• Member Since 1st Dec, 2015

Dark Law

Control What Others Think About You. Free Space For The Free Minds.

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Gilda had flown out to see an old friend only for it to end in disaster. Now at a club (the only place with halfways decent drinks) she simply wants to drink in peace. Vinyl Scratch, unfortunately, will make that impossible.

Rated teen for language.

A little something I came up with for Jake’s Horse Word Extravaganza.
You can, hopefully, find more obscure shippings here.

Chapters (1)

Kali'fon Blazeweaver has had to deal with a lot recently. Being turned into the Zandalari Troll that she'd cosplayed as was a hurdle. As was having to make a home in a forest filled with wooden wolves, snake-chickens, and scorpion-lions. The worst however was the ponies. Turns out ponies did not react well to things that are new and different. So why was she here at a social gathering like the Grand Galloping Gala?

This has been in my head for a bit. Can't really remember what inspired it off the top of my head.
This isn't connected to the Nexus-verse.
Tags: Profanity for profanity

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Akita and The Wolf

Geralt Jameson is having a great day. He made friends (with the potential for a marefriend), had a wonderful, if very late dinner, and even got to meet a Princess with very her own Digimon.

Now he's on a quest. A quest to accompany two mares to the town of Ponyville. Their quests? To find an affordable house or apartment, and to find a building that could serve as a restaurant for the pair of ponies his daughter now worked with.

Geralt's quest has an intriguing addition. For Ponyville has a Dojo, for what martial art he was not sure. The Dojo however does not have a master, simply a single member. If Geralt wishes to take this dojo for his own, he will need to defeat this Rainbow Dash.

Hey look a sequel. I hope this one is as enjoyable as the last.

Pre-reader: mattchilly.

Tags: Profanity for F***, Sh**, Etc., Sex for a wolf and a DJ annoying an Octavia (and Pinkie), and Violence for MORTAL KOMBAT!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tuesdays

Dustin simply wanted to get away from Manehatten, and the life he'd been all but forced to live there. He'd had enough of fashion for a lifetime.

Ponyville must be different right? It's more accepting, or so the papers say. The additional info of strange protectors also catches his eye.

Maybe things will finally calm down. Maybe he can start to have a normal life.

Nothing is normal in Ponyville.

This was Co-written with Thadius0.
I never expected to be approached by the same guy that wrote Headless, not Heartless. Yet a set of messages later, and this colab came together over Google Docs. This was an absolute blast to write, and I hope you all enjoy reading it.

Tags: Profanity for Profanity, Violence for DODGE!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy finds herself haunted by a measly word when she gets lost in the middle of her favorite woods. That word was 'draconequus' and after she finds a hurt one, she tries her hardest to help him. A friendship Fluttershy cherishes almost more than her other friendships blossoms, and she doesn't know how anything could go wrong.
Except maybe her Princess friend from a pony world saying there's a magical imbalance on the same day Discord decides he's too bored without Fluttershy around and turns himself into a human so he can attend her school.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A Surprise for a Tatzlsus

Saffron Masala isn't having a good night. Her father wants to keep the restaurant open late, simply on the off chance that they can pick up a few ponies who happen to be out late. She knows that it's just an attempt to make ends meet what with where their located in Canterlot. However, she knows that this might not be enough to keep the restaurant open.

Vinyl Scratch also isn't having a good night. The club she'd just played at stiffed her on the agreed payment all because 'she didn't draw in enough ponies.' Her roommate Octavia has tried helping her feel better but nothing's working. Maybe some food will help. If only they could find some place still open.

This night is unique, for these mares are going to end up meeting some very interesting people.

This wouldn't get out of my head. I hope it turns okay.

Tags: Profanity for Guess, and Sex for innuendo and a wolf who knows how to court the ladies.

Part of The Digi-Verse.

Chapters (1)

It's Scootaloo's birthday and you've been planning a surprise party for awhile now. All you have to do now is to make sure the aforementioned Tatzlsus makes it to Sugarcube Corner this evening.

However, there are a few small problems. You're a carb-devouring, fire-breathing, tamer-lacking, Guilmon who's a magnet for monsters, you live in Ponyville, and it's Tuesday.

This idea popped into my brain and it wouldn't leave. Enjoy my stupidity.
Pre-readers: Dragonfire2lm. mattchilly. Gnarl.
Changed to Teen from Mature after some consultation.
Tags: Death and Violence due to combat, Profanity for obvious reasons, Sex for innuendo and sexual conversation.

Chapters (1)

Stark has been subjected to some weird things in the course of his life, ever since he donned the iron mantle. Monsters, aliens and intergalactic tv show hosts are just part of the job when you're a hero. But in the peaceful land of Equestria, he will have to face his greatest challenge yet. For he will have to make a choice...and no matter what he chooses, someone is doomed. But what can you do, when you're only a man?

Iron man will once again be based on my favorites versions combined, so expect EMH and more of the cartoon versions than the comics or movies. Same goes for the villain. Gonna be a bit more light hearted that other stories, so expect Tony to be more funny than cynical (though he will be that).

Chapters (28)

Five hundred years after the Discord's first defeat, a lone unicorn scientist makes an interesting discovery. Across Canterlot, over the last few centuries, accident rates have increased in the area around the Royal Palace. His work is ridiculed by his peers, but comes to the attention of the Princesses, who know exactly what is happening: Discord is waking up. With Luna and Celestia, he concocts a plan to stop the Lord of Chaos forever.

Cover art butchered from UnderwoodART's render of the stained glass in S02E01.
This story is based on S1/S2 (Discord was never released and reformed) and sits within my Soot-Covered World canon, but is stand-alone. No knowledge of the other books is required.

All thanks to ascendant, NoeCarrier, turol, KMCA, Caliaponia and billymorph for their prereading and editing over the life of this story.

Chapters (36)

The government recently revealed the existence of peaceful, alien life from a planet known as "Equestria". The natives, which are colorful, talking ponies, have reached a peace treaty with Earth. Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, and the nations of Earth have made the mutual agreement to send ponies to Earth and humans to Equestria to keep relations peaceful and learn about one another's culture.

Enter the Wallace family. They were just your average, slightly wealthy family of five, who just wanted to enjoy life. One way they do that is by taking in a foreign exchange student each year for the learning experience it provides both the family and the student. But they start to wonder why they were told nothing other than that the student is a very nice girl who wants her identity to be a surprise. The only thing left to do is wait for her to arrive.

Chapters (8)