever, then find out she's Celestia's actual sister and absolve her as they hug… Well, perhaps not simple per say, but expected.

So then why when they defeated Nightmare Moon did Luna ignore her sister Celestia? And why did she instead hugged Twilight as if she was happier to see her then her sister? Why was it Celestia who soon after groveled and begged Luna for forgiveness, rather then the other way around? And what's with this godmother thing?

For that matter, what else changed?

Chapters (11)

When Celestia went on sabbatical into the west, she promised Twilight it would be only a couple of months. A year and a half later, the sun resists control, the country is in ruins, and her teacher is lost in the wilds. Twilight has become the apostate, her faith in her teacher and her teachings waning. In the wake of tragedy, her resentment blossoms into fury and she vows that something must be done. Shadows gather around Canterlot, and old things that should not have been awakened are on the move. The Student goes west, her hope restored by friendship and righteous fury.

The night, at long last, is passing.

Chapters (53)

There’s no end to the monsters that lurk in the dark.

Ghosts, werewolves, mad scientists, cultists, mutants, zombies, vampires, aliens and more lie in wait in the dark corners of Equestria, terrorizing the night. But the most infamous and dangerous of them all is the legendary witch Twilight Sparkle, with a five hundred million bit bounty on her head.

Seeking fame and fortune, Rainbow Dash sets out to defeat the legendary witch and collect the massive reward. The one thing she wasn't counting on was Twilight being less evil than she expected.

More stories set in this AU can be found here.

Cover art is a work in progress by Abode_WTF

Chapters (65)

Dream demons.

If they kill you in your nightmares, you die in real life. Thankfully, they only have one chance to get you before they can never enter your dreams again.

These days, they’re mostly a joke. Ponies figured out all the rules surrounding them ages ago. Young fillies even throw ‘nightmare night’ parties to mass inoculate themselves in relative safety.

And yet…

Every once in a long while…

More stories set in this AU can be found here.

Chapters (4)

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome Queen of the wasteland.

This started out as an exploratory idea, that patrons requested more chapters of and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a chance of adding onto this story for just 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (49)

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods from a very long nap and has some issues. These involve some less than stable quadrupeds called ponies and one very specific one which we shall refer to as Luna.

Cover art from: https://www.artstation.com/andrewdoma

Featured basically whenever there's an update. Not sure as to why.

Chapters (38)

I got dragged to Equestria by pure accident due to an experiment gone 'wrong', roughly forty years before Nightmare Moons' arrival.
No matter what I do, as a pony-changeling hybrid, something will change with Equestria. I just hope I don't doom the country before Nightmare Moon even arrives... Or worse.

This is the first story I ever tried to write professionally, so there WILL be errors, for that, I apologize in advance.
I'm editing and proofreading it on my own because I literally suck when it comes to using this site competently.
Lastly, I am a slow writer due to IRL getting in the way but I will try my hardest to settle the story down whether it's popular or not.

Fair warning, there may be spoilers in the comments.

Thank you to Little Tigress for the fantastic cover art.

Chapters (64)