• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

One-Shots 1452 stories
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Total Words: 5,570,326
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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It took Cadance four meetings to ask for Shining Armor's name and only one to tell him not to fall for her. It took Shining Armor one meeting to realise Cadance was very likely insane and four for him to decide that he was okay with it.

Note: The characters are OOC. My interpretations are of them in their younger years, around their early twenties, perhaps when they are both in University or College.

Cover by guywhodoesart.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Friend I Couldn't Be

Having vanquished the demons of her past, Sunset Shimmer now finds herself haunted by the ghosts of her present.

(Reading the The Friend I Couldn't Be first is highly recommended.)

Pre-read by and cover art courtesy of the incredible (but not-so edible) MelloReflections.

Chapters (1)

A cryptic note brings Sunset Shimmer face to face with Adagio Dazzle, but she finds herself woefully unprepared for what her former foe has to say...

Pre-read by and cover art courtesy of the 'Dazzling' MelloReflections.

Chapters (1)

For the past year, or so, Rainbow Dash has not been living comfortably in her own home. Her father walked out on her, and her mother has become a heavy drinker. All of that alcohol intake has caused Rainbow Dash's mother to be physically and verbally violent towards her daughter. The athletic Canterlot Highschool student has yet to tell a soul on what is going on at home. This is her struggle.

Featured in Popular Box:

Audio Reading by Goombasa:

Chapters (1)

Sunset was devastated. It hurts, knowing what she's lost. Forced away from the only friends she's known, she feels like Anon-A-Miss has won. Somehow, she makes it home, and finds herself doing something she rarely does: watching television. Early in the morning hours, she's awoken by the sounds of a children's show with a man who wears a red cardigan.

Somehow, this soft spoken man reaches inside her and gives her peace with just eight words: "I Like You Just the Way You Are"


A tribute to a great man, and my own way of memorializing his life in one of my favorite shows. Like he said once, I may not be good at this, but I still enjoy it.

EDIT 6/3/19
Featured story! Thanks so much for this! You're all wonderful people, and it's you that I like.

Chapters (1)

(Proofread and edited by deadpansnarker.)

Diamond Tiara has been given a school assignment, a simple one at that. She has to pick one pony to do a paper on, detailing what it is about that pony that inspires her.

However, the filly has done so many papers and assignments on her father already, and asking her mother is out of the question. So on a whim, she decides to ask her favorite butler, Randolph (to whom she has grown most attached).

Randolph obviously wasn't always a butler, but just what did he do before he ended up in the employment of the Riches? Tiara is about to find out a not so deep secret about the old stallion, one that will change the way she thinks of him. And it all has to do with a detail she wrote off so long ago.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, after all this time, finally decides to ask Twilight Sparkle on a date. Yes, the Sunset, has a crush on the same Twilight she rescued at the Friendship Games. The question is... how is she going to do it? It also doesn't help that a bunch of things get in the way of her perfect plan!

Does Twilight like Sunset back? Can Sunset man-up and get her date?

-Occurs currently in the Equestria Girls Timeline right after: The Rollercoaster Of Friendship

Check out my My Story Timeline!

Note: This is NOT connected to my other stories :)

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been busy, what with dealing with supposedly reformed draconequui, restoring the ancient castle in the Everfree Forest, and making time helping the Cutie Mark Crusaders learn new skills. So when she finally gets a chance to relax, she decides to engage in her favorite pastime.


Which would be a lot easier if Rainbow Dash didn't keep showing up and sitting on her. Or near her. And now she's so busy trying to figure out what her friend is up to, that she's losing out on precious reading time!

Will Twilight ever get to finish her book? Is Rainbow Dash pulling off the most elaborate prank in Ponyville history? Will there be a surprise guest appearance by David Pownie? Regrettably the answer to the last question is no, but find out the in the thrilling story: An Inconvenient Dash!

I saw the image used for the cover art and this story just kinda creeped into my head, and refused to leave. But hey, more Twidash is always a good thing right?

The image for the cover art belongs to Strange Danger, at least according to the watermark and derpibooru tag.

New Patch 1.2
Harmony numbers have been increased 20% across all classes.
Grammar corrections provided by the wonderful Applejack-fan.
Twicon Panic Levels have been fixed to be brought in line with current Defcon numbers.
Bug fixes for the Dragonshy raid have been deployed.
New World Event: Discord's Disco Disaster- Discord is up to his old tricks, turning Ponyville and all its inhabitants into 70's disco versions of themselves. Boogie down with your favorite mare or stallion, compete in special dance themed quests, and earn the special seasonal item -Bell-bottom Bogey Pants +5-!

Chapters (1)

Twilight's first Winter Wrap Up in Ponyville had a rocky start. Things took a turn for the better when she assumed control over the planning and organization, but after a stressful morning and with an all-nighter in front of her, she was afraid it might all be for naught. Luckily Applejack was there and knew Twilight needed a chance to take a break and recharge.

She needed a visit to the Thinkin' Spot.

Editing by Formerly Committed and JetstreamGW.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's plans for a sleepover are tested when most of her guests have to cancel, but Applejack convinces her they can have fun together with just each other's company. Twilight's not used to giving up control, but sometimes going with the flow can open up a world of new experiences.

Editing by warlord487.

A (belated) birthday present for bookplayer.

Chapters (1)