• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013

Dustin Lange

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

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Celestia has had enough of half-arsed promises from her loyal subjects. It's time to wear a different hat.

Also on: DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

Luna is on her way to visit Celestia, but hears her squealing for someone to 'stop!'

She walks in on Twilight on top of a red-faced Celestia, and the two of them react like guilty teenagers. Just what the buck is going on here?!

Chapters (1)

This is a commissioned work for Cucharrador.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna decide to check and see if they are truly blameless in the eyes of their subjects. To do this, they decide to play a game from long ago... The Sisterhooves Anti-social.

Chapters (5)

During Celestia's long life she mastered the art of war and crushed every opponent. But she knows that one day she will find somepony better than her. With Luna and Twilight calling for her blood, will today be that day? And at what cost?

Chapters (1)

Written for Grievousfan.

Princess Celestia thought she had found the perfect gift for Twilight Sparkle to celebrate her coronation. Who better than Princess Luna to teach her one of the most mysterious lost arts of Equestria, Dream Magic?

Unfortunately, Celestia could do with a bit of a lesson about Dream Magic herself, as something is dredged up from the recesses of her mind. Something dark. Something terrifying.

Something pink.

Chapters (1)

Discord's last significant attempt at a relationship ended with him being petrified for 1000 years. He's understandably hesitant about trying again.

Having an unknown source of love-magic start drawing every female in Equestria toward him is pretty much the last thing he wanted...

Pre-read by many members of the Fluttercord group (a major spoiler in itself), with awesome input from: MrsHolmes, Woolly, Lemonade Shimmer 1127, OneFluzzyPuppy, MissyAngel, GarfieldThePony

Featured on FimFiction 21Nov.2015-25Nov.2015 :heart:
Featured on Equestria Daily 20Dec.2015 :pinkiegasp:
Also featured in a Royal Guard spotlight :coolphoto:
Now with a full-cast dramatic reading by Ribon Chan! :moustache:

Chapters (1)

Ever since she was a filly, Nightmare Night has been Sunset Shimmer's favorite holiday. After all, who doesn't love dressing up and getting free candy?

When Twilight reveals that she's never gone trick-or-treating, Sunset decides that she needs to prove once and for all how absolutely amazing the holiday can beā€”even if it means she has to drag Twilight along kicking and screaming.

Requested by Not_A_Hat.
Thanks to Oroboro for helping me brainstorm.
Thanks to Oroboro, Frog Myre, Pegasus Mesa, Foehn, Not_A_Hat, and Titanium Dragon, and Pascoite for prereading various parts of this story.

Chapters (1)

Fresh cookies are a great start to a summer afternoon, and an unexpected surprise makes things even better. What's a little filly to do, though, when the best foalsitter ever is running late, her BBBFF starts acting funny, and her house is filled with molten rock?

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight Sparkle are called to Canterlot to take over two very important responsibilities: The Sun and the Moon

Oh, and just one additional thing.

Placed 8th in the Writeoff.me event for Out of Time

(Now on Equestria Daily Cover Source - MLP Wiki site )

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pie Spends A Day With Fluttershy and Rarity

A nice April Fools' Day for everypony, until some pranksters come along and create the best prank ever.

Yet another short fic I wrote, still bored, wanting to get my mind somewhere off of CMC. This is actually started before Aprils Fools Day and I presume will be submitted before as well.

Chapters (1)