• Member Since 26th May, 2016


Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23572 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When Bon-Bon has to leave Ponyville for a while to deal with a family crisis in Manehattan, Lyra writes her a letter every day. And every day, she gets a letter back. What could possibly be wrong with such loving devotion?

So why is everyone growing steadily more worried about her?

Written for the 2014 Friend-Off on EQD. Based on this picture.

Reviewed by Singularity Dream here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's latest flying routine was interrupted by a sudden mountain, and Twilight can hardly sleep at night. No pony should be this excited to play with necromancy.

Edited by Deceased and JustAnotherTimeLord.

Cover art courtesy of pony-berserker.

Dramatic reading by WritingStylus

Polish translation by atom2004
Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi
Russian translation by NovemberDragon

Chapters (1)

Moonie, in lieu of performing Dark Magic, decides to adopt a dog.

Written for Eighth

A Non-Canon Fan-Content for Moonie Shorts

Reading by Straight To The Point Studios

Chapters (1)

A silent kirin gets trapped in quicksand. She can't scream for help.

(Takes place some time after all the kirin went into the Stream of Silence.)

Chapters (1)

This story takes place before Season 3 episode 7 Wonderbolts Academy.

Thunderlane has to stand watch as an experimental lightning storm is being tried out on the weather factory's test range, but he would far rather be watching the buckball playoffs instead.

Suddenly he sees two pegasi in difficulty as they try to outrun the storm, and goes to help out.

Chapters (3)

Do you want to hear a scary story?

You do? Oh…well…okay. You’re the first pony I asked who didn’t turn me away. Most just looked at me funny, or just told me to get lost. A lot of ponies don’t like scary stories. I know I don’t.

What? Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. My name’s Scootaloo.

Chapters (1)

"Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding."
~ Louis Gerstner

A robot, constructed for a purpose that it does not understand, seeks to gain its Father's approval via whatever means it can. Following his instructions, being fit to serve, and always awake and alert. But its efforts are not enough; not suitable to fit Father's desire for a true daughter. In the end, no machine can truly substitute the depths of real emotion.

...Or is that untrue? Could feelings to a robot truly mean nothing? Or could they mean everything? What would it take to be considered... "real"?

100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (2)

Sunny fails to prevent the crystals from consuming the land in void, and she learns a horrible truth about her world.

Written for the Science Fiction Contest II, where it also won a judge prize!

Intriguing premise that came up from discussion about what G5 is, and I couldn't resist giving it a write^^

Chapters (1)

Equestria's history is full of wonders, both magical and mechanical. But only twice has it succeeded in implementing AI.

The latest iteration is an apple farmer whose resurrection is celebrated by everypony except herself. Because really, once every part has been replaced, what is left that can measure a mare?

An entry for the 2023 Sci-Fi Contest, where it nabbed a respectable fourth place. Yay, existential robot ponies!

Chapters (3)

Spike has had a lot of extra time since Twilight and Starlight have become busy with their various duties. It's understandable, but he feels rather useless at times.

After taking a trip to the local hospital, Spike starts volunteering to entertain the fillies and colts in the children's wing. Spreading laughs and smiles to children and families who need encouragement is more fulfilling then he could have ever wished.

But, when a certain blonde-maned pegasus with much less fortunate circumstances takes notice of Spike and just how caring he truly is, how will Spike react?

Editors: Note Pad, ChappedPenguinLips, and Soaring.

Cover art by Doctor Disco

What critics have to say about Blonde Moments:

"...so cute and heartwarming and wholesome that I literally think I'll end up being dumb and shoehorning SpikeXDerpy into my fics from now on." - re-Yamsmos

"I Love you for this story.... And I Hate you for it" - DocShadowVine

"Well, that was rude. Didn't ask for even more feels." - JMP

"Too real too fast. Ouch." - _SkyHorse

"... it made me cry... at work. I work at a front desk for a public building. I loved it so much!" - RainbowShyBrony

"I think this story cured my depression, it was beautiful and a work of art." - The Sandwich Guardian

Chapters (44)