• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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This story is a sequel to Sweet and Delicate

A rewrite of my story because I felt like I could make it better.

Being rewritten AGAIN :D https://www.fimfiction.net/story/456161/loveliest-of-trees

Reading Sweet & Delicate is recommended but not required.

Now that she's in possession of a working portal, Princess Celestia asks Twilight to go back to Sunset Shimmer's world to check up on her.

As Twilight and Fluttershy walk through the halls one day, the two witness a new student being bullied by two jocks; beaten and humiliated in front of everyone to the point of tears.

Naturally, the two offer help, but when they do, Twilight comes to realize that this new student is Coppermane's, her newest friend's, human counterpart, and he and Fluttershy become quite smitten with each other.

Coppermane & Fluttershy Series: 2.0

Cover art by SoulAkai41

Chapters (18)

Apple Bloom has the perfect prank: trick Diamond Tiara into thinking a spell was put on her to make her Apple Bloom's slave.

"What could possibly go wrong?"

Well, when the prank works...


Note: This story was conceived pre "Crusaders of the Lost Mark."

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna tripped and fell while dreamwalking, causing the night visions of everypony in Equestria to merge with one another. Now it's up to Twilight and her friends to group up in the dreamscape and "kick" the Princess of the Night awake.

It's okay, though. They've done this before.

Chapters (1)

After a mishap during spell practice, one unlucky pony is sent to another world.

A place where dinosaurs rule the world...

(Jurassic Park rights belong to Michael Crichton and Universal Studios)

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Sour Sweet Gesture

After failing at music videos and ( intentional ) comedy, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are stuck in a rut to find something interesting to put up online. Their prayers are answered when they witness Sour Sweet throwing a tirade over a twenty cent increase on the price of milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner. The Crusaders recruit her in their quest for internet stardom, however they may just end up gaining something even better: friendship... AND internet stardom!

Chapters (1)

Sunshower Raindrops was not a remarkable pony. She was painfully shy and timid, even a bit of a crybaby. She had no friends and tended to blend into the background. She had long believed that she would live out the rest of her days alone and in obscurity. She never asked for much... but was having a friend really so much to ask for?

When Raindrops happens across Lightning Dust for the first time since her expulsion from the Wonderbolt Academy, she sees an opportunity to finally make a friend. She does not know Lightning very well, but she seeks to fix that by talking to her.

Little did either of them know that it would be a talk that would shape the rest of their lives.

Chapters (1)

Derpy Hooves died a long time ago. She was in Canterlot for the royal wedding, and was one of many unfortunate casualties of the changeling invasion. Her daughter was not there to see Derpy die, but a changeling was there to see the filly lost and crying, stumbling after her mother but not seeing the body.

There was something in those keening cries and those wails of anguish that compelled the changeling to wipe the blood from her mouth and take on a new form. She had meant to take the filly to safety, to her family, to anywhere...

But Derpy was the only pony that little Dinky had. So the changeling stayed with the filly. Day after day, she would tell herself that this was it, that she knew ponies who could take Dinky in, who would be more than happy to. But day after day, the idea of returning to the Hive seemed more and more like a death sentence. She meant to return, she really did.

Until she didn't.

It has been three years since the Canterlot Wedding. Changeling spies have found the renegade that abandoned them at the height of their invasion. Chrysalis intends to punish this rebellion, either by public execution or by forcing Derpy to lead a charge on Ponyville.

But before the sentence is passed, Derpy is given the chance to speak to the Swarm.

Tagged as Crossover for ponifying large parts of Charlie Chaplin's final speech from The Great Dictator. I claim no ownership of those passages or the words therein, regardless of the alterations I made.

Credit to Tumblr and DeviantArt artist Drawponies for the comic that inspired this.

Also, credit to DeviantArt user Brackets002 for giving me the idea to do this. http://comments.deviantart.com/1/515238804/3759395857

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's choice of words go over the line in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders at the Carousel Boutique. Applejack and Rarity are ready to pay her back.

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Trace provided by Vanille Cream. http://vanillecream.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-Trace2-262795850

Chapters (1)

Trigger warning: cutesy language

Celestia gives her sister a 'fanfic' about Luna and a lunar guard.
Luna tries to reply in kind.
Will it have its intended effect?

Rated E for 'extra silly'

thanks to all my prereaders for your suggestions

Chapters (1)

Spike and Flitter cross paths and talk about why Hearts and Hooves Day sucked.

Thanks to Follow Focus for helping this story suck less!

Chapters (1)