• Member Since 1st Dec, 2015

Dark Law

Control What Others Think About You. Free Space For The Free Minds.

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This story is a sequel to Rot

After the events in 'Rot', Twilight Sparkle has finally come to terms with her new self. Can she control her new powers? Can she ever have anything close to a 'normal' life again? And what happens when Discord's past mistakes come home to pass judgement on the 'new' Princess of Friendship?

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle has always been frustrated with Discord. His ability to do anything, with no more effort than a snap of his claw. It shouldn't be possible. His power had to come from somewhere.
Then, one day, Twilight lets slip how she feels. Surprisingly Discord agrees to explain it to her. To give her the secret to all of his powers. If she's willing to pay the price that knowing it all will bring.

Chapters (1)

While visiting the Crystal Empire as part of a liaison unit from his hive, a young changeling excitedly tracks down the workshop of a local plush maker, eager to pick up his special order. When he discovers the shop maker is actually a changeling from another hive, his walk-in turns into an unexpected friendship, and a memorable experience.

* Featured 10/29/19 - 11/01/19!
* A collaboration between myself and Racingwolf!
* Calor & story are (C) to me, Scy, cover art and author's notes art are (C) to Racingwolf!

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry's world sucks. Maybe it's high time he left it.


Cover Art by amalgamzaku aka mix-up

Chapters (150)

Spike led Thorax into the throne room of the Crystal Castle confident he could convince the others that the changeling could be trusted. That he meant no harm, and instead wanted to be an ally and live peacefully with them. That he could make them see Thorax for what he really was. That they could befriend the changeling and accept him as one of their own.

They didn't.

And consequences followed.

First featured on 11/12/2016. -- Now with a TV Tropes page. -- Review by Arcanum Phantasy -- Review by PaulAsaran

Chapters (98)

The guards are scared to say it.

Sunset Shimmer has returned to Canterlot.

And the Princess is furious...

Not in continuity with my other stories. Just something that popped into my head one day.

Spell Nexus (mentioned only) is from Past Sins, by Pen Stroke

Chapters (1)

Link wakes up in the middle of a field outside of Ponyville. He has no idea of how he got there--last he remembers he was in Hyrule.
But with barely an explanation, he's plunged into a crazy adventure with his newfound friends--an adventure that will save Equestria.

Proofread by Well Geboren

EDIT: Featured October 12th. Forgot to add that till now. XD
Featured AGAIN on November 30th! Woo!

Chapters (25)

A group of humans attempt to escape a global nuclear war through the use of time travel. However, something goes wrong with Sam Mitchell's pod, flinging him far into the future, into a time where humans no longer exist and a race of sentient ponies now thrive as the dominant life form. He eventually comes to the attention of a certain purple unicorn, who aims to learn all she can of Sam and his civilization as well as help him adjust to his new life.

Can Sam handle living as the only human? Can Equestria, and Twilight in particular, handle the changes this alien brings?

Chapters (12)

Of all the features of her town, its parks and trails are one of Mayor Alice Harper's favorites. But not everyone, or rather everypony, appreciates it.

Chapters (1)

Rarity needs to borrow Rainbow's laptop for a week. Rainbow needs to get her laptop fixed so Rarity can use it. Starlight needs more alcohol before she hangs herself.

Edited by SolidFire.

Chapters (1)