• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013

Dustin Lange

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

Favourites 2350 stories
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Total Words: 22,526,665
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Chrysalis tries to get her hooves on the perfect puppy.

The only problem? There's been a slight mix-up at the Puppy Bureau.

Chapters (1)

As Twilight attempts to get Starlight Glimmer to see the error of her ways, Spike can't help but interject. If Starlight had a portal to take her to any place or any time, why fixate on one single event when she could accomplish so much more?

As it turns out, Starlight Glimmer has an answer. Several in fact.

Inspired by a conversation with the story's editor Tired Old Man.

Chapters (3)

After several bloody years of war, we are about to defeat King Sombra. I almost wish we would have lost.

Chapters (1)

"Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine!"

When Fluttershy tells Discord this harmless joke, she gets a lot more than she bargained for.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie should really start reading signs more often. Anti-Earth Pony meetings are no joke.

Chapters (1)

Spike has always had a bit of a confidence issue when it comes to being in the spotlight. However, that soon changes when a pony who practically lives on the big stage hears him play the piano.

Special thanks to Jack of a Few Trades and Quillamore for helping me organize my ideas and turn them into something legible.

Editing/Prereading by Kestrel

Chapters (1)

Computers are great aren't they? You can do all sorts of things on them. Listen to music, watch movies, play games, read stories, and more. Yes computers are wonderfully entertaining and fun.

As long as they actually work...

Picture by Ocarina0fTimelord

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy Wants in Your Pants: Vol. 1

Equestria has almost everything that Earth can offer, except sign language. Fluttershy wants to have a very important conversation with you, but she just doesn't seem to be making any sense. What is she trying to say?

Narration by ShellyDawg

Chapters (1)