• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013

Dustin Lange

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

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Oogway finds Princess
Celestia grieving at
the sacred peach tree.

A.N.: Kung Fu Panda crossover. Set before the events of the first movie.

Chapters (1)

This is the tale of a drake craving freedom.

Spike wakes up every day to a nagging roommate. His days are spent doing chores he neither likes nor dislikes. And, to make matters worse, Rarity's heart is still as distant as ever.

So he stops caring for a day.

Spike Stopped Caring cover done by the wonderful, 2135D. Please check him out; his art is better than my stories.

Edited by gaming goof, Diamond Brook, along with the ever so mysterious, Silent Watcher, the new and improved, Obsidian Shard, and tea drinker, Vexy.

FamousLastWords calls the story: "Swag."

Chapters (4)

Why the heck does Vinyl Scratch have a car that can transform into a giant sound system thingy?

Written by request for Bookish Delight because chicks dig giant robots EQG Vinyl needed some more fandom love; continued by request because apparently everyone digs giant robots, :twilightoops:

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle unwittingly makes her first prank phone call. It's... an experience.

I don't know where this came from. It was a stupid random idea, but one that just begged to be written, so I did, and it turned out pretty alright for my first comedy. :pinkiehappy:

Now with a reading on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK_V6pjzcUA
Thanks, Agent Fluffy! :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

In the wake of the Bugbear attack, Vinyl hears of Bon Bon's - Or, rather, Sweetie Drops's - true identity.
This, naturally, makes Vinyl curious. Could Octavia be hiding something from her?
Of course not, right?

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie must make a quick stop in the middle of nowhere at Maud's request. Things get a bit out of hoof when Maud returns hurt.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Promises

Scootaloo's settling in to life with Rainbow Dash. It's smooth sailing from here right?

Once again this story wouldn't be possible without the pre-reading and editing efforts of:

juter4397, The Patriot, eggynack

So if you like this, go give them a thumbs up.

You probably don't need to read Promises to understand what's going on, but it would be useful.

Featured on day 1, thanks guys.

Chapters (23)

Rarity gets a visit from Fancy Pants, who has a few requests

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.

Chapters (5)

Princess Cadence introduces a new foal, and gives Twilight Sparkle a lesson on just what is involved in bringing a new princess into Equestria.

When a stallion and a mare love each other very much and spend the night out under the stars…

Editors: Tek, Peter, Docontra

Picture credit:
Forest at night by ErockerTorres
Cadence and Shining Kissing by Sigma

Chapters (1)

Spike decides he wants some spending money, so he gets a job as an assistant to the local DJ, Vinyl Scratch.

What starts off as a part-time 'errand boy' job, quickly evolves into a close friendship, and may become something more in time. Apparently, they have more in common than they ever would have thought.

Super special thanks to Avox for being my editor.
Super speical thanks to themouthofmush and Starlight Shadow for Proofreading. You guys rock!

Cover by: wafflenaw

Chapters (25)